Before entering the northern forest, Helen never imagined that this trip would be so tragic!

That’s less than 12 hours.

There were five people in the group, only she and Matt were left!

To be precise, Matt was the bodyguard who joined in later.

In the first foursome, she was the only one left.

Thinking of this, Helen looked back at the wooden house, and tears couldn’t help but flow from her eyes.

Once, she thought she was strong and brave.

But in the face of real horror, Helen knew that she was nothing.

Just an ignorant, cowardly, unbearable little girl!


Seeing this, Matt sighed.

He, a veteran who has experienced countless lives and deaths, is a bit overwhelmed,

Not to mention Helen, a beautiful schoolgirl who has not yet come out of society.

Thinking of this, he gently patted Helen’s shoulder and encouraged:

“Cheer up! We’re going to get out alive and find someone to level it out!”

This vendetta, we must repay! ”

Hearing this, Helen Qiang held back tears and nodded viciously.

“Nice! This vendetta, we must repay! ”


After cleaning up a bit, Matt and Helen left the cabin together and stepped into the darkness.

Matt carried away and looked at the sky.

It was pitch black.

Not to mention the moon, not even the stars!

This darkness, somewhat eerie.

It was as if the whole forest was covered with a black veil, and the whole thing was shrouded!

The observation of the sky failed, and Matt could only try to take out the compass.

Unsurprisingly, the compass spins wildly and has no effect at all.

Helen knew Matt was identifying directions, and both attempts failed.

She said with some concern:

“What do we do now? If we couldn’t figure out the direction, we couldn’t go back. ”

“Don’t worry, I still have a way!”

Matt gave a sigh of comfort, then picked a thinner tree, raised his knife and cut it down.

The direction can be discerned by observing the sparse and dense rings of the tree.

The sparse rings face south, and the dense rings face north.

So Matt only needs to cut down a small tree and make out the direction!

After calming down and thinking about this, Helen couldn’t help but have a smile on her face.

She seemed to see the hope of getting out of here!





Matt swung his knife and took one after another.

The strength of a C-level martial artist is strong.

Within seconds, the tree was cut down.

But at the moment of falling to the ground, a sharp hissing sound suddenly came to mind!


The hiss was so sharp that Matt and Helen covered their ears almost at the same time, looking a little pained.

When the hissing was over, they looked down at the fallen trees and the remaining stakes.

This look, can’t help but make Matt and Helen both take a breath of cool air, “rubbing” backwards for several steps before stopping, full of cold!

Where are the felled trees and the remaining stakes?

This is clearly a scarecrow!

A scarecrow cut from his calf!

In fear, Matt’s brain was in chaos.

What’s going on here?

Did he just cut down not the trees, but the scarecrows?

But just now, Matt clearly saw that it was a tree!

If the trees in his eyes are all scarecrows…

Thinking of this, Matt looked around.

Looking at the dense trees in the forest, he couldn’t help but explode his scalp, and an extreme sense of fear surged into his heart!

Could it be that the trees in this northern forest are all scarecrows?

Shouldn’t it be so scary?


As soon as the thought crossed Matt’s mind, a change appeared.



In the forest, there was a strange rustling sound, as if something was rubbing and shaking.

Immediately afterward, the trees around Matt and Helen actually trembled!

A large amount of wood chips, falling off.

These trees have turned into scarecrows little by little!


Matt took a breath, his head was a little dizzy, and his body was also weak.

As for Helen, it was even more unbearable.

She was on the verge of fainting!

Who would have thought that in the entire northern forest, there was not a single normal tree, all of them were scarecrows!

Is this too much of a fart?

After the appearance, the scarecrows slowly moved.

They rattled and approached Matt and Helen like stiff puppets.

The number of these scarecrows is too many.

It’s dense, there’s almost no end!

Like a tidal wave, it came to them.

It’s horrible!

Even if Matt is a C-level warrior, he doesn’t have the confidence to fight with so many scarecrows!

Now, there is only one way to escape.

That is, go to heaven!

Only a warrior of the A level or above can possess the ability of the Imperial Void.

Matt is only Class C and can’t fly in the air.

But he wanted to give it a try!

Even if he can’t live, it’s good to send Helen out.

At least we can pass on the information here, so that we can avenge them in the future!


Thinking of this, Matt took off his coat and handed it to Helen while saying quickly:

“Wait, I’ll do my best to jump and then throw you out at the highest point!”

After flying out, you use my coat as a paraglider and glide out as much as you can. Got it? ”

Hearing this, Helen said stunnedly:

“That… So what do you do? ”

“When is this all going to be able to live one is one!”

And without you around, I still have one less scruple, maybe I can kill it.

Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and grab me! ”

At Matt’s urging, Helen could only listen to him and lie on his back.

Feeling the weight behind him, Matt took a deep breath, his legs slightly bent.

Then the muscles erupted, and a huge force suddenly erupted!


With a muffled sound, Matt stepped out of a shallow pit at his feet.

At the same time, his whole body quickly flew into the sky!

Compared with ordinary people, the physical quality of a C-level martial artist is completely a small superman.

Even with a person on his back and a full burst of energy, Matt jumped to a height of twenty meters!

Seeing that the upward speed was getting slower and slower, Matt grabbed Helen behind her and lifted her above her head!

“Go for it!”

Matt burst into flames, and with a roar, his arms exploded, throwing Helen out!

With all the hard work of Matt, Helen flew into the sky.

Look at that speed, maybe there is a chance to glide out of this strange forest!

Thinking of this, Matt’s face showed a long-lost smile.

He believes that as long as one person is alive, the official will be able to step on this place after receiving the news!

The next moment, however, the smile on Matt’s face froze!

I saw that the black clouds in the sky suddenly stirred up rapidly, as if there was a pair of large hands behind it to control everything.

Immediately afterward, these black clouds condensed together and turned into the face of a scarecrow monster!

It had an eerie smile on its face and seemed to mock Matt and Helen’s useless struggle.

The next moment, the scarecrow face of the black cloud opened its blood basin and swallowed Helen in one bite!

“Not !!!”

Seeing this scene, Matt despaired to the extreme!

Originally…… From the moment they stepped into the northern forest, they had become all things that feared the Demon God.

There is no room for resistance!

They’re still trying to struggle… It’s ridiculous!

Thinking of this, Matt’s heart was like ashes, and he gave up the struggle and fell to the ground like a meteorite.


Thank you for the 588 points of “sam23sam” and “13353xxx830”, thank you very much!

The word count is okay, and there may be another chapter later

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