Even among the A+ level warriors, the half-ton immortal is also the best of them!

Whether it is attacking, defending, reconnaissance, concealment, he is very good at it.

Even it’s not slow!

The only thing that is lacking is probably agility.

In order to find out what Zhao Yan and Li Yueting really are.

After Chen Molai, the half-ton immortal disguised himself as a rockery stone.

The breath disappears almost perfectly, making it difficult to detect.

Just now he exposed a trace of breath under extreme shock before he was caught by Chen Mo.


After finding themselves exposed, the half-ton immortals immediately retreated!

It wasn’t that he didn’t feel like he was Chen Mo’s opponent.

But…… I don’t know!

In the eyes of the half-ton immortal, this scarecrow is extremely mysterious and extremely strange.

The greatest fear of mankind is to face the unknown.

Half a ton of immortals couldn’t figure out Chen Mo’s details, and since there were already A-level warriors who had died at the hands of the Scarecrow, he didn’t want to risk it any more!

Don’t look at the huge size of the half-ton immortal body.

But his speed is not slow at all!

Only to see him cling to his hands and feet, turning into a huge ball of meat, ramming through the streets, and quickly withdrawing!

With just a few breaths, it was almost out of the line of sight of Zhao Yan and Li Yueting.

“This man… Is it half a ton of immortals? ”

Zhao Yan said stunned.

Half a ton of immortals is very famous, coupled with a unique shape.

So it’s easy to identify.

But what Zhao Yan and Li Yueting didn’t expect was that the famous martial arts master Half Ton Immortal was also frightened to flee after seeing this scarecrow!

What a terrible thing they have provoked!


Chen Mo looked at the half-ton immortal distant figure, and his eyes flickered.

He could feel that this warrior’s breath was very strong!

With Chen Mo’s current strength, he might not be able to kill him.

However, on this planet dominated by martial arts civilization, Chen Mo was almost an immortal being!

It was impossible to kill him by brute force alone.

His scattered doppelgangers alone were enough to give those warriors a headache.

Not to mention that he can also parasitize other beings.

However, even if he couldn’t kill half a ton of immortals, Chen Mo still planned to go up and have a look.

After all, this was the first A+-level martial artist he had encountered, and his aura was quite powerful.

Just take the opportunity to meet the world’s top masters!

Thinking about it, Chen Mo’s body drilled out a straw and formed a brand new scarecrow.

A scarecrow, chasing after the half-ton immortal.

The other, with Zhao Yan, Li Yueting, and Hongxu, prepared to evacuate here.

By this time they had been exposed.

No matter what the outcome of the next battle with the half-ton immortals will be, this place cannot stay for long.


On the other side, the half-ton immortals ran wildly, their brows locked together.

“What the hell is that scarecrow just now?”

Ghosts? Devil? Demon?

How could such a strange and terrible thing appear on the blue star! ”

Although he only glanced at the Scarecrow, the half-ton immortal was still a little frightened!

Even if the scarecrow did nothing, his body was constantly emitting a terrifying breath!

Seems…… He is the embodiment of fear, He is the Lord of Fear!

“Wait! Where is this! ”

Just when the half-ton immortal was thinking wildly, he suddenly found that the scenery around him had changed!

He was originally in a small town, but he actually came to a desolate rice field.

Vast expanses of rice paddies were empty.

Only a few dozen scarecrows stood there, and the eyes of the black hole hole stared directly at the half-ton immortals.

Seems to be about to snatch away his soul!

This abrupt change forced the half-ton immortals to stop retreating.

An extremely ominous premonition rushed into his heart, making him a little creepy, and the goosebumps all over his body stood upright!


At this moment, among the dozens of scarecrows, a terrible crow suddenly came to mind.

The half-ton immortal was startled and slapped his backhand.


In the distance, a huge Death Night Raven was slapped into the flesh by this palm.

But the next moment, a large piece of the Death Night Raven flew out and devoured the corpse of this kind!

This scene once again made the half-ton immortals feel strongly uneasy.

Desolate rice paddies…

The creepy Scarecrow…

Huge black crows…

All this corresponds to the scarecrow monster.

To say that these changes had nothing to do with Him, the Half Ton Immortal would never believe it.

“Is it an illusion? Or is it really pulled into another space? ”

The half-ton immortal looked solemn, and his mind frantically pondered countermeasures.

But before he could figure out a way, a dark green “sun” slowly rose.

The eerie light shone on the body of the half-ton immortal, making him feel extremely uncomfortable.

He didn’t know that it was his own soul that had been attacked.

But he knew in his heart that it was impossible to sit still!

“Since you can’t think of a good way, let’s use the most primitive means!”

The half-ton immortal roared angrily, and his body actually swelled up a little.

It looks like a mountain of meat!

He intends to use his own force to forcibly crush the past!


“Destroy them all!”

Half a ton of immortals’ fat palms slapped around, and the turbulent current raged in the ghost realm!

“Boom boom!!! boom boom

In the midst of the outburst, one scarecrow after another was crushed, and one by one the dead crows were slapped to death.

Even the sun disguised by the Seven Sins Nether Lamp was shot down!

The strength of the A+ warrior is incomparably strong, and it simply has the power of overwhelming the sea!

And Chen Mo’s ghost domain was just a projection made by the doppelganger, and it was not as powerful as it was used on the White Feather Star.

However, it is not so easy to break through the ghost domain so easily.

The power of the warrior system is too rough and direct.

And the Imperial Spirit System, two simple words can be summarized – weird!

What is weirdness?

Half a ton of immortals didn’t know it before, and now it vaguely felt a little.

After he frantically vented his strength, he destroyed this ghost domain.

Even tore open a crack in space!

“Is this really a small, independent space?” But it seems a little fragile! ”

With this thought in mind, half a ton of immortals burrowed into that space crack.

But the next moment, he was stunned.

Because the half-ton immortal had come to a space exactly like before.

The strangest thing is that there is a person who looks exactly like him!

“Who are you?!”

“Who are you?!”

The two asked in unison, and then froze at the same time.


It suddenly occurred to me that if I let the protagonist go to some fandom world, did I see it?

For example, Marvel World, Naruto World and so on.

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