Seeing that the entire northern forest was actually made up of scarecrows, Matt was terrified to the extreme!

He knew that he could not get out alive today.

So Matt tried his best to see if he could send Helen out.

Everything went smoothly ahead.

Who knew when seeing Helen glide out of this eerie scarecrow forest.

The black clouds in the sky actually condensed into a scarecrow’s grimace and swallowed Helen in one bite!

Helen is dead.

The death was crisp, and the death did not move at all.

This scene made Matt despair to the extreme!

It’s over…… It’s over!

Matt gave up the struggle and allowed himself to fall to the ground.

However, he did not fall to the ground as hard as he imagined.

Instead, he was caught by a bunch of weird scarecrows!

Then a straw was drilled into Matt’s body!

“What? What are you doing? ”

“No! No! Kill me, please kill me! ”

Matt hissed in pain, his voice full of fear.

He wanted to resist, he wanted to struggle.

But under the entanglement of countless nightmare ghost claws, the body could not move at all!

You can’t exert any power at all!

Matt sensed that something strange had burrowed into his body.

Soon, his body began to get out of control!

Even consciousness began to blur!

“Don’t… Don’t…”

“Wait, I… Who am I? What’s my name? ”

“I remember! My name is Matt and I am… Believers in the Great Fear Demon God! ”

Matt, who has been invaded by the power of the Scarecrow, gradually becomes strange.

“O great god of fear! I will spread your horror to every corner of the earth! ”

He fell to his knees, prayed reverently, and became the most loyal believer of the Fear Demon God.

At this point, the five-man squad led by Helen was annihilated.

Four of them died.

Matt, the only one alive, also became a walking dead and lost himself.

If what happens here spreads, I don’t know how many people will be frightened! How many people can’t sleep at night!

And now, the only one who sees this is Chen Mo.


Chen Mo, who was in charge of everything, was suspended in the air, like a god high above!

He stared silently at Matt, who had been assimilated into a believer, with an empty and terrible look in his eyes!

Chen Mo took Zhao Yan and Li Yueting, the killer couple, to this country.

If nothing else, I want to collect a group of people who can use tools, and the good point is to be believers.

The horror legend of the northern forest, as well as Zhao Yan and Li Yueting, who are responsible for leading the way at the edge of the forest.

It was all arranged by Chen Mo.

After fighting with the Half Ton Immortals, Chen Mo found that there was still something in this world’s martial arts.

If there is an S-level warrior, it will be even more difficult to do!

Therefore, Chen Mo was not in a hurry, but continued to absorb fear and restore his strength.

On the one hand, select some good warriors in all aspects, transform them into believers, and become tool people.

For example, Matt in Helen’s five-man squad was taken in by Chen Mo and turned into a believer.

As for the others, they are not even qualified to be used by him!

They are all disposable leeks, and they can die after harvesting.


Of course, Chen Mo did not forget the red flame.

Red Fire is an infinitely close to S-class existence!

And mastered the weirdness of six A+ levels, very powerful!

If she could recover from the red flame, then she was the biggest hole card in Chen Mo’s hand!

However, when Hongxu traveled through space, he was seriously injured.

It seems that the recovery of a moment and a half will not come.

Recently, under the careful care of Zhao Yan and Li Yueting, the body has only grown slightly.

It is still a long way from a complete recovery.

But it doesn’t matter.

After this period of preparation, Chen Mo collected many believers from various places.

Counting Matt today, there are exactly three thousand people!

Three thousand believers with good strength are already a lot of strength.

It’s time to start sweeping the globe with mad reaping fear!

So, where to start?

Chen Mo pondered for a moment, and then his eyes were cold, absolutely starting from the country where he was at this time!

The country where Chen Mo was living at this time was called Nanguo.

National strength belongs to the second class on the blue star, and the overall strength is not strong or weak, and it is still passable.

The population is five or six hundred million, which is not small.

Such a medium-strength country, as Chen Mo’s first test point, could not be more suitable!

After making his decision, Chen Mo’s mind moved, and a strange and terrifying voice sounded in the minds of his followers at the same time.

“The Southland Collection… Waiting for God’s will…”

Most of the believers controlled by Chen Mo were in the southern country, but some were scattered abroad.

Since it has been decided to do a big thing in the southern country, it is necessary to concentrate our efforts!


“The will of God is coming, and it is the great god of fear who is calling us!”

“Quick! Act now and never delay the big thing! ”

“The Great Fear Demon God has finally remembered me! I have to behave well! ”

After receiving this divine decree from Chen Mo, three thousand believers took action one after another.

Already in the South, stand by and be ready for battle!

If you are not in the southern country, hurry up and whip to the southern country!

A terrifying event that will soon shake the entire blue star is about to erupt in the southern country!

At this time, no one in the southern country, whether it was high-level officials or low-level people, was aware of the immediate crisis.

Except for one person.

A man who lives in a mental hospital and is considered a madman by others!


It’s almost time to get your climax!

In addition, there will be more restoration, and readers are invited to continue to pursue.

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