In the void of space, time is constantly passing.

The southern kingdom that was split out of the Overworld could not resist the wear and tear of the void space at all, and was rapidly collapsing!

In order to wholeheartedly absorb these spatial forces generated by the collapse, Chen Mo lifted the Dream Realm.

All returned to the real world.

At this time, they were horrified to find that the sun, the sky, the clouds, everything was gone!

Surrounded by a void of space!

Immediately after, the people in it died in large numbers in the collapse of space!


“Master, Master! This…… What’s going on! ”

The scene of the space collapse is a hundred times more terrifying than the magnitude ten earthquake!

This earth-shattering sight terrified Han Junfei, who had just woken up from the nightmare.

Don’t say it’s him, even if the half-ton immortal is dumbfounded.

But soon he reacted and said with a look of despair:

“I see, I see!

This evil god was so powerful, so powerful that all the top warriors of the Blue Star were desperate.

So they came up with a way to deal with Him. ”

“What, what’s the method?”

Han Junfei said in a trembling voice.

“Banishment! Banish Him from the Blue Star!

But because the Scarecrow Evil God was hard to find, it was difficult to determine his exact location.

So simply take advantage of His rebellion in the South and banish the whole South Kingdom together!

If I’m not mistaken, we are now in the void.

Soon, this shattered space will collapse and everyone will die! ”

Speaking of this, the half-ton immortal collapsed to the ground in despair, having given up the struggle.

His strength, looking at the blue star, is naturally strong.

But in the void, it was a slightly larger dust.

It won’t take long to be wiped out!

So even if the half-ton immortals wanted to struggle, there was no way to live!


Hearing this, Han Junfei’s body trembled violently.

“Your consciousness is… Are we abandoned? Completely abandoned?!

How can this be? How can this be!!!

There are still more than half a billion people in the southern country, and they are not dead! ”

The half-ton immortal shook his head with a bitter smile and said with a withered look:

“From their point of view, there’s nothing wrong with that.

The strength of the Scarecrow Evil God was constantly improving, and it had reached the point where no one in the Blue Star could stop it!

Compared with the entire blue star, what is this person in the southern country?

Admit it.

Watch the space collapse quietly and enjoy the view of the void.

Such a view can not be enjoyed by ordinary people.

And you can only appreciate it once in a lifetime. ”

“No! No!!!

I don’t want to die, I still have a great future!

Master, I don’t want to die! ”

Han Junfei’s desperate shouts had already collapsed.

In the face of real death, many people will show their fragile side.

Obviously, Han Junfei’s warrior heart was not sharpened in place.

Seeing the situation, the half-ton immortal could only shake his head and not say a word.

In the face of such a disaster, he has no way,

It can only be said that the arrival of the scarecrow evil god completely broke his life plan.

Originally, the half-ton immortals would advance to the S level within twenty years and become the top group of warriors of the Blue Star!

Then cultivate the younger generations, gradually give up the rights in their hands, and pursue a higher level of martial arts!

But now, all of this has become a dream that can never be realized.

“It’s over… It’s all over…”

The half-ton immortal sat on the ground and sighed, looking complicated and not knowing what he was thinking.

But at this moment, Han Junfei suddenly shouted and shouted.

“Master, master, look at it!”

We still have a way to live, we still have a chance to live! ”

Han Junfei roared desperately, and even broke the sound.

Hearing this, the half-ton immortal looked at him curiously.

Only to see that the scarecrow evil god covered the entire space, as if it came from the ancient demon god!

In His presence, a door was opened.

Some believers in black robes were absorbed into this space by Him.


Chen Mo was taking some powerful believers into his ghost realm.

Chen Mo knew that he was about to enter the next unknown world.

But no matter what kind of world it is, if you want to continue to spread fear and harvest the power of fear, you need the help of tool people.

Instead of choosing to select and cultivate tool people from scratch, it is better to keep the existing tool people.

Let them continue to shine in the next world and give Chen Mo a good “part-time job”.

Among them, the red flame is the most important tool man.

Although she did not play any role in the Blue Star, she has now begun to gradually awaken her powers.

I believe that when we reach the next world, we will be able to recover.

The rest of the believers… Chen Mo could take what he could.

However, whether he could live after being accepted into the ghost domain, he did not dare to guarantee it.

In the void space, even the dimensional space surrounding Chen Mo, that is, the ghost realm, would be affected!

It’s just going to be a lot better than the outside world.

Except for the red flame, the others Chen Mo would not care.

If you can stick to it, you will live.

If you can’t hold on, you will die.


Sounds pretty bad.

But in Han Junfei’s eyes, this is the chance to live!

The only chance!

“Master, the scarecrow evil god, is absorbing his followers into another space.

You’ll be sure to survive!

Master, let us believe in Him!

Believe in the great god of fear and demons, and you will be able to live! ”

By the end, Han Junfei’s look had become crazy.

Death and extreme fear had distorted his mind.

It was said that the look of the half-ton immortal was somewhat struggling.

Who doesn’t want to live?

But in order to survive, to believe in an incomparably terrible evil god… Is this really good?

The half-ton immortal hesitated.

But when I thought that they had been eliminated from the blue star, they were floating in the void.

Half a ton of immortals have a decision!

The world is destroyed, what else do you care about?

Let’s live first!

Live, there is hope!

Thinking of this, the half-ton immortal stood up and said to Han Junfei:

“Good! In that case, let’s believe in the great god of fear!

Wish…… He can give us new life! ”

After speaking, the half-ton immortal knelt on the ground with Han Junfei and began to pray in a low voice.

It’s not just the two masters and apprentices.

After seeing this scene, many others also chose to believe in the great god of fear, hoping to live.


On the other hand, Chen Mo also sensed all this.

Looking at these people who were still terrified of him before, they actually chose to believe in him immediately, and Chen Mo felt some regret.

But the tool man! Not too little!

Chen Mo judged the strength of his strength as a criterion, and one by one, these disciples who had just joined the Dusk Sect were absorbed into the Ghost Domain.

The first to be absorbed, of course, was a half-ton immortal.

Who makes him the strongest?

Fortunately, in the anxious waiting, Han Junfei also lined up and was also absorbed into the ghost domain.

Not long after he entered the Ghost Realm, this shattered space in the Southern Kingdom was completely destroyed!

In Chen Mo’s ghost domain, more than a thousand people were absorbed.

That is to say, more than half a billion other people died in this nothingness along with the destruction of space!

This is also something that cannot be done.

Chen Mo wanted to collect a little more tool people, but the strength of the ghost domain was limited, and it could only be like this.


After a little regret, Chen Mo did not care about these tool people anymore.

He wholeheartedly absorbed the space power left over after the collapse of the Southern Kingdom, and frantically attacked the S-class!

With the integration of these spatial forces, Chen Mo developed an incomparably mysterious feeling.

It was as if he could control the changes in the space around him.

Even create a whole new space!

This feeling is very peculiar!

Let Chen Mo have the feeling that he is a creator god!

With the increase of strength, Chen Mo’s heart produced a strong impulse.

That’s about creating a whole new space!

“I don’t know if I can do it, just try it.”

With this in mind, Chen Mo began to try to create a new space.

But several times in a row, they failed.

At this time, the tool people in the ghost domain were dying one by one.

The ghost domain can only weaken the power of part of the void space, so those with weak strength will still gradually dissipate.

After seeing the ghost domain, Chen Mo suddenly had a clever move.

Since he didn’t have the strength to create a new space out of thin air, it was better to transform it on the basis of the ghost domain!

Just do it!

Chen Mo began to summon his own power and transformed his Desolate Ghost Domain.

To tell the truth, this ghost domain could not keep up with the expansion of Chen Mo’s power.

Especially after Blue Star had harvested a wave of fear points, Chen Mo’s strength had already reached the S level, but the realm had not yet kept up.

In this case, the ghost domain was a bit of a chicken rib for him.

Just take the opportunity to renovate!

Under Chen Mo’s transformation, the Desolate Ghost Domain expanded from a radius of several hundred meters to ten kilometers!

And the space is also reinforced by several points!

But just like that, Chen Mo was not satisfied.

He always felt that something was missing.

At this time, Chen Mo glanced at the void space outside and reacted instantly.

What he wants to create is a completely new space, not a rigid continent!

“God said, Let there be a universe…”

Eerie sounds echo through this new space.

As soon as the words fell, the flat land shook in distance.

Then it condensed together and became a miniature planet.

Beyond the planet, there is a universe!

“God said, Let there be light…”

The eerie hoarse voice sounded again.

Although there is no sun, the surface of this mini-planet is still sprinkled with sunlight. (The space is too small to make the sun for the time being)

As soon as these two major changes came out, this small space that was once a ghost domain was completely changed!

Subsequently, the eerie and vast voice continued to sound.

But just a few minor makeovers.

After all, this space is so big that it can’t play any tricks for the time being.

But this scene shocked the people in it to an incomprehensible degree!

The strongest of them, half a ton of immortals, was particularly shocking!

After advancing to the S level, the evil god he believed in actually created a space!

It’s incredible!

The half-ton immortal was not a warrior who had never seen an S-class.

I’ve even seen a lot!

But compared to the great Fear Demon God, it is not a level of existence at all!

It’s like being an adult again.

One is an adult mouse.

One is an adult dragon.

The strength of the two cannot be compared at all, it is completely the difference between cloud and mud!

At this moment, there was only endless shock and reverence in the hearts of the half-ton immortals.

If he believed in Chen Mo before, it was only to survive.

Then now, it is to sincerely believe in everything Chen Mo!

Because of such incredible power, only the true God can possess!


Even the most powerful half-ton immortal was shocked to this extent.

The shock in the hearts of other Christians can be imagined!

After a brief moment of confusion, all the believers fell to their knees and prayed reverently!

“Fear lives on! The Demon God lives on! ”

“Fear lives on! The Demon God lives on! ”

“Fear lives on! The Demon God lives on! ”

In the midst of the bursts of prayers, Chen Mo’s realm continued to improve!


In the moment of completely completing and transforming this space, he broke through!


Chen Mo’s mind roared.

His life source was sublimated and entered the next level!

A higher level!

Even if there is no change in skill, strength, etc., his combat effectiveness is more than ten times stronger!

This is like the same knife, ordinary people use and martial arts masters use, the lethality gap can be played is huge.

Only then did Chen Mo truly become an evil god!

Although it is far less than the terrifying evil god who plays with countless universes and countless worlds in the future prediction.

But it’s also a big step forward!

In the past, other xenomorphs could say “monsters” about him.

But now, Chen Mo is no longer a “monster”, but an evil god in the true sense!

I have to say that this feeling of life level improvement is incomparably comfortable!!!

It is almost impossible to describe in words.

Condensed into one word – cool!


Chen Mo was not too obsessed with the enhancement of strength and life origin.

After experiencing the changes in themselves, they began to spend fear points and increase their skill level.

Instead of learning new skills, he raised the old skills to a very high level!

As a result, Chen Mo’s panel properties have undergone tremendous changes.

“Host: Chen Mo

Species: Scarecrow (Evil God)

Grade: S

Fear value: 3243242

Possessed skills: Demon Body LV50, Straw Man LV30, Fear Erosion LV30, Death Night Raven LV30, Death Scythe LV30, Nightmare Claw LV30, Death Whisper lV30, Hellfire LV30, Dreamland LV30, Seven Sin Nether Lamp LV30, Undead LV30, Fear Perception LV30, Mimetic LV1”


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