The current situation is clear.

These S-level martial artists must think of ways to deal with Chen Mo before he advances to the S-level.

Otherwise, once Chen Mo incarnated as an S-level evil god, these S-level martial artists would not be his opponents at all!

It can even be said that it is not a level of existence!

After understanding this, these Blue Star Top Martial Artists present all looked at each other and did not know what to do.

Once, these S-class warriors thought they were close to the upper limit of their strength.

To this day, first the Scarecrow Evil God swept through a country, and then a seven-hundred-year-old monster popped out of the retreat.

They knew how short-sighted they had been!


Thinking of this, a warrior asked the white-haired Dragon Blood Martial Emperor:

“Lord Emperor Wu, we descendants have cultivated shallowly, and there is really no good way.

As…… You always give us an idea, right? ”

“Yeah, yeah! You always give us an idea! ”

The other warriors also echoed suit, looking at the Dragon Blood Martial Emperor with slightly expectant eyes.

There is no doubt that the Dragon Blood Martial Emperor is the first person in the Blue Star Martial Arts!

Looking at history, it is also very likely to be the strongest!

After all, before that, the longest-lived warrior recorded had only lived for more than four hundred years.

The Dragon Blood Martial Emperor could live to be nearly eight hundred years old, how could his strength be weaker than his?

All these S-level warriors present were expecting this strongest person in the history of the Blue Star to come up with a way to deal with the Scarecrow Evil God.

Under the gaze of everyone, the Dragon Blood Martial Emperor groaned for a moment, and then said with a solemn look:

“The old man does have a way, but this method is very, very dangerous!”

After the implementation, I don’t know what will happen! ”

“Whatever the method, Emperor Wu, just say it.”

Otherwise, let this scarecrow evil god grow…

We blue stars could be destroyed in His hands! ”

Speaking of this, the eyes of these Blue Star Top Martial Artists showed a look of fear!

No matter how powerful they are, they are also people!

But Chen Mo is an evil god!

The two are fundamentally different, and the levels of life are also very different.

How can this make them not afraid?


Seeing that everyone’s opinions were basically the same, the Dragon Blood Martial Emperor said in a deep voice:

“If that’s the case, then I’ll tell you my way.”

This scarecrow evil god is extremely strange and difficult to find!

It is very difficult to find Him, or even to say that as long as He does not want to show his face, we will never find Him for the rest of our lives.

This is also one of the problems we have solved to solve this scarecrow evil god.

But now, we can basically judge that the Scarecrow Evil God is in the southern country!

That is to say, as long as we erase the southern kingdom, the blue star will be saved. ”


Hearing this, everyone present took a breath of cool air.

What did the Dragon Blood Martial Emperor just say?

Erase the entire southern country?

That’s more than half a billion people!!!

Thinking of this, a warrior could not help but ask:

“Lord Wudi, there are still 500 million people in the southern country.

Although they were all dragged into that strange dream world, after all, none of them died.

Let’s wipe them all out with the Scarecrows… Isn’t it, not good? ”

Hearing this, the Dragon Blood Martial Emperor looked cold and said in Sen Han’s voice:

“If you don’t have the consciousness of a strong man with a broken wrist, don’t try to kill the scarecrow evil god!”

What do you think He is? Can you just send off kittens and puppies?

This is an evil god!

This is an evil god wandering in the void and killed from the Otherworld!

Not much, the whole blue star will be swallowed up by the fear he emits!

On one side is the entire blue star, and on the other side are the southerners who have been dragged into the dream and are most likely to die.

You choose! ”

The icy voice of the Dragon Blood Martial Emperor echoed in the conference room.

After the air had solidified for three seconds, a warrior asked:

“I don’t know what method Lord Dragon Emperor wants to use to erase the entire Southern Kingdom?”

After this sentence was asked, no one else made a sound, which was basically a default.

If ordinary people heard what they had just said, they would definitely be shocked and unable to return to their senses for a long time.

If it is serious, the three views may collapse!

But after all, these people present are all the top S-level martial artists of the Blue Star, and their hearts are very human!

After weighing it up, they knew that the Dragon Blood Martial Emperor was very correct.

When the interruption continues, it is chaotic!

This must be decisive!

Even if you sacrifice the entire southern country, as long as you can exchange it for the peace of the blue star, it is worth it!


After hearing this inquiry, the Dragon Blood Martial Emperor’s face showed a look of satisfaction.

He took a deep breath and said with a little pride:

“The old man has been in retreat for seven hundred years, and he has not been practicing martial arts.

At the same time, he is also aware of the mysteries of space, time, and so on.

Kung Fu pays off, and more than a hundred years ago, I developed a set of spatial arrays.

This set of formations can banish things within the scope into the void beyond the blue star. ”

“What do you mean… Is it to step down the space array you have developed around the southern country, and then banish the entire southern country into the void? ”

A warrior asked in shock.

The Dragon Blood Martial Emperor nodded and said:

“The power required to exile the whole southern country is enormous!

I alone is certainly not enough.

All S-level warriors must be involved, and an additional 100 A+ level warriors are required.

That’s probably how many people there are.

Too many words, it is very likely to be discovered by the scarecrow evil god. ”

“The plan… Seems doable!

Emperor Wu, when do we start? ”

The Yin-Yang warrior pondered for a moment and then asked the Dragon Blood Martial Emperor.

“Without further ado, start preparing now!”

The Dragon Blood Martial Emperor said solemnly.

“Good! I’ll arrange it! ”

A warrior who had just advanced to the S level for not many years and still held worldly power agreed and hurried out.

“There are a few disciples under my disciples who are not in the same field, all of whom are A+ level martial artists who can come in handy. I had informed them to come over immediately. ”

“I have a couple of old friends who are just one step away from the S-level and are eligible to join this program. So I’ll call them. ”


Under the operation of the most powerful group of people in the Blue Star, a powerful force gathered towards them!

In just half an hour, the strength needed by the Dragon Blood Martial Emperor to exile the Southern Kingdom had been assembled.

Under the arrangement of the Dragon Blood Martial Emperor, these top martial artists arrived at the designated positions one by one and began to arrange the large array!

The area of the southern country is very wide.

More than a hundred people appeared on the border, like an extra ant on the football field.

Very hard to detect!

Moreover, Chen Mo was concentrating on harvesting fear values in the Dream Realm, and he had even less time to pay attention to external affairs.

In this way, under the command of the Dragon Blood Martial Emperor, more than a hundred top martial artists began to create an unprecedented super array little by little!

This large array covered the entire southern country, including Chen Mo!

At this time, Chen Mo did not know this.

He is in the dream world and begins to harvest fear points for the fourth time!

During this period, many people were numb and collapsed, and their souls went to extinction.

On the contrary, Chen Mo, his strength is rising steadily!

It’s already more than five times stronger than before!

“Strange? I obviously feel that I have broken through the limit of A-level, why can’t I still advance to S-level?

What the hell am I missing! ”

Chen Mo had some doubts.

As his strength increased, he was able to sense the S-level warriors of the Blue Star.

These S-class warriors, although powerful, are not special at all.

If you want them to advance to the S level, you only need to have the strength in place.

“Is it because I and they have taken a different path?”

Chen Mo became more and more confused.

In desperation, he could only choose to continue to harvest fear points.

However, at this moment, Chen Mo suddenly found that a strange force had erupted in the southern border!

This force envelops the entire southern country!

“Such a huge array, so majestic!

What do these people want to do? Destroyed me? ”

Although he thought so in his heart, Chen Mo was not flustered at all.

Want to kill him?

That’s harder than going to the sky!

Even if the entire southern kingdom is destroyed, he will not die.

However, Chen Mo did not expect that those warriors did not want to kill him, but planned to exile him!

As long as Chen Mo was banished into the void, for Blue Star, it would be no different from killing him.


On the other side, in the gaze of everyone, the Dragon Blood Martial Emperor’s body trembled with excitement.

“It’s done, it’s done!”

In this life, you can create such a majestic array, and you will die without regrets~! ”

The Dragon Blood Martial Emperor vaguely felt that his understanding of the various Xuan’ao Dao had deepened a lot.

If he could successfully banish the Scarecrow Evil God without dying this time, he would most likely go further! Go touch the realm above the S level!

Thinking of this, the Dragon Blood Martial Emperor took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Then, through various communication tools, he ordered the more than one hundred top martial artists participating in the Great Array:

“It’s now, let’s catalyze the big array!”


Everyone drank in unison, and then poured the power in their bodies into the large array.

Don’t look at this huge array of only more than a hundred people, but it has gathered the top group of Blue Star forces!

Together, these hundred or so people are much more powerful than the remaining billions!

If nothing else, an S-level martial artist is comparable to a billion ordinary martial artists!

At the urging of their concerted efforts, the southern border shook!

“Buzz ~~~~~~”

“Buzz ~~~~~~”

“Buzz ~~~~~~”

This vibration is not at the physical level, but at the spatial level!

The southern kingdom is being stripped of the blue star in a strange way!

Such a drastic change naturally alarmed Chen Mo, who was happy to cut leeks.

“Eh? What’s going on? How did the space vibrate? ”

Chen Mo was stunned at first.

After perceiving the changes outside, I was even more shocked!

The entire southern space was actually split into blue stars, and at this time it was drifting towards the unknown void!


Even Chen Mo couldn’t help but scold in his heart at this time.

Blue Star’s decision-making level is too fierce!

In order to drive him away, he even sacrificed the entire southern country!

Is he so annoying?


Obviously, Chen Mo didn’t know how terrifying he was in his eyes on the outside!

Blue Star’s top martial artist has decided that as long as he breaks through to the S level, then the entire Blue Star will be finished!

Therefore, it is better to sacrifice the entire Blue Star than to send away Chen Mo, the ultimate plague god!

Chen Mo didn’t know much about the power of space.

Coupled with the speed of the split, it was too fast, and within a few moments, the space of the southern country was kicked out of the range of the blue star and fell into the void space.


Looking at the missing large piece of the blue star, the group of top martial artists led by the Dragon Blood Martial Emperor breathed a sigh of relief.

Because that live broadcast like a maggot of the tarsal bone, it’s over.

This shows that the blue star has severed its relationship with the evil god and successfully sent him away!

“Blue Star, Safety!”

“It’s safe, finally send away that evil god!”

“Although the loss is heavy, but finally saved the blue star!”

“That evil god is too terrifying, I hope Blue Star will never encounter a similar existence again!”


After successfully sending Chen Mo away, Blue Star fell into a state of jubilation.

Everyone was happy.

Apart from…… Southerners.

Void space is extremely dangerous!

Not below the A level, not even qualified to enter it.

Even if there is a grade A, it will die out in a short time.

Even if an S-level warrior dies after entering the void space, it is only a matter of time!

Therefore, after being kicked out of the blue star, the human beings in this space of the southern country will die in pieces!

Seeing the large-scale demise of “leeks”, Chen Mo was also very distressed.

“These warriors of the Blue Star are also too fierce!”

So many compatriots, say give up and give up.

Now, none of them will survive. ”

Chen Mo shook his head helplessly.

Not to mention the warriors, after entering the void, the space in the southern country began to collapse rapidly!

Looking for this progress, this debris space will not last long.

“It seems that a new world needs to be found.

With my current strength, there should be no problem in staying in the void for half a year. ”

Chen Mo was not flustered.

After devouring so much power of fear, his strength had reached the S level in the body of the White Feather Star and this body.

It’s just not enough.

Although you can’t stay in the void space unharmed, you can stay for a long time.

Such a long time is definitely enough for Chen Mo to find a new world.

In addition, although this broken space is constantly collapsing, it can hold on for a while.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo’s heart suddenly moved, and a strange smile of surprise appeared on his face.

As the shattered space collapsed, the wisps of spatial power merged into his body.

Subsequently, Chen Mo felt that the shackles of his realm had loosened!

“Isn’t it… The secret of my promotion to the S level is to absorb the power of space?

But ordinary martial artists who break through the S level don’t have so many doorways?

Forget it, it doesn’t matter. Absorb the power of the collapsed space and see if you can break through! ”

Thinking of this, Chen Mo wholeheartedly absorbed the spatial force generated by the collapse.


Four thousand five hundred words of chapter is sent to prepare for the next world

The next world intends to write Marvel, do not understand Marvel as the original, does not affect

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