“Husband, what’s going on outside today?”

Li Yueting asked with some concern.

It’s only been a few months of stable life, how come there is a storm again?

Zhao Yan pinched his brow and said with heartache:

“That B-class wanted criminal, Yin Gu, was killed in our town.

And it seems to be full of doubts, which has attracted the fourth-level police detectives! ”

“What? Level 4 detective? To be able to sit in this position, you must at least be an A-level warrior!

He…… Won’t find us, right? ”

Hearing this, Li Yueting was even more worried.

“Rest assured, this fourth-level police detective is here to investigate the case, and it has nothing to do with us.”

Zhao Yan said comfortingly.

At this time, he didn’t know that the fourth-level police detective had died at the hands of Chen Mo…


While the two of them were talking.

Outside the house, straw is like climbing vines, slowly wrapping up the whole house.

Then start gradually invading the back room!

For all this, Zhao Yan and Li Yueting were dazed and ignorant.

The two of them were once the gold medal killers of a mysterious organization, and they were extremely vigilant!

Even after a few months of stable life, I still haven’t given up my former skills.

But in front of Chen Mo, the strength of the killer couple was still too weak.

Quietly, the two invisible dead species quietly landed on Zhao Yan and Li Yueting’s bodies, and quickly merged into the inside of the body.

At the same time, two nightmare ghost claws hit them!


The nightmare ghost claw that suddenly flew out made Zhao Yan frightened.

He subconsciously blocked in front of Li Yueting’s body and punched out!

However, another nightmare ghost claw easily bypassed him and strangled Li Yueting!

Fortunately, Li Yueting is not a vegetarian either.

Her hands shook, and two bone chains flew away and jerked forward.

A sonic boom sounded in the air!


These two former gold medal killers and those two nightmare ghost claws are inextricably linked, flying up and down!

At some point, a skinny and vicious scarecrow appeared in the house.

He stood upside down on the ceiling with an eerie smile on his face!

This terrible scene made Zhao Yan and Li Yueting tremble!

They didn’t know what was going on with the monster, and they didn’t have the power to think much about it.

Because Zhao Yan and Li Yueting could only support themselves with all their strength.

Don’t be killed by those two nightmare claws!

Obviously, Chen Mo did this on purpose.

I really want to kill this killer couple, and hundreds of nightmare ghost claws come at the same time, and they can be strangled into meat paste in an instant!

Chen Mo did this to speed up the time of the death attack in their bodies.


Zhao Yan and Li Yueting were both shocked and frightened, and at the same time, they also had to fight with all their strength against those two nightmare ghost claws.

The defense mechanism in the body is almost zero.

Soon, Zhao Yan sensed something was wrong!

There seemed to be a strange force in his body, which was eroding his body little by little!

If it wasn’t stopped, Zhao Yan would soon lose control of his body!

This terrified him, but there was nothing he could do.

The situation on Li Yueting’s side was similar to Zhao Yan’s.

Both were in a state of extreme danger!


In just one minute, the two lost control of their bodies!

Zhao Yan and Li Yueting froze in place like statues, looking terrified!

What made them feel strange was that after losing control of their bodies, the two terrible ghost claws also stopped attacking and did not kill them.

Immediately afterward, the scarecrow standing upside down on the ceiling casually glanced at Zhao Yan and Li Yueting.

In an instant, their eyes went black and they fell into a black hole with a strong sense of weightlessness!

In the void, there was a strange, hoarse sound.

“The strongest emotions of human beings … It’s fear! ”

“The fear of all living beings… Forged the Great God of Fear! ”

“He came… He came… He conquers! ”

At the same time as these strange sounds sounded, all kinds of fantasies appeared in front of Zhao Yan and Li Yueting’s eyes.

These fantasies are all related to the Scarecrow.

The impression of mystery, weirdness, strength and invincibility was planted in Zhao Yan and Li Yueting’s minds little by little.

“Surrender… Surrender to the great god of fear! Submit to! ”

The eerie voice kept echoing in the minds of the two of them for a long time.


Zhao Yan and Li Yueting screamed in pain almost at the same time, and fell to their knees on the ground, their bodies trembling violently.

“Surrender! We surrender! ”

When his consciousness was blurred, Zhao Yan fell to his knees and roared bitterly.

At this point, he was already vaguely aware of what they had provoked!

This horror is a terrifying evil god wandering in countless spaces!

Only this kind of evil god has this kind of strange ability, and his power is completely different from the Blue Star’s warrior system!


Looking at Zhao Yan and Li Yueting, who were kneeling in front of him, Chen Mo’s vicious face showed a strange smile.

Under the dual effects of the Dead Seed and the Dream Realm, in just a few minutes, he forcibly transformed two B-level warriors with good potential into his own disciples.

If the Blue Star were to rebuild the Twilight Sect, the two of them would definitely become the core backbone.

But at this moment, Chen Mo suddenly tilted his head.

He felt a vague breath and hid nearby!


“I was discovered!”

After seeing the terrible scarecrow tilting his head and looking to his side.

Half a ton of immortals were shocked, knowing that he had been discovered!

The town has killed two high-ranking warriors in a row, one of whom is a fourth-level detective of the International Police Detective.

As a high-level half-ton immortal, it was impossible to ignore it.

After informing the Budo League of the matter and discussing it.

The half-ton immortal chose to come alone to investigate first.

He is a strong warrior of the A+ level and has enough confidence in his own strength.


After coming to the town, the half-ton immortals searched quickly and soon found Zhao Yan and Li Yueting hiding here.

Two good B-level warriors, sneaky and reclusive here.

It was impossible for the half-ton immortals not to be curious.

However, just as he was about to take a good look at the couple, the Scarecrow appeared!

Half a ton of immortals saw Zhao Yan and Li Yueting collapse under Chen Mo’s manipulation!

Finally he fell to his knees in front of the Scarecrow and became a believer in the monster.

The amount of information exposed by this scene is too great.

First of all, this scarecrow monster has wisdom.

He is an intelligent being.

Secondly, the scarecrow’s life level is extremely high, which vaguely reminds him of the legendary evil god!

These incredible news made the half-ton immortals tremble, so much so that a trace of breath was leaked!

Then he was discovered by the Scarecrow!


Thanks “… ∴∴…”, 688 tips! There’s one more to wait for

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