Ten years ago, Donald was a young man who had just come of age.

But on the day of his eighteenth birthday, he went crazy!

Last second, Donald was fine.

But suddenly, he went berserk, shouting that ten years later there would be a terrible disaster on the Blue Star!

Countless scarecrows will occupy the entire Blue Star.

In the gray sky, there are dead crows with blood-red eyes.

They flew and hissed.

Longing for all death and fear!

Finally, Donald kept chanting a strange ballad, over and over again…

“The earth fell to death…

Night crows peck at the sunset…

Come on!

Come on!

The Scarecrow is staring at you!

He is in the darkness…

Gaze at you! ”


Donald’s family tried to wake him up and return him to normal.

But after that day, Donald went completely crazy!

Strange words such as “scarecrow”, “death”, “fear”, “nightmare” and so on have been kept in my mouth.

In desperation, his family could only send him to a mental hospital.

In the blink of an eye, it’s almost ten years.

After more than nine years of treatment, Donald showed signs of gradual recovery.

But just over a month ago, he suddenly fell ill again!

And this time, more ferocious than ever!

Donald seemed to be caught up in great fear.

He kept banging his head against the wall, even when it was bloody.

He fell to his knees and prayed continuously, as if pleading with the great god of fear to spare him.

This terrible scene frightened the little nurse in charge of taking care of Donald, and immediately asked the dean.

Without saying a word, the dean directly gave a powerful tranquilizer to Donald down.

I thought he would wake up with better symptoms.

But this time, Donald woke up and directly repeated what had happened before.

Still using self-harm, he prayed for forgiveness from the “great god of fear” in his mouth.

This left the dean and the doctors helpless, and could only tie Donald up firmly.


Originally, it was just a humble psychopath.

But in order to track down the Scarecrow, the half-ton immortal came to the southern country and happened to hear about it.

If it had been a few months ago, the half-ton immortals high above would not have been able to pay attention to a neuropathy.

But now, after feeling the horror of the Scarecrow, he is extremely sensitive to the three words “Scarecrow”!

Therefore, the half-ton immortal planned to take a few of his subordinates and apprentice Han Junfei to the mental hospital to see what was going on with Donald’s madman.

The Half-Ton Immortal is a senior leader of Interpol and one of the core elders of the Budokai Alliance.

Everywhere you go, you will be treated with courtesy.

Such a small thing, it took a few minutes to get it done.


Half an hour later, half a ton of immortals appeared in Donald’s hospital room.

His huge body made this small ward somewhat crowded.

Therefore, in addition to him, only Han Junfei, a personal apprentice, was qualified to stay at the scene.

The rest of the men were waiting outside.

The half-ton immortal glanced at Donald and saw that he was a thin young man.

When he was not old enough next year, he had a decaying death appearance, his eyes were covered with blood, and he looked crazy.

Looking at that, it seems like you will burp at any time.

The half-ton immortal removed the iron shield from Donald’s face and asked him:

“Can you tell me what the Scarecrow in your mouth is all about?”

Hearing the words “Scarecrow”, Donald, who had been silent, slammed his spirit.

It was as if fear had been triggered.

There was an extreme fear in his eyes, and his face was twisted together.

“The Scarecrow… Scarecrow!!!

The Scarecrow is coming!

No! Not the Scarecrow, but the Great God of Fear!

The great god of fear is about to descend, and the blue star is shrouded and assimilated by the darkness he unleashes!

The starry sky is swallowed up…

The earth is submerged…

Everything is withering…

The soul is crying…

All…… Everything will die, all will die!

Dead…… Endless dead silence!

Aa!!!!aaaaaa ”

Halfway through, Donald seemed to be unable to bear the fear, and he roared madly and struggled.

At the same time, with an eerie twisted voice, the horror song was sung again.

“The earth fell to death…

Night crows peck at the sunset…

Come on!

Come on!

The Scarecrow is staring at you!

He is in the darkness…

Gaze at you! ”

I don’t know why, after hearing this song, Han Junfei on the side got goosebumps all standing upright.

An indescribable chill spread throughout his body, making his hands and feet look a little stiff.


Han Junfei swallowed his saliva and asked the half-ton immortal in a calm tone as much as possible:

“Master, what is the use of this madman’s words?”

Why did you come to hear his crazy talk? ”

The half-ton immortal originally wanted to ask more about the situation.

But after what he had just said, Donald was completely unable to communicate.

The terrible song was repeated in his mouth side by side, and his eyes were covered with blood.

Very penetrating!

Seeing that he could not get other news in the middle, the half-ton immortal solemnly explained to Han Junfei:

“In this world, no matter how powerful there is martial arts.

There are tens of billions of people on the blue star, and there are always some special beings.

Some people are born to breathe fire.

Some people can control lightning.

Some people drown and do not die.

These people with special abilities, we call them Inhumans.

However, because the number of Blue Star Inhumans is very, very small, and their abilities are unstable, they cannot be compared with martial arts.

So not many people know.

I suspect that this Donald is also an infidel.

His abilities… It’s predicting the future! ”

“What? Predicting the future?! ”

Hearing this, Han Junfei directly froze.

If the crazy things Donald said were all prophecies… Then it means that all those terrible things will happen on the blue star!

Thinking of this, Han Junfei almost passed out!


Thank you all for your monthly passes and reminders, and there is a chapter on the next chapter

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