“Who are you?!”

“Who are you?!”

The two “half-ton immortals” spoke in unison, and then they were stunned at the same time.

A strong chill rushed straight to the door of his head!

In fear, the half-ton immortal turned his head and looked back.

The strange space that had been broken before had disappeared.

“What the hell is going on?”

One strange thing after another, making the half-ton immortal a little confused.

Warriors are all straight forward, as soon as the battle starts, they will fight to the death!

Where are there so many twists and turns?

However, this scarecrow’s methods were extremely strange, catching him off guard and unprepared.


However, after a moment’s pause, the half-ton immortal immediately shot out and killed the thing that looked exactly like himself!

Whatever it is, shoot it dead before you say it.

But when the half-ton immortal punched past, the figure actually changed into the way he was when he was a child.

“Please, spare my mother!”

A half-ton immortal in his infancy, he was still a cute little Shota.

He looked at him with tears in his eyes and with utter pity.

But at this moment, that punch had already come to him, and even if the half-ton immortal wanted to collect his strength, he couldn’t stop it!


With one punch, this juvenile half-ton immortal was blasted out of the slag.


The half-ton immortal scolded with an ugly face.

He didn’t know how long he hadn’t sweared.

But the scene just now really made him a little broken.


The half-ton immortal knew very well that these were just hallucinations.

Even if he were given another chance, he would not hesitate to punch out and smash these ghost things disguised as him.

But these fantasies awakened the pain in the hearts of half a ton of immortals!

He was born in a small, war-torn country, where his family kept dying in the war.

His mother was the last to die.

Dead… Tragic!

These memories, sealed in the bottom of their hearts by half a ton of immortal dust, do not want to recall.

Sometimes he wondered if these painful memories had become his own demons, so he couldn’t break through and become an S-class warrior.

Now, however, the scars in the heart of the half-ton immortal were bloodily torn open and displayed in front of him!

It made him both angry and miserable!

“You… Damn it! ”

Half a ton of immortals gritted their teeth and scolded.

Then he burst into the barren rice fields in a fit of rage.

Destroy the scarecrows who stand in the same place in a frenzy!

The realm of the half-ton immortals was already infinitely close to the S-class.

With an angry shot, every move has the power to overwhelm the sea and break the earth!

The projection of this ghost realm was torn apart by him.

The earth is cracking!

The projection of the Seven Sins Nether Lamp in the sky was also shattered by a blow from the half-ton immortals!

His fat and huge body stood tall like a god of war!

If Chen Mo’s body was here, he could easily take him down.

But at present, this body of the Blue Star does not yet have this strength.

However, even if the half-ton immortal was fierce, there was nothing he could do with Chen Mo.

He couldn’t even find where Chen Mo was…

What the half-ton immortal didn’t know was that Chen Mo was lurking in the shadows, quietly spying on him.

“In terms of physical destructive power alone, the warrior is indeed very strong.

But…… Kind of humble.

It’s like a reckless man who is blindfolded and indiscriminately venting his power.

Let him play slowly on his own. ”

With this thought in his heart, Chen Mo quietly left.

Only half a ton of immortals remained, frantically venting his power in the ghost domain projection.


This “fierce battle” in the eyes of the half-ton immortals lasted for half an hour.

After half an hour, the scattered ghost domain projection that had been blasted gradually receded.

It turned out that half a ton of immortals were still in that town.

Around, many residents looked at him with a look of horror.

At this time, the half-ton immortal had a much fatter body than usual.

At first glance, it looks like a meat ball more than three meters high, and the face is murderous, and ordinary people will naturally be afraid when they see it.

But the half-ton immortal was now in his mind, only dazed.

He gasped and looked around, and everything that had just happened seemed like a dream.

What did he do?

Broke a bunch of scarecrows that won’t move?

How many weird pieces of space were shattered?

But his initial target was obviously the scarecrow monster!

Where did he go?

Thinking of this, the half-ton immortal was extremely uncomfortable.

There was a feeling of exerting all the strength and punching it all in the air.

And it has been playing for a long time, isn’t this just playing monkeys?

Half a ton of immortals hall, an A+-level top martial artist, was so ruthlessly played.

Just thinking about it made him feel the urge to vomit blood!

Just at this time, Han Junfei, who was waiting outside, rushed over.

He saw his master panting, looking like he had experienced a great battle.

But the surrounding environment has not changed at all.

What the hell just happened?

Curious, Han Junfei asked the half-ton immortal:

“Master, what’s wrong with you?” Did you meet the Scarecrow and fight Him? ”

Asked by Han Junfei like this, the half-ton immortal was even more depressed.


He hadn’t even touched the corners of that scarecrow monster!

“Back to headquarters!”

Thinking of this, the half-ton immortal dropped a sentence with a straight face, and then quickly left the town.

Seeing the situation, Han Junfei looked confused, vaguely guessing that his master must have eaten at the Scarecrow.

He didn’t dare to ask any more questions, so he could honestly follow the half-ton immortals and rush to the headquarters of Interpol.


On the other hand, after finding that it was temporarily impossible to kill half a ton of immortals, Chen Mo teased him.

Then he ordered Zhao Yan and Li Yueting to move to another second-rate country.

He himself, once again, turned into a scarecrow pendant and returned to the body of the red flame.

Zhao Yan and Li Yueting did not know that this scarecrow was brought by the little girl they adopted.

At this time, he was still worried about Hongfu.

“Husband, you say, what the hell is this scarecrow?”

Will it pose a threat to our daughter? ”

Li Yueting’s face was full of fear, confusion and worry.

Even the powerful gold medal killer is just as weak in front of the Scarecrow, and there is no difference between him and ordinary people.

Hearing this, Zhao Yan said comfortingly:

“This being should be an incomparably ancient and mysterious deity!”

Since you choose to surrender to Him and become a believer in Him.

Then we will call Him the Great God of Fear in the future!

Believe…… He will not harm His own followers. ”

Although he said this in his mouth, in fact, Zhao Yan had no bottom in his heart.

After all, mortals can’t understand the minds of gods, let alone evil gods!

Who knew that as soon as Zhao Yan’s voice fell, some illusions appeared in front of Zhao Yan, making him immediately stunned.

After a moment, Zhao Yan woke up.

Li Yueting asked anxiously:

“What’s wrong? What happened? ”

In the face, Zhao Yan said excitedly:

“It’s Him! Is the great god of fear!

He gave me God’s will, and we have a mission! ”

Having been a killer for so many years, Zhao Yan knew it clearly.

Valuable tool people are entitled to live.

If there is no use value, then it is difficult to protect the small life.

That’s why after receiving Chen Mo’s divine will, Zhao Yan would be so excited.

Because Zhao Yan knew that as long as they still had use value, then the lives of their family of three would be saved for the time being.


“What task?”

Li Yueting asked curiously and worriedly.

Zhao Yan’s eyes flashed for a moment, and he said in a somewhat cold tone:

“For the great god of fear, select more believers and establish the Twilight Sect.”

“This is our mission!”


Don’t panic, for the time being, I will not go to other worlds, and I will think about the follow-up outline.

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