(There are changes at the end of the previous chapter, and the brothers who subscribe early refresh it)

“Host: Chen Mo

Species: Scarecrow (Evil God)

Grade: S

Fear value: 3243242

Possessed skills: Demon Body LV50, Straw Man LV30, Fear Erosion LV30, Death Night Raven LV30, Death Scythe LV30, Nightmare Claw LV30, Death Whisper lV30, Hellfire LV30, Dreamland LV30, Seven Sin Nether Lamp LV30, Undead LV30, Fear Perception LV30, Mimetic LV1”


At this time, this panel is Chen Mo’s complete body!

Except for the Demon God’s Body and the skills that were not used much like imitation, all the other skills were raised to level 30 by Chen Mo!

The power has increased by a hundredfold!

The body of the Demon God is the core skill, so it is natural to invest more.

As for the skill of imitation, learning a level is almost the same, and it is not very useful anyway.

As for the remaining three million or so points, they are reserved for emergencies.

It may be used to learn some new skills.

After improving all aspects of his skills, Chen Mo’s strength was even more terrifying!

If a warrior of the level of a half-ton immortal could still have fought with him before.

Then he was in front of Chen Mo now, and he wasn’t even a toy!

Not only him, but even if he was an ordinary S-level martial artist, Chen Mo’s killing was only a matter of an instant!

The same is the S class, but there is a fundamental difference between the two.

The life level is not on one level at all!


However, the power of space was too mysterious, and Chen Mo still needed to sink his mind for a while.

This state is similar to a retreat.

But at the same time, Chen Mo needed to pay attention to whether there were other worlds in the void space so that he could have a place to stay.

The term void space is actually inaccurate.

It’s called the realm of nothingness, and maybe it’s better.

Here, there is no time, no space, no dimension.

There is only endless nothingness!

Universes, like bubbles in water, exist in them.

When the strength was not enough, Chen Mo could only rely on the gap in space to enter other universes.

But now Chen Mo’s strength has soared!

He could already take the initiative to tear open the cosmic barrier and force his way in.

Next, for an extremely long period of time, Chen Mo was looking for the right world.

But many were found in a row, and the level of strength was very low.

Such a world would not help Chen Mo anymore.

So he didn’t get in.


Chen Mo’s gigantic body of an evil god wandered in the realm of nothingness.

If he hadn’t raised the Demon God’s body, he wouldn’t have been able to hold out now!

But it doesn’t matter if it goes on like this.

In the realm of nothingness, Chen Mo was fighting against his surroundings all the time.

In such a state, how can you properly appreciate and feel the power after the advancement?

He needed a level of power enough to give him a quiet environment and retreat for a while.

In this way, Chen Mo could perfectly grasp the strength that had soared by more than a hundred times this time!


Fortunately, Chen Mo’s luck was not bad to the extreme.

After a while, he finally found a world where the level of strength was still good.

“The world is good, that’s it!”

After locking on to the target, thousands of nightmare ghost claws flew out of Chen Mo’s huge evil god body, and began to tear apart the space barrier of this world.

At the same time, in this world locked by Chen Mo, a big war is taking place!

The two sides of the battle are Odin, the king of the gods, and Raufei, the king of the frost giants!

Odin, king of the gods, ruler of Asgard, has the power of Odin!

Lau Fei, the Frost Giant King, has a strong bloodline and has the power of ice that can freeze everything!

These two are as if judged by the warrior system, they are both S+-level super strongmen, and the strength of the Dragon Blood Martial Emperor is similar to, or even stronger!

The battle between them will definitely destroy the world and the earth, and the movement will be huge.

But now, the situation is somewhat awkward.

Odin and Laufei were frozen in place, and neither of them moved.

Because now, there is a third person, the guardian of the earth, the Supreme Mage Gu Yi!


The three of them floated in the universe not far from the earth, in a triangular trend.

Gu Yi looked at the other two with a serious face and said:

“The battle between the two of you, I don’t care.

But you can’t fight on Earth!

The last time you fought, it brought great disaster to the earth!

I don’t allow that to happen! ”

As he spoke, Gu Yi’s body erupted with a powerful aura, not inferior to Odin and Raufei at all.

This made the two of them a little confused.

What’s going on here?

In just one or two hundred years, the earth had one more such powerful mage.

Is human talent so powerful?

But Odin is not showing weakness.

At this time, the earth has just entered the 16th century, and he is still the king of the gods believed by countless people!

Even if the strength of this human being was not inferior to his, there was still a sense of pride in his heart.

Odin glanced at Gu Yi and said in a lofty tone:

“Do you know who I am?

I am the King of the Gods, I am the Supreme of the Nine Realms, I am the Lord of Asgard!

You are just a mortal, and you dare to stop me? ”

Hearing this, Gu Yi sneered and said dismissively:

“God? There is no God in this world, but it is powerful enough.

I’m not one of those ignorant people, and your crap is useless to me.

If you insist on fighting on Earth, don’t blame me for interfering! ”


This remark made Odin very angry.

He felt that his authority had been provoked!

“Damn mortals, today I’m going to give you a glimpse, the wrath of God!”

In anger, Odin wasn’t going to say anything more.

After dropping a harsh word, he raised the Eternal Gun in his hand and let Gu Yi see how powerful he was.

Seeing this, the Frost Giant King Raufei was also ready to move.

A big battle is about to begin!

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!



The universe above the earth suddenly shook violently, and a powerful and strange force was infiltrating this side.

This terrible force made Odin, Lao Fei, and Gu Yi all freeze.

“This… What is this power? It’s horrible! ”

Odin opened his mouth wide and whispered incredulously.

For the first time ever, he tasted the taste of fear.

Odin’s body trembled with the vibration of space, with the invasion of this force!

The most powerful of the three, Odin, was like this, not to mention the other two!

Gu Yi also said just now that there is no god in this world.

But this vast and boundless force gave her a blow to the head!

What can a being with such power be if it is not a god?!

Moreover, Koichi already controls the Time Gem and can predict the future.

Today, this battle between Odin and Laufe, she foresaw in advance.

So I was able to get to the scene early.

But in the future foretold by the Time Gem, there was no such scene!

Gu Yi had just opened the Power Gem again, trying to deduce the existence behind the cause of this change.

But it was repulsed!

Even the Time Gem had dimmed a little, which shocked and frightened her to the extreme!!!


In the shocked and horrified eyes of the three top powers, the space shook violently.

Then a gap slowly cracked.

In the gap, countless pairs of strange and huge ghost claws stretched out, and in a brutal posture, they tore open this space hard!!!

Under the tearing of these ghost claws, the space shook and was forcibly torn apart!

This scene made Odin, Lao Fei, and Gu Yixin tremble, and they could hardly believe their eyes!

What an amazing power?!

He actually tore open the space with his bare hands and broke in!

What kind of existence can this be?

You must know that before this, Odin and Gu Yi did not think at all that the original cosmic space could be torn apart!

This simply shattered their three views!


After the space was torn apart, a huge and boundless scarecrow appeared in front of them!

Chen Mo’s body was still the same size as before.

But at this time, in order to resist the wear and tear of the Void Realm, he deliberately opened the Demon God Form, a huge borderless.

It is estimated to be more than 100,000 meters long.

Floating in the universe, like a small planet.

Laufei claims to be the Frost Giant King, but he is only 100 meters high.

Compare to this scarecrow, it’s a tiny bug!

“This… What is this? ”

In the huge shock, the three supreme beings had long forgotten the fight, and looked at the terrible scarecrow in such a daze, their brains blank.


On the other hand, after coming to this new universe, Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

The Void is too terrible!

There is no time, no space, no dimension.

Anything will be worn away!

Even Chen Mo could only constantly consume his strength and compete with the entire Void Realm.

It was very tiring, and he didn’t have time to feel the strength he had just gained.

Now that we are finally out of nothingness, it’s time to retreat for a while.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo immediately came into contact with the Demon God Form and entered a dormant state.

He naturally saw Odin, Gu Yi, and Lao Fei.

However, with Chen Mo’s current strength, even if he entered a dormant state, the general existence could not help him at all!

If he really encounters danger, he will automatically wake up.

Chen Mo could sense that the strength of the three living beings around him was not weak.

If you don’t compare with him, you can be called very powerful!

But so what?

In front of him, it was nothing!

Chen Mo believed that as long as these three people were not stupid, they did not dare to provoke him at all.

So I went into hibernation with confidence.


However, before entering the dormant state, Chen Mo also did one more thing.

With a snap of his fingers, he flicked a small spot of light toward the nearest Earth.

This small point of light is the space he created.

Of the thousands of believers who were stored in them, there are now dozens of dead left.

But these survivors are the best of them!

At least there is a B-level strength!

Chen Mo estimated that the dormancy would take some time.

So simply throw these believers on earth and let them develop freely.

Maybe after Chen Mo woke up, these believers could develop the Dusk Sect well.

So he has ready-made leeks to cut!

After flashing the last thought in his mind, Chen Mo completely entered a dormant state and began to feel the power of the surge after this advancement.

I hope that I can get a day earlier and fully grasp the power I have now!


After watching the majestic scarecrow become the size of an ordinary person,

Odin, Gu Yi, and Lao Fei looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

The point of light that Chen Mo had just popped out, they naturally saw.

But I didn’t dare to move!

If they hadn’t been afraid of alarming that terrible being, they might have run away a long time ago!

The three supreme beings of the Marvel world were so frightened by Chen Mo, who had just entered this universe, that they did not dare to move!

Even if Chen Mo was like an ordinary scarecrow after he went to sleep, floating calmly in the universe, they didn’t dare to make any changes!


Anyone who saw the scene just now can know how terrible this scarecrow is!

This is the true god-level power!

Compared with Him, the so-called King of the Gods, Odin, is a piece of garbage!

Isn’t it to alarm Him to death?


In this way, Odin, Gu Yi, and Lao Fei, the three big men who were vying for hegemony in the universe, were frightened by Chen Mo and froze in place.

He didn’t dare to move for more than ten hours!

This made the three of them extremely embarrassed, feeling that their face as a strong man had been trampled on and there was no scum left.

In the end, the Frost Giant King Lao Fei couldn’t really be bothered.

“fk! This king has never been so depressed in his life!

Death is death, and I’d like to see what He is!” ”

After a low roar, Laufei gritted his teeth and flew towards the floating scarecrow.


4,500 word chapter delivered!

Tell me about my plan for the follow-up outline, as well as my writing ideas.

I guess there will be a lot of people who will give up on changing the map this time, but I feel that this new map of the Marvel world will be written more wonderfully.

I was not satisfied with what I wrote on the original world.

The main problem is that in a new world, if you want to write well, you must reshape the worldview, people, background, and so on.

But the big guys obviously don’t have the patience to see this, and they all want to see content related to the protagonist.

So after the whole world was written, it seemed very impatient and kept up with the progress.

This is also a thing that has no way to let the protagonist appear and chase the end…

But if it were a fandom, this problem would not arise.

Because it is a ready-made worldview and background, everything is inherent and does not need me to re-shape.

Moreover, Marvel’s worldview is particularly suitable for evil gods such as the protagonist to wreak havoc, and there is a lot to write about the power system from the bottom up.

So, trust me, the plot of the new map will be wonderful!

In addition, even if you don’t know Marvel readers, it won’t affect reading, and I will bring out the relevant settings in the plot.

I hope you continue to pursue, thanks!

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