“He… He’s human! He’s Chester! He’s not a monster! ”

After examining the body, Helen was constantly trembling and came up with a frightening answer!

“How is this possible?”

Hearing this answer, Matt was also confused.

Although he didn’t do anything, Matt also felt that it was unlikely that the knock on the door would be the real Chester.

Didn’t expect…

Shocked, Matt walked up quickly and examined the bodies that had fallen in the doorway.

Then he took a cool breath and said in a low voice:

“It’s people, really people! He was killed by his own people… To kill! ”

Speaking of which, Matt and Helen turned their heads together and looked at Mike.



Mike’s mental state was already very unstable.

After hearing these words, the look was even more vicious and distorted!

He pulled out a short knife from behind and pointed at Matt and Mike and ranted:

“Lie! You’re lying!

Chester has clearly turned into a scarecrow and has been killed by you!

How could I kill Chester? It was you, you who killed him!

Oh! I get it!

You are not human, you are monsters, so you want to seduce me! Trying to kill me!

I tell you, don’t think about it! Give me to die!” ”

In the midst of the gibberish, Mike wields a short knife and stumbles toward Helen and Matt.

But his strength was too weak to hurt these two people at all.


Matt kicked off the knife in Mike’s hand with a flying kick, followed by a tackle that slammed him to the ground.

“Let go of me! You monsters! You are all monsters! I didn’t kill anyone! Hahaha! No killing…”

After being subdued, Mike still spoke madly, twisting his body and struggling wildly.

Looking at his appearance, Matt and Helen had an unspeakable chill in their hearts.

“He… He’s crazy? ”

Helen said in a trembling voice.

She couldn’t believe that such a big living person was actually scared crazy!

This kind of thing that only exists in the story actually happened in front of her eyes.

At the same time, Helen’s ears kept ringing with eerie buzzing sounds, and the scene in front of her began to twist slightly.


“Yes, he’s crazy. Next, it’s your turn! ”

Suddenly, Helen heard Matt make an eerie sound and turned her head to look at her.

Turning his head, Matt revealed a strange, vicious scarecrow face.

This terrifying scarecrow face, the corners of his mouth torn to the root of his ears, stared coldly!

A pair of deep, deep-as-a-mouth eyes, as if a black hole had swallowed her soul!


An extreme fear made Helen tingle.

After a scream, he retreated one after another, and fell to the ground.

The whole world is spinning!

In a trance, Helen sees Matt, who has turned into a scarecrow, walking towards her step by step.

There is a “creaking” sound in the body, as if it will fall apart at any time.

“Don’t! Don’t come here! The Scarecrow is going to get out of here, don’t come here! ”

Devoured by fear, Helen had long forgotten all the martial arts she had learned.

She waved her hands wildly, and there was nothing in her brain except fear.


Soon, Helen’s hands were clamped.

Her body trembled violently, ready for death.

But the next moment, I remembered Matt’s worried and puzzled voice.

“Wake up, wake up! There are no scarecrows here! It’s me! I’m Matt! ”

After hearing these calls, Helen gradually calmed down.

She plucked up her courage and looked up at the man who had clamped her down.

It really turned out to be Matt!

He was still the same as before, and he had not turned into a scarecrow at all.

“This… What’s going on here? I just did… What’s wrong? ”

Helen opened her small mouth, and a look of confusion appeared on her face with a look of horror.

Don’t…… What did you just see hallucinations?


Seeing Helen wake up, Matt breathed a sigh of relief.

He explains:

“I just replied to you, and you were so frightened that you retreated.”

Falling to the ground and yelling like crazy.

Are you okay? What exactly did you just see? ”

Matt’s face was dignified.

Before killing the Scarecrow, he thought it was all over.

But the succession of strange things made Matt have a vague sense of foreboding!

Maybe…… That Scarecrow monster wasn’t dead at all!

At this moment, it is in the shadows, quietly spying on them, ready to drag them into the endless abyss of fear!

Thinking of this, Matt couldn’t help but get a fine goosebumps, and his scalp was tingling.

As a veteran who has hovered the death line many times, Matt once thought he was fearless!

Only today did he know that there would be such a terrible thing in this world!

As the legend of the Scarecrow says.

It is like the embodiment of fear, an evil god born to bring fear to the human world!


Matt had these messes in mind.

On the other side, Helen was also a little calmer.

“As soon as you turned around, I saw your face and turned into the appearance of a scarecrow!”

And then…”

She sorted out her thoughts and said all the hallucinations she saw.

After listening to Helen’s story, Matt’s face became more solemn!

He said in a deep voice:

“I suspect … That Scarecrow monster isn’t dead!

It’s affecting our brains, it’s affecting our thinking.

Mike is under the interference of this monster, falling into madness.

And then… It’s your turn!

We can’t sit still, we have to get out of here now! ”

“Leave now?” Feel…… It will be dangerous! ”

Helen asked hesitantly.

It was almost two or three o’clock in the morning, and it was pitch black outside.

The thick darkness, like the mouth of a terrible behemoth, ready to devour them!

“No choice. If you don’t leave, you’re going to follow in his footsteps. ”

As he spoke, Matt pointed to Mike, who had been tied to the pillar by him.

By this time, Mike was completely insane!

His eyes were full of blood, his face was twisted together, and he was constantly chanting something in his mouth.

If you listen closely, you can hear creepy words like “fear,” “demons,” “death,” and more.

Seeing Mike’s ghostly appearance, Helen couldn’t help but shiver.

She didn’t want to be like that!

It’s more painful than death!

Thinking of this, Helen nodded, gritted her teeth and said:

“Well, then we’ll leave the northern forest now.”

Hopefully, all the best! ”


After praying, Matt and Helen sorted out their things together and left the cabin.

As for Mike, he stayed in the cabin.

No way, Mike has gone completely insane.

Matt and Helen are too desperate to leave with them.

Helen planned to bring someone in to rescue Mike if she could get out alive.


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