I don’t know when the terrible legend of the Scarecrow spread in the northern forests of the southern country.

It is said that this scarecrow is condensed from the fears of countless beings!

He is the embodiment of fear and the Lord of fear!

If you are unfortunate enough to meet Him, then sorry, you will feel the ultimate fear in the world!

In endless fear, fall into hell!


There are some similar horror legends in every country and every region.

What really made the horror legend of the Scarecrow stand out and spread completely was the official of the Southern Kingdom.

After some mysteriously disappeared in the northern forest, the southern country immediately sealed it off.

And sent a group of powerful warriors to search the forest for more than ten days, supposedly looking for the terrible scarecrow.

After the search was fruitless, the southern authorities issued a notice to keep everyone away from the northern forest.

This is a brazen and solemn gesture and attitude.

Let the horror legend of the Scarecrow become completely famous!

A false horror legend, people just listen to it.

But if this horror legend could be true, it will arouse the curiosity of many people!

These curious people are very eager to find out and see if the terrible scarecrow really exists.

Don’t think it’s incredible.

In this world, there is never a shortage of people who die!

The northern forests are so large that it is almost impossible to completely seal them off.

And as time went on, the official lockdown became increasingly lax.

Wave after wave of people ventured into the northern forests.

Some of them, in vain, saw nothing.

Some of them, wolfing away, said they had seen the figure of a skinny and terrible scarecrow!

Still others, lost in the northern forests, became missing people.

Such plausible, true and false horror legends, even more attractive!

Countless people are fascinated by it and want to go inside and explore.

Helen is one of them.


Helen is a beautiful blonde girl who just started college this year.

Seeing that the long holiday is coming, this adventurous girl has her eyes on the northern forest.

As we all know, beautiful girls are never short of licking dogs.

Hearing that she was going on an expedition to the northern forest, a four-man squad was soon formed.

Helen, the initiator of this adventure.

Mike, Helen’s suitor, a rich second-generation playboy.

Caitlin, Helen’s girlfriend, a big-breasted brainless.

Chester, Caitlin’s boyfriend, is also somewhat covetous of Helen.

These four people are not strong in martial arts.

The strongest one is actually Helen, a girl, who is also just an E-level martial artist.

Mike, this rich second generation, is full of color.

But other guts, not enough.

In the beginning, he didn’t know much about the northern forests.

It was only in pursuit of Helen that I wanted to follow the past together.

After the team was formed, Mike searched for relevant information and immediately broke out in a cold sweat!

Twisted Scarecrow, it’s terrible to hear!

After thinking about it, Mike paid a lot of money to hire a veteran to serve as his bodyguard.

This veteran, named Matt.

A bearded but very manly man, who looked about in his early thirties.

It is said to be strong and is a C-level warrior!


In this way, a group of five people drove off-road vehicles, some talking and laughing, driving towards the northern forest.

Helen had done a thorough investigation and knew that there was a path that led straight into the interior of the northern forest.

She followed the map she had been given, and sure enough, she found a hidden path.

Just as he was about to drive into the northern forest, a convenience store suddenly appeared next to the trail.

The bumps in the road, Mike couldn’t stand it anymore.

After seeing the convenience store, he proposed to the crowd:

“Maybe we’ll take a break here and buy something to replenish our supplies.”

“Okay, then take a break.”

Seeing that he looked like he was going to throw up, Helen nodded in agreement.

A group of five people got out of the car and walked into the convenience store.

To be honest, this convenience store always gives people a weird feeling.

If nothing else, how could a normal shop be here?

But after all, they had five of them, and there was also a C-class master who thought there was nothing to be afraid of.

After walking in, Helen and they found that the owner of this convenience store was a young couple.

Men and women are beautiful, and they are not bad people no matter how they look.

I have to say that people are really creatures that look at faces.

If the owner of the convenience store is two ugly men, it is estimated that Helen has raised her vigilance and is ready to respond to unexpected situations.

But in the face of this young couple with good looks, it is natural to let down their guard.


Fortunately, the accident did not happen.

Helen and her party of five ate something at the convenience store and rested for a while.

Finally, some supplies were replenished and he planned to leave.

Before leaving, the lady of the convenience store kindly gave them a map of how to enter the interior of the northern forest.

This made Helen very happy, thinking that she had met a good person.

Before getting into the car, she thanked them again and again, saying that when she left, she would come to take care of their business.

Hearing this, the lady of the convenience store just smiled lightly.

Helen always felt that this smile was full of meaning, and… Slightly weird.

But she didn’t think much of it, and when she got in the car, she handed the map to Matt, the bodyguard in charge of driving, and asked him to move on.


Looking at the back of the SUV leaving, the wife of the young couple brushed her hair and smiled shallowly:

“Back to take care of our business? Whether you can come back or not is still a question…

Husband, do you think they will meet the great god of fear? ”


Zhao Yan stomped open a cow bone with a knife, looked at her dotingly, and said casually:

“Where do I know that we just have to be responsible for spreading the horror legends here and showing the way to those who want to come in.”

Li Yueting pulled her finger and said:

“There were five of them.

A squinting rich second generation, a girlfriend with a big chest and no brains, and a lewd man with a colored heart and no color.

Add a veteran with a bit of strength, and a beautiful woman with a perfect posture and a relatively flexible mind.

This seems to be the standard for some brainless third-rate horror films! Three supporting characters who are sent to death will be the male protagonist and the female protagonist.

Sigh, I feel like they can’t come out, it’s just a group of five deaths. ”

Li Yueting looked at the distant off-road vehicle and shook her head, only to feel that the five people had already written a big “death” on their heads.

In horror films, the male and female protagonists still have some chance to survive.

But in the face of the great fear demon god, once he is targeted, there is no chance of survival!

Unless…… He was chosen to become a member of the Twilight Sect and henceforth believe in the great god of fear!


On the other hand, Helen does not know that the five of them have been labeled by Li Yueting as a “third-rate horror film standard character”.

According to the map given by Li Yueting, they easily bypassed the guards and entered the northern forest!

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