When people are extremely afraid, their consciousness will fall into a numb, stiff state.

At this point, Thor is in this state.

To put it bluntly, I was scared!

Thor, who used to be like the god of war, could only stupidly watch the scarecrow approach him little by little.

The distance between that vicious ghost claw and him was getting closer and closer!



The Scarecrow’s vicious ghost claws grabbed Thor by the shoulders.

He felt his body freeze in an instant!

It’s freezing!

“Are you going to die?” Is it really going to die? ”

Thor’s consciousness was chaotic, and in extreme fear he smelled a breath of death.

But at this moment, a blinding white light appeared.

A mighty figure descended from the sky, knocking the Scarecrow away with one blow and bringing Thor out.

“Father! Have you come to save me Father?! ”

Thor looked up and saw his father, Odin, king of the gods.

The feeling of escaping from death made him ecstatic, excited to the point of not being able to help himself.

“Odin” glanced at the juvenile Thor, didn’t say much, just led him outside.

Thor didn’t think much of it and just followed him all the way out.

When he left, he looked back, but he didn’t see the figure of the strange scarecrow.

This made Thor feel a little strange.

That scarecrow was obviously very strange and difficult, how could he suddenly disappear and disappear?

And he broke into the forbidden land, Odin should have scolded him, how can he not say a word?


In fact, there are many loopholes in this matter.

As long as Thor can sink his heart and think about it, he will find that there is something unreasonable.

But he had just experienced great fear and great joy, and his mind was in chaos.

Although I vaguely felt that something was wrong, I didn’t think much about it.

Thor was thus taken away from the underground by Odin and returned to the beautiful Asgard.

Along the way, Thor meets many acquaintances.

These acquaintances all looked at him with a smile.

Even the people who had been the worst to deal with Thor in the past looked at him with a smile on their faces.

One person and two people are like this, that’s all.

But dozens or hundreds of people in a row, the sense of discord and ominousness in Thor’s heart became more and more intense!

“Something is wrong! What’s wrong with that?

Where, exactly… Wait a minute!

What about my Thor’s Hammer? What about my body, my strength? ”

Thinking of this, Thor, the god of thunder, was shocked, his hair stood upright, and his scalp exploded in an instant!

If only he had really asked the creepy scarecrow to leave the forbidden land.

Then, his body should return to its original state and its strength will return to its original state.

Even Thor’s Hammer should return to his hands.

But…… None of this happened!

Thor is still in a weak state of infancy!


Thor shivered and thought of an incomparably terrible possibility!

His throat rolled a little, and after swallowing the spit, he tried to break free of the “Odin” that was holding his arm.

Odin’s big hand was like an iron tong, and he grabbed Thor’s arm and made him unable to break free!

Even so, Thor was reluctant to believe his conjectures and hunches.

Just because, that’s horrible!

With a glimmer of hope, Thor asked weakly:

“Father, Father, can you let go of me?” My hand hurt a little from your scratches. ”

However, “Odin” still did not respond.

He forcibly pulled Thor forward.

All around, there were people with strange smiles on their faces.

This scene made Thor’s heart hairy, and he felt an unprecedented sense of fear!

These faces, which had once been his most familiar, had become extremely strange, and only then did he dare to be afraid even more than the ones just now!

However, Thor was a battle-hardened warrior after all.

Things have reached this point, and there is no point in escaping anymore.

He plucked up his courage and sped up to the front, hoping to see what the “Odin” holding him was!

But as soon as Thor ran to Odin’s side, the Odin turned back.

“My good son, what are you doing here?”

“Odin” asked in a strange voice,

The most terrifying thing was that the flesh and blood on his face decayed little by little!

After falling to the ground, a scarecrow’s face was revealed!


Odin’s eyeballs fell out and grunted and rolled to Thor’s feet.

After the eyeballs fall, a terrifying look like a black hole can swallow everything!

After being stared at by this look, Thor’s mental defense line completely collapsed.


He let out a terrible scream and his sanity collapsed!


Meanwhile, Odin is on the Frost Giant’s turf, discussing matters with the Frost Giant King Laufer.

At the beginning, Odin, Laufei, and Gu Yi agreed that no one would guard the Scarecrow for a hundred years and take turns.

But this Scarecrow evil god is so dangerous, it is simply a time bomb!

It can blow up the existence of a planet or even a small universe!

So the first reincarnation, that is, after three hundred years.

The three re-established the rules of guarding.

Since all three of them agreed, they did not violate the soul contract.

Now Odin is in charge of guarding the Scarecrow evil god.

In a few years, it will be the turn of the Frost Giant King Laufei to accept the big bomb.

This time, Odin is here to discuss with Laufei about the handover of the Scarecrow Evil God.


In the original Marvel Universe.

Odin defeats and kills Rauffy and brings his young son Loki back to Asgard to raise him.

However, due to Chen Mo’s birth, their battle was interrupted.

This made the Frost Giant King Raufei live to this day and successfully raise his son Loki.

In addition, under the threat of the Scarecrow evil god, the relationship between Odin and Laufei has been repaired a lot.

Not a friend, but barely a grasshopper on a rope.

When necessary, they will help each other.


“In three years, it’s your turn to take over that existence.”

Your last environment was not very good, you have to change it to a better one!

Don’t wake up that being! Serve Him well! ”

Odin tapped on the table and said solemnly to Laufei.

Lau Fei also rarely agreed with Odin’s words and nodded:

“I see, I must be more careful this time.”

This scene was all overseen by Loki, who was hiding in the shadows.

Although the growth environment is different.

But Lo Basics has not changed, and he is still the god of mischief.

He is clever and cunning, good at disguise and deception, and very fond of playing pranks.

This is also the origin of Loki’s name.

So after discovering that his father had secretly met with Odin, Loki did not hesitate to sneak in and peek.

And this scene made him extremely curious and shocked.


Loki was shocked that his father would agree with Odin.

You know, Odin and Laufe are not the same.

Basically, Odin said east, then Rao is going to go west!

And this time, his father actually agreed, how did this not shock Loki?

Meanwhile, Loki was more curious.

What exactly is that “being” in Odin’s mouth?

Why would Odin and his father be so cautious?

Is this “being” really so terrifying?


The more Loki thought about it, the more curious he became, and his heart itched, and he very much wanted to know the hidden secret behind it.

But at this moment, Odin’s face suddenly changed drastically, and he suddenly stood up.

This scene startled Loki, who was hiding in the shadows.

“What’s the situation? I was discovered?! ”

“No, it shouldn’t! I used the treasures of the clan. ”

“Logically, even Odin can’t find me!”

Loki’s heart was pounding and he thought he was exposed.

Then the next moment, Odin was heard shouting urgently:

“Not bad! The breath of that being suddenly became stronger, and there seemed to be signs of waking up!

It’s still mixed with the breath of my son Thor, and I’ll have to go back and have a look! ”


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