Time went back to a few minutes ago, when Matt and Helen were still reading the diary.

Caitlin and Chester came outside the cabin, breathing in the fresh air and feeling the darkness coming.

Caitlin held up her mobile phone to broadcast live, and said with some fear:

“Wow! The night in the forest is so gloomy!

It was pitch black, there was no sound, it was scary! ”

With that, Caitlin leaned into Chester’s arms.

This boyfriend of hers doesn’t know what’s wrong today, and is exceptionally cold.

This made Caitlin feel a little insecure, so she sprinkled dog food in front of the audience.

If many viewers had not been curious about the northern forest, they would have quit long ago.


In the face of Caitlin, who took the initiative to give her a hug, Chester did not say anything.

He lifted his head, looked up at the starry sky, and said in a cold, lonely tone:

“Look at this beautiful starry sky, who knows how many incredible beings there are beyond the starry sky?”

The fish in the pond always think that this small pond is the whole world.

As everyone knows, the outside world is very wide and wide. ”

“What are you talking about?” How can I not understand a word? ”

Caitlin asked with a strange look.

More and more, she felt that something was not quite right in Chester today.

Remembering the story he had just told, Caitlin couldn’t help but be a little creepy and subconsciously took a few steps back and left his arms.

“How can a floater like you understand my words?”

Chester said quietly.

“What! Ignore you! ”

Although she could not hear the meaning of Chester’s words, Caitlin could feel the deep disdain and disdain in his words.

This made Caitlin a little angry.

She turned and walked somewhere else.

As I walked, I chatted with the audience in the live broadcast room.

“Good brothers, I’m going to kick my boyfriend tomorrow, find one of you!”

But you have to show me the name!” How can I see you without brushing gifts? ”

Caitlin is stupid, but she still has a hand in fishing for Kaizi.

A few simple words made the licking dogs in the live broadcast room scramble to brush up on the gifts, fantasizing that one day they could taste it.

But at this time, an untimely barrage floated across the screen.

“Still thinking about cheating on gifts?” Look back at your boyfriend! Don’t look at it, hurry up and run! ”

Caitlin’s afterglow swept up the barrage.

But she didn’t take it to heart and continued to cheat on gifts.

But soon, there will be more and more such bullet screens!

“Aaaah! Anchor your boyfriend has become so terrible! What kind of monster is this? Scarecrow? ”

“What a weird, scarecrow! It will still move, it is alive! ”

“The anchor is running!” The Scarecrow is coming, run! ”

“It’s over, I can’t run away.” It turns out that there really is a scarecrow monster in the northern forest! ”


After seeing such a bullet in a row, Caitlin smiled and said without any fear:

“Hey hey! I’ve been deceived by you many times, and I won’t be fooled this time!”

Do you really think I’m so stupid? People will also progress! ”

Brush the same bullet screen to deceive the anchor, many viewers like to do.

Caitlin had been fooled several times before, so this time she firmly did not believe it!

But at this moment, the mobile phone she was holding suddenly went black, and the live broadcast was also cut off.

On the dimmed screen, in the direction of the reflection of the moonlight, a thin figure was projected.

Actually…… Really a scarecrow!

Caitlin was stunned for a moment, and then an extreme wave of fear rushed to the door!


She let out a terrible scream, dropped her phone and ran quickly into the distance.

By this time, Helen, Matt, and Mike had already read the diary and rushed out of the cabin.

Coincidentally, as soon as they rushed out of the wooden house, they saw a terrible scene!

I saw Chester spasm like a ghost’s upper body, and the flesh and blood on his body peeled off piece by piece.

Soon, he turned into a skinny and eerie scarecrow! The horror is extreme!

Then, the scarecrow transformed by Chester, walking unhurriedly.

But its figure flashed continuously, as if it would shrink into inches and quickly approach the fleeing Caitlin!

In less than three seconds, the Scarecrow caught up with Caitlin.

Several thatched claws popped out and pierced Caitlin’s chest!

“Well… Oh…”

Catelyn opened her mouth and seemed to want to say something.

But the blood that kept pouring out made her unable to say a word.

In extreme pain and horror, Caitlin turned her head hard and looked at Matt, Helen, and Mike.

The look in your eyes is full of cries for help!

But Helen they all knew that Caitlin, who was so badly injured, was no longer saved.


“Damn monster, go and die!”

Seeing his fellow tribesmen killed by monsters, veteran Matt is furious.

He roared in anger and drew his gun and shot wildly at the Scarecrow!

The guns of the martial arts world are not driven by gunpowder.

Instead, use the “qi” in the warrior’s body!

A dozen translucent bullets slammed into the Scarecrow’s body.

“Bang bang bang!!!”

“Bang bang bang!!!”

In a series of violent noises, the Scarecrow was blown to pieces, and more than a dozen huge pits appeared on his body.

Where Matt uses a gun, it is more powerful than a cannon!

After using his two guns to inflict heavy damage on the Scarecrow, Matt jumped and drew his short-handled combat knife from his waist.


A cold knife flashed.

The Scarecrow’s body was cut off by a knife and he fell powerlessly to the ground.

“The Scarecrow is dead? What happened to Caitlin? ”

Seeing this scene, Mike had the courage to come forward to check it out, and there was still panic on his face.

Hearing this, Matt shook his head with an ugly look on his face and sighed:

“It’s dead. This damn scarecrow is disguised as Chester! It’s overwhelming! ”

“Caitlin is dead? But thankfully, the Scarecrow is dead and we’re safe. ”

Mike said relaxedly.

But the words he blurted out made Helen extremely dissatisfied.

“What are you talking about?” Caitlin is dead! Chester should have died long before her!

With the departure of two friends, are you not sad at all, not sad? ”

Helen originally thought that Mike was just a somewhat inferior rich second generation.

She didn’t think it was so cold-blooded and selfish, which made her feel cold!


Thanks for the 1000 tip of “Embracing Summer”!

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