“It was meant to be…”

Mike muttered something unpleasant.

Helen was already cold to him, and felt that this friend would not have to do it in the future.

So after coldly glancing at him, I didn’t say anything more, or didn’t bother to talk to him.

Helen and Matt teamed up and walked together toward Caitlin’s body.

Anyway, the matter had to be dealt with later, and she couldn’t be allowed to die in the wilderness.


While packing up the belongings, Helen suddenly discovers that Caitlin’s previously discarded phone is back to normal.

At this time, the popularity of her live broadcast room has exploded!

From the original hundreds of thousands, it has soared to millions!

And it is also growing rapidly, and it should be the audience that hears the news.

The bullet screen in the live broadcast room is even more difficult to see.

“Sleeper! What the hell is that? ”

“I seem to have seen the anchor’s boyfriend turn into a scarecrow and hunt her down!”

“Is this really fake? Wouldn’t it be for the show’s effects? What about anchors? Come out and give an explanation? ”

“It’s horrible! Especially when being chased and killed by the Scarecrow, the sense of oppression and horror is too strong! ”

“Huh! Wouldn’t anyone really be scared? Obviously it’s acting! Fools are pretty much the same! ”


After seeing that many viewers in the live broadcast room were suspicious of Caitlin’s acting, Helen’s face became very ugly.

She can’t let her friends suffer such grievances after they die!

Thinking of this, Helen was furious and held up her mobile phone to Caitlin’s corpse.

She roared:

“See? This is what you call a liar anchor!

She’s dead, she’s dead! What else do you guys do? ”

Helen was only a fairly good schoolgirl after all.

The death of two companions in a row made her mentality jump a little.

After roaring for two sentences, tears flowed uncontrollably.

And the audience in the live broadcast room was also stunned!

Catelyn’s tragic death made them shudder, not knowing what to say.


Seeing that Helen was having a nervous breakdown, Matt hurriedly stepped forward and patted her on the shoulder and comforted:

“It’s all right, we’ve got rid of that Scarecrow monster, and everything will be fine.”

With that, Matt also turned off the live broadcast, and some trolls on the province’s network affected her mood.

Hearing these comforting words, Helen became even more nervous and leaned on Matt’s body and whimpered in pain.

This scene made Mike on the side very unhappy.

He felt like a fool.

The bodyguard who was invited actually had an affair with the goddess he was going to soak in this time.

What’s the matter?

Spend money to green yourself?

But on second thought, if it weren’t for Matt, their group might have been killed by the Scarecrow Monster.

At this thought, Mike’s heart felt a little better.


After burial Caitlin’s body on the spot.

The three returned to the cabin, intending to spend the night here.

Tomorrow at dawn, I will immediately go home and leave this terrible forest!

The diary records their experience of ghostly beating the wall.

But now that the Scarecrow monster has been killed, that shouldn’t be the case.

After letting go of their worries, the tired and restless three people gradually entered the dream.

Night, deeper and deeper, deeper…

The darkness around him was so thick that it seemed to be dripping water!

As for the moon, it has long been obscured by dark clouds.

There is not a single glimmer of light in the whole forest!

“Tuk Tuk!”

“Tuk Tuk!”

Just as Helen, Matt, and Mike were asleep, there was a sudden and rapid knock at the door.

Although mentally extremely tired, the three of them were somewhat frightened and uneasy.

Hearing this sudden knock on the door, the three of them woke up almost at the same time!


Mike looked at Helen and Matt in horror and said in a low trembling voice:

“This, this most of the night, no, it won’t be a strange monster again, right?”

“Don’t talk!”

Matt whispered a scolding, then listened sideways, trying to catch more information.

“Tuk Tuk!”

“Tuk Tuk!”

A sharp knock on the door sounded again, and heavy breathing could be heard when you listened closely.

Immediately afterward, Chester’s voice rang out of the door!

“Open the door… It’s me, Chester! Open the door and let me in! ”

“What? Chester!!! ”

After hearing the shouting outside the door, all three were shocked.

Listening to the voice, it was indeed Caitlin’s boyfriend, Chester.

But hasn’t this guy been killed and replaced by the Scarecrow?

How did he come back?


“Fake! It’s all fake! He’s definitely a monster! ”

The series of strange things, coupled with the disdain of Helen and Matt, made Mike a little crazy.

Seeing the constant knocking on the door outside, he suddenly raised his knife with a vicious look on his face and rushed to the door.

Then, along the crack in the door, he stabbed out with a sharp knife!

“Ah! You, what are you doing? I am, I am Chester! ”

Screams of pain came from outside.

But Mike turned a deaf ear and frantically stabbed the knife outward.

“Monsters, all monsters!” Give me all to die!” Hahaha!!! ”

A large amount of blood gushed out from the crack in the door, and some even splashed on Mike’s face.

This makes him look even crazier and more twisted!


Mike kept stabbing the knife out like a machine.

Chester’s screams could still be heard at first, but in a moment there was a loss of movement outside.

Initially, Matt and Helen also thought the one outside was a monster.

So there is no organization Mike.

But after seeing a large amount of blood pouring in from outside the door, the two hesitated.

“Enough! Stop, stop! ”

Helen rushed over and forcibly stopped Mike, who was already crazy.

After being forcibly taken from the knife, Mike shouted excitedly and twistedly:

“See? See! I killed the monster! Hahaha! I killed the monster! ”

Helen didn’t bother with the crazy Mike.

She opened the door directly and looked outside.

At the door, lying was a human corpse!

Chester collapsed in a pool of blood, his eyes wide open, his face full of doubt and unwillingness!

He couldn’t understand why he suddenly fell into a coma and woke up in the dark.

I also don’t understand why the companions in the wooden house he found so hard not only did not open the door, but instead stabbed him to death with a knife!

Before Chester died, there were too many doubts, too many unwillingness!

This made him dead, and his eyes were full of resentment!


“He… He’s human! He’s Chester! He’s not a monster! ”

After examining the body, Helen was constantly trembling and came up with a frightening answer!

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