The Half Ton Immortal is the top warrior of the Blue Star with a high level of life.

Even if Chen Mo laid out in advance, using the Death Night Crow and the believers to spread fear, he would not be able to drag him into the dream realm.

But it doesn’t matter.

Half a ton of immortals was not Chen Mo’s target in the first place.

Chen Mo’s move was to drag most of the people in the southern kingdom into the dream realm, to plunder the fear value, so as to restore his strength.

Even one step closer!

As for the few warriors who could not be dragged into the Dream Realm, they went with them.


Chen Mo didn’t care, but the half-ton immortal couldn’t help but care!

He couldn’t have watched hundreds of millions of people die like this, asking and doing nothing.

The half-ton immortal could sense a strange force affecting him, trying to drag him into the dream.

With his strength, he can completely resist this force.

But now, the half-ton immortals wanted to see what this force really wanted to do.

But before that, he had to admit it first.

Thinking of this, the half-ton immortal stepped into the void and climbed step by step.

Soon the volley stepped into the void hundreds of meters high.

With enough eyesight, the essence of his eyes flashed, and even if it was dark around him, he could see everything clearly.


After a careful glance, the scalp of the half-ton immortal was tingling, and finally confirmed this fact.

The whole city, except for him, everyone was dragged into a dream!

Looking further afield, there were no voices.

It seems that this disaster did cover the entire southern country!!!


Half a ton of immortals landed on the ground and exhaled helplessly.

He wrote a text message with everything that had happened in the southern kingdom and posted it to a senior martial arts league.

Immediately afterward, the half-ton immortals no longer resisted the force, but accepted it completely.

Under the influence of this strange force, the half-ton immortal soon fell into a deep sleep.

But when his consciousness sank to the extreme, he suddenly woke up again!

After waking up, the half-ton immortal looked around and found himself in a rice field with dense weeds.

And he has become a toddler the size of four or five years old.

All the strength of the body is zero!

The towering weeds engulfed him completely, and his vision was greatly restricted!

This surprised the half-ton immortals.

“What’s going on? Is this a dream?

That is to say, the people of the southern country, after being unconscious, were all involved in the dream world?

Such a realistic dream, almost like reality!

I don’t know what the consequences of dying here will be. ”

The half-ton immortal quickly thought of the key point.

But before he could figure it out, there was a sudden “rustling” sound coming from the dense weeds.

At the same time, there are also black shadows shaking!

Vaguely, half a ton of immortals could see these black shadows, looking very much like that terrifying scarecrow monster!

It made his heart awe-struck!

The horror dream has officially begun!


At the same time, the top brass of the Martial Arts Alliance also received a message from half a ton of immortals.

When they saw that “more than half a billion people in the entire southern country fell into a strange coma”, all the senior personnel of the Budokai Alliance were shocked!

They don’t want to believe this horrible truth.

But at the same time, they also knew that half a ton of immortals could not joke about such a thing!

“Quick! Block the news and don’t let the disaster be known to everyone.

Otherwise…… Blue stars will be messed up! ”

After reacting from the huge shock, the top brass of the Budokai Alliance immediately gave the order.

But at this point, it’s too late!

The whole southern country was shrouded in darkness, and the surrounding countries were frightened.

Some brave people, in order to rub the heat, opened the live broadcast and broke in.

Subsequently, the incomparably terrifying scene was broadcast live!

I saw that in the streets of the entire southern country, there were countless motionless bodies lying horizontally and vertically, as if they were dead.

Looking at this, these people lost consciousness in an instant and fell to the ground.

Such a terrible thing that makes everyone who sees this scene feel a tingling in their scalps!

This strange incident in the southern country has also spread on the Internet at an alarming speed.

After the order of the Budokai League, it has spread on the Internet!

“Oh my God! What’s wrong with Southland? Did all the countrymen die in an instant? ”

“I don’t know, but that scene was terrible! Those people and corpses seemed to be lying horizontally and vertically, without any vitality! ”

“What the hell is going on in the Southland? Is this a natural disaster that destroys the world? ”

“Don’t be afraid, someone just went to check. Those who fell to the ground were not dead, just unconscious. ”

“You said it lightly. Even if it is a coma, it is very terrible! This is an entire country of people who are in a coma at the same time! ”

“Yes! Ghosts know what they’ve been through, and can they wake up? I feel that the southern country is too terrible, so I should hurry up and get away from it! ”


When countless people talked about this strange accident, a terrifying live broadcast room appeared on the major live broadcast platforms.

The title of all the live broadcast rooms is unified, called “The True Nightmare of 500 Million People in the Southern Kingdom”!

These live broadcast rooms are all the horrible dreams that Southerners are experiencing.

Their experience encompasses almost all the terrible things!

Even if the screenwriters from all over the world gather, it is estimated that they will not be able to write so many terrible scripts.

The top level of Blue Star originally wanted to ban these live broadcast rooms.

However, after trying it, I found that I couldn’t kill it at all!

And the staff who try to ban it will also fall into madness, constantly chanting “Scarecrow” in their mouths, losing all their sanity!

Such a strange thing scared everyone!

Even an S-level warrior could do nothing about such a strange event.

Because that’s the power of two systems!


The above things were naturally handled by Chen Mo single-handedly.

They have already dragged the people of a country into the dream country, he simply plays bigger!

Directly infiltrate Blue Star’s network and forcibly add countless live broadcast rooms to help him spread fear!

Blue Star’s martial arts have a long heritage, and the per capita strength is much stronger than that of White Feather Star.

Just a scythe down can cut a lot of leeks, not too beautiful!

Since the Dream Kingdom and the live broadcast were opened at the same time, Chen Mo has received the power of fear from all over the world.

The fear value is also a sharp rise!

Chen Mo had a premonition that before this time, his strength could at least return to the level of the body.

It’s even possible to go a step further!


Soon there will be a change, already written, modify it to complete. Thank you all for tips, reminders, and monthly passes.

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