After feeling Chen Mo and breath, Su Jing and Liu Ningxue were both excited to cry.

This made Chen Mo a little speechless,

Two big beauties with their own characteristics, crying pitifully, raining pear blossoms.

How can it be a bit like a puppy abandoned by its owner?

After spitting out a word, Chen Mo’s mind moved, and he passed on his will.

“Get ready, I will teleport you to another universe and fight for a new cause!”

After receiving the divine will from Chen Mo, Su Jing and Liu Ningxue were even more excited!

The great demon gods they served finally remembered them!

“Obey the will of the Demon God!”

Su Jing and Liu Ningxue prostrated themselves reverently, and then they were ready to cross the space.


Soon, a huge force enveloped the surroundings.

All the surrounding crowds were forcibly bounced off, and only Su Jing and Liu Ningxue stayed where they were.

“Nourishing !!!”

Spatial turbulence emerges.

These terrible spatial forces strangled together and slowly opened up a space gate.

This door of space does not just cross the space of this universe.

And linked to two different universes!

Such a means cannot be accomplished without the gods!

Seeing the situation, Su Jing and Liu Ningxue looked at each other, and then the two held hands and walked in together.


After entering the door of space, there were chaotic and unnecessary lines all around, as if they were going to devour the two of them!

This feeling made Su Jing and Liu Ningxue extremely uncomfortable.

Fortunately, this state of affairs did not last long.

A few seconds later, the two fell to the ground.

Su Jing and Liu Ningxue knew that this was the Great Fear Demon God and needed them to make a difference.

“Come to this world and serve as the first two of the Ten Great Gods.”

“Duty, grow the Twilight Sect, spread endless fear.”

After landing on the ground, Chen Mo’s voice once again sounded in the minds of Su Jing and Liu Ningxue.

The two women fell to their knees, prayed reverently, and gladly accepted the task.

At the same time, the other eight divine envoys also received Chen Mo’s divine will, knowing that two new divine messengers had arrived, and their status was still above the red flame!

This made their hearts throb, not knowing where these two people came from.

Only Red Flame can vaguely guess some.

After all, she was the only one who had dealt with Su Jing and Liu Ningxue.

In the memory of Red Flame, only these two people would let the Great Fear Demon God personally intervene and drop them into this world.


Not to mention what Su Jing and Liu Ningxue would do next, and no matter what the other eight gods of the Dusk Sect thought.

In any case, this day has finally become the day that Thor, the god of thunder, remembers the most.

Because, today, it will become his nightmare day!

Thor, the god of thunder, is the son of Odin, king of the gods.

He was also the heir to the throne in Asgard.

It can be said that the whole of Asgard, except for Odin, belongs to his highest status!

And in the past few hundred years, Odin gradually aged and began to deliberately cultivate Thor.

It is estimated that it will not be long before Thor, the god of thunder, will become the new king of Asgard!

But even so, there is a place in Asgard where Thor is not allowed to enter!

Here, it is the existence of the Forbidden Land!

Except for Odin, no one else can enter!

There was once a guard who accidentally broke in, and somehow fell into madness.

He unexpectedly pulled out his facial features and died in endless fear and howl!

That scene made Thor’s heart be greatly shocked!

I was even more curious about this forbidden place.

But he also knew that there must be a reason why Odin strictly prohibited the entry of the place.

Therefore, I can only suppress the curiosity in my heart and ignore it.


But on this day, strange fluctuations of power suddenly came from this secret room.

And the volatility is getting more and more intense!

This force seemed to be able to destroy the entire Asgard, and the god of thunder was shocked!

Coincidentally, Odin was not in Asgard at this time.

It seemed to go to the Frost Giant to discuss something important.

This got Thor in a bind.

On the one hand, he wanted to enter the forbidden land to see what was making such a big fuss!

If you don’t leave it alone and make things worse, it’s not good.

On the other hand, it was a place strictly forbidden for his father, Odin. 、

Although Thor is short-tempered and reckless, he is a bit impulsive a lot of the time.

But that doesn’t mean he’s a fool.

So, Thor stood at the door of the forbidden land, hesitating, not knowing what to do.

But just when he was hesitating, there was a sudden scream from the forbidden land.

This scream made Thor’s face change drastically, and he didn’t expect to rush away like a forbidden land.

Because the sound of this scream came from his mother!



As soon as Thor rushed into the Chamber of Secrets, the environment around him changed instantly.

The original bright light is all gone.

It was dark all around, and a few ghosts could be faintly seen.

In the center of this space, stands a strangely shaped scarecrow.

The scarecrow was thin and tall, carrying a lantern glowing with a miserable green light in one hand and a huge scythe in the other.

On both sides of the shoulders, there were also several huge night crows, whose blood-red eyes were glowing with ferocious bloodlust!

Although the scarecrow was motionless, it inexplicably made Thor, the always courageous thunder god, shiver and break out in a cold sweat.

At this time, he suddenly woke up.

His mother was still in the palace at this time, how could she run into this forbidden place?

This is something that can be easily thought of.

But just now, Thor’s brain seemed to be blinded by paste, lost the ability to think, and broke into this strange forbidden place.

Thor regretted it in his heart, and secretly realized that something must have confused his mind just now.

But at this point, there is no point in thinking about this.

All you have to do now is to leave this eerie and gloomy forbidden place!

Thinking of this, Thor’s first reaction was to turn his head and leave.

But as soon as I turned back, the gate had long since disappeared.

This forbidden place was originally just a basement, and the area was not very large.

But now, Thor, the god of thunder, is in an endless dark space, and he can’t see his head at a glance!

“What the hell is this place?!”

Thor scolded in a low voice while tightening the hammer of Thor’s in his hand.

At this point, he didn’t realize what kind of existence he was facing!

I didn’t realize what kind of horror I would experience next!


The first one is more to give, thanks to the “Elysium Martial Emperor” 1000 points tip!

I don’t know what wind Feilu’s system smokes, and I deleted a lot of my posts.

Posts asking for suggestions were deleted, and all refined tip posts were deleted. Yesterday, there was also a reader who tipped 1,000 points, but before he could thank the post, he was deleted, and he didn’t know who tipped…

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