After the end of World War II, the earth ushered in a period of calm.

At least on the surface it is calm.

But secretly, the Twilight Sect was still trying to develop!


Soon, another thirty years passed.

Time to the 80s of the 20th world.

After these decades, there were two divine messengers, whose strength could not be broken through for a long time, and finally died helplessly.

This situation was quickly perceived by Chen Mo.

Although he had been concentrating on cultivation, fusing the power of space.

But it does not completely cut off contact with the outside world.

If that were the case, the followers of the Twilight Sect would not have received a response from him.

After lying down for such a long time, Chen Mo also found that this was the Marvel World.

It got him a little excited.

The level of power in this world is quite high, and it may be possible to pursue a higher realm!

With the increase of strength, Chen Mo became more and more intoxicated by the feeling of constantly getting stronger and gradually controlling the power.

Imagine if he could control the power of the laws of time, space, and so on, traverse countless worlds, and experience life.

What a cheerful thing that must be?

The life of a mortal is also a time in Chen Mo’s view.

He can enjoy endless happiness and pursue anything he wants!

Therefore, Chen Mo’s footsteps in the conquest could not be stopped!

So, Marvel World he must take down!


With this in mind, Chen Mo plans to get a few powerful underwater from the White Feather Star to help him spread his fear in the Marvel world.

When he first came to the Marvel world, he couldn’t teleport people across the universe and space.

However, after decades of retreat, Chen Mo’s mastery of the power of space had greatly deepened!

Although it is impossible to manipulate the two universes wantonly, it is still no problem to teleport two people.

So, who is transmitted?

Chen Mo’s mind turned, and he soon had a goal.

Su Jing and Liu Ningxue!

Su Jing was Chen Mo’s great hero in the Wei Wei Period!

It was her cartoon that helped Chen Mo spread fear and harvest a large amount of fear power!

Later, Su Jing got the Death Comics and became a B+ level Spirit.

In addition, Su Jing is also the person who is most closely related to Chen Mo.

After becoming an evil god, the human feelings in Chen Mo’s heart became more and more indifferent.

If he had to choose a person or life form that he cared about the most, he would most likely choose Su Jing.

This kind of affection is not the love of men and women.

More like the feelings of the owner and the pet.

In Chen Mo’s eyes, Su Jing is an obedient, capable and good-looking little pet.


Liu Ningxue was once the holy daughter of a certain cult.

After defecting from that cult, he led his men to set up the Twilight Sect!

She is the founder and leader of the Twilight Sect.

If it weren’t for Liu Ningxue creating the Dusk Sect, Chen Mo wouldn’t have thought that the original tool man could still use it like this!

At the same time, without Liu Ningxue and without the Dusk Sect, Chen Mo would not have been able to harvest such a huge power of fear in the middle stage.

Liu Ningxue is a B-level Spirit Bearer.

The strangeness she controls has no combat effectiveness, but she can penetrate people’s hearts and see through everything!

In a way, it’s a very perverted ability!

Of course, the most important thing is Liu Ningxue’s leadership ability.

She is a natural ascendant!

Otherwise, he would not be able to lead the Dusk Sect to grow stronger step by step.


These two people, whether it is merit or ability, are one on top.

Therefore, Chen Mo did not hesitate to choose Su Jing and Liu Ningxue.

“Well, try what I’ve done during this time.”

After a thought flashed in his mind, Chen Mo took action.

His consciousness travels through layers of space, linking the two streams of consciousness of the White Feather Star Universe and the Marvel Universe.

Here are two points to explain,

First, the time of the two universes is not synchronized.

Hundreds of years have passed on the Marvel World’s side, but only ten years have passed on the White Feather side.

In the past decade, the Twilight Sect has completely dominated the world, and only a few people are still rebelling.

But it’s only a matter of time before it gets wiped out.

As the two leaders, Su Jing and Liu Ningxue have also achieved tremendous growth!

Su Jing had become an A-level Imperial Spirit Person.

Liu Ningxue was slightly worse, but also had A-level strength.


The second point to be explained is that at the level of Chen Mo, there is no longer a so-called ontology and a doppelganger.

Wherever the will goes, it is the Self!

And Chen Mo left the Scarecrow in countless places in several universes.

This also means that Chen Mo has completely become a being that cannot be killed!

Even if an entire universe is destroyed, he can be resurrected from the instantaneous full state of the first universe!

This is so perverted!

Of course, Chen Mo hadn’t experienced the feeling of being killed by someone else for a long time.

I don’t know if I have a chance to experience it once, I hope that the top masters of the Marvel world can give some power.


With this thought in his mind, Chen Mo’s consciousness descended on Su Jing and Liu Ningxue’s bodies.

At this time, the good sisters Su Jing and Liu Ningxue were shopping.

Yes, just shopping!

The two of them were blessed by evil gods, and whether they were from the point of view of status, power, or power, they had already reached the highest level!

Therefore, it is inevitable that there will be some salted fish.

Ten years of time, no trace was left on the faces of Su Jing and Liu Ningxue!

These two sisters are becoming more and more beautiful and moving.

A pure and lovely, temperament is high and cold, like the snow lotus in the heavenly pool.

People do not have the courage to get close, only dare to look at it from a distance, and then be amazed for a lifetime.

The other is charming and charming, as if he were a goblin.

Constantly tempting mortals in the world to sin!

The two of them walked down the street with a return rate of 200 percent!

Of course, this is the result of Su Jing and Liu Ningxue’s concealment of identity.

If they knew that the two of them were the supreme power of the Twilight Sect, everyone on this street would fall to their knees and shiver at their feet.

There is simply no way to have the courage to appreciate their beauty.


However, just when Su Jing and Liu Ningxue were happily shopping, something strange happened!

The sky that had been in the situation suddenly became dark.

A terrifying breath enveloped everyone, leaving everyone standing on the spot, with only fear left in their hearts!

Unlike others, after feeling this breath.

Su Jing and Liu Ningxue were first stunned, and then fell to their knees, tears of excitement.

“Ten years! It’s been a whole decade! The Great Dread Demon God has finally reappeared! ”

After feeling Chen Mo and breath, Su Jing and Liu Ningxue were both excited to cry!

And when the other people heard her words, they were all directly frightened and collapsed on the ground!

The legendary god of fear actually lowered his will himself.

Those two women… Who the hell is that?!


Second more to send, good night everyone.

Ask for a wave of evaluation votes, I want to rush 100,000 evaluation votes!

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