However, with just one glance, this top martial artist who was only one step away from the S level couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air, and his heart was terrified to the extreme!!!

Vast swaths of dead night crows gathered together and enveloped the entire sky!

The sun has been completely blocked!

The whole city was plunged into a gray darkness.





The Death Night Crow is constantly circling and hissing in the sky.

Blood-red eyes greedily swept over everyone’s body.

It seemed as if they would swoop down at any moment and devour their flesh and blood!

Han Junfei, who was immediately behind the half-ton immortal, also saw this scene after running out.

He involuntarily inhaled a cool breath and said in horror:

“This… What is this for? Is that Scarecrow monster going to attack an entire city? ”

“No! Probably not a city.

But…… The whole southern country! ”

The half-ton immortal solemnly handed a mobile phone to Han Junfei.

Related news is being broadcast above.

After seeing the news, Han Junfei realized that it was not their city that had been hit by the knee of the Death Night Crow.

Instead, the entire southern kingdom was plunged into a dead darkness!


What was once a beautiful city has become a hellish existence.

All the Southlanders panicked and didn’t know what was going on.

When the entire sky of the southern country was obscured by the Death Night Crow, eerie songs sounded in all corners of the city.

“The earth fell to death…

Night crows peck at the sunset…

Come on!

Come on!

The Scarecrow is staring at you!

He is in the darkness…

Gaze at you! ”

Chen Mo’s three thousand disciples, divided in various cities in the southern country, chanted this ballad, which symbolized the fear of the demon god.

Invisible fear, spreading fast!

Like a maggot of the tarsal bone, it wrapped around everyone’s mind, and even a strong warrior could not resist it!


“Pretend to be a ghost, find death!”

There was nothing the half-ton immortals could do with the scarecrows.

But dealing with these believers is easy.

His eyes are like a torch, and even in the dark, he can easily distinguish things.

After glancing at it, the eyes of the half-ton immortals locked on several believers dressed in black robes who were constantly chanting and praying.

He punched away at random.

In an instant, the tiger roared and the dragon groaned!

A domineering fist force separated by hundreds of meters, directly blasting those believers!

As I said before, the disciples selected by Chen Mo are not weak.

The worst ones also have a C rating.

It’s just a pity that such strength is still not enough in front of the martial arts master to take half a ton of immortals.

The half-ton immortals didn’t have to move, they just had to stand in place and wave a huge fist, and they could kill as many believers as far as they could see.

However, this did not stop Chen Mo’s plan.

The loss of more than a dozen believers was nothing to Chen Mo.

The seeds of fear have been planted, night has fallen, nightmares have struck!

Dream Realm, Launch !!!


Chen Mo, who was hiding in the shadows, used a big killing move.

Immediately afterward, the chaotic crowd on the street suddenly fell silent.

Subsequently, one by one, they fell to the ground and fell into a deep sleep.

“What’s going on?”

This scene made the half-ton immortal look shocked, not knowing what was happening.

It is different from the straight-forward movement of the warrior.

The power of the Scarecrow is too weird!

The half-ton immortal couldn’t figure out what his next move would be!

In just half a minute, ninety-nine percent of the city’s residents had fainted.

At first, the half-ton immortals thought they were all dead.

After examining, it was found that these people were just falling into a deep sleep.

I can’t wake up no matter how I scream!

This gave the half-ton immortals a sigh of relief, at least they weren’t dead yet.

If in a minute, the whole city is dead ninety-nine percent … That’s terrible!

But soon, the half-ton immortal’s brow frowned.

Although there is no death, but there is no way to awaken, what is the difference between this and death?

If they have not been able to wake up, these people still cannot escape the fate of death!

Just as the half-ton immortal was racking his brains to find a way, the weak voice of his own apprentice came from his ear.

“Master, Master. I…… I can’t stand it!

So sleepy… It’s so sleepy.

I…… I can’t resist…”

Han Junfei’s whole body was fluttering, and his footsteps were as if he were stepping on cotton.

His eyelids seemed to weigh a thousand pounds, and he couldn’t open them!

In order to wake up, Han Junfei even used a knife to cut a wound on his body.

But still not.

Simple pain, simply unable to resist the strange sleeping force!

“Junfei, cheer up a little! Don’t sleep, don’t sleep! ”

The half-ton immortal held his apprentice and desperately called out to him and shook him.

However, it still has no effect at all.

Han Junfei’s eyelids were getting heavier and heavier.

Ten seconds later, he completely closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

“Damn! Damn it!!! ”

Looking at Han Junfei, who was sleeping like a dead man, the half-ton immortal couldn’t help but rage!

He had countless anger in his heart, but there was no place to vent.

At this time, the half-ton immortal missed his former enemies immensely.

Before, no matter how powerful the enemy was, the sword and gun would be finished!

However, after encountering the Scarecrow, the powerful strength of the half-ton immortal was of no use at all.

Totally unplayable!

This feeling is incomparably unbearable, incomparably uncomfortable!

Especially after seeing that his favorite little apprentice was also recruited, after falling into a little bit of coma in front of him.

This uncomfortable feeling has climbed to the top!


The half-ton immortal couldn’t stand it anymore, and after roaring angrily, he punched in the direction of no one.

“Boom boom!!! boom boom

A burst of popping sounded.

The punch that the half-ton immortal punched in order to vent after he was suppressed to the extreme penetrated seven or eight high-rise buildings in a row, and the power gradually faded.

“Woohoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo

The half-ton immortal gasped and forced himself to calm down.

There is no doubt that the national slumber was definitely manipulated by the strange scarecrow.

Solve Him, and this strange catastrophe will surely be solved.

But the half-ton immortal couldn’t find where the scarecrow’s body was.

Now the only way… It seems to be like a normal person, falling into a coma to see what this is all about.


The second more to send, maybe there is a third more, I try hard, try it.

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