“Not bad! The breath of that being suddenly became stronger, and there seemed to be signs of waking up!

It’s still mixed with the breath of my son Thor, and I’ll have to go back and have a look! ”

After shouting, Odin hurried to Asgard in a hurry, taking the pre-set space-time gate.

It was said that the face of the Frost Giant King Laofei had also changed drastically!

He gritted his teeth and thought for a moment, but finally followed.

That scarecrow evil god is terrifying.

If something really happened, then neither Asgard, the Earth, nor his Giant Clan could run away!

Therefore, Lau Fei chose to follow the past to see.

If you need help, you can also do something.

Seeing that Odin and Lau Fei were facing enemies, they rushed to Asgard at the same time.

Loki’s curiosity exploded to the extreme!

Who are these two people?

One is the Man of the Gods, Odin, the master of Asgard.

The other is the Frost Giant King Raufei, who rules the Giant Clan.

Both of them are famous and powerful people in this universe, and they are the mighty ones!

However, the “being” in the mouths of Odin and Laufe, just a small movement, scared the two of them like this!

How did this make Loki not curious?

So his eyes rolled, and he quietly followed up knowing that there might be danger.


On the other side, in the underground chamber of Asgard.

Thor, the god of thunder, is experiencing the most terrifying thing in his life!

The father who just rescued him is actually a scarecrow!

As the flesh and blood on Odin’s face fell little by little, the surrounding environment became darker and darker.

Asgard, which was originally beautiful and charming, gradually became distorted.

Finally it became a dark space exactly like before!

And those Asgardians with strange smiles are the same as “Odin”.

The flesh and blood fell off and became the Scarecrow!

In a matter of seconds, Thor fell from beautiful Asgard into a terrifying dark hell!

The people around him, from Odin and the Asgardians, became endless scarecrows!

Thor scanned the surroundings and saw that he was already surrounded by scarecrows!

These terrible scarecrows, with eerie danger on their faces, stared at him deadly.

The scarecrow who had previously pulled Thor and disguised himself as Odin suddenly opened his mouth to speak.

“My dear son, I am a little hungry. Can you let me fill my belly a little? ”

“No! No, you can’t !!! Get me out of here! ”

Thor roared madly, but he struggled powerlessly, stripped of his strength.

He could only let this scarecrow clamp down on his hands and then stretch out a large mouth full of sharp teeth!

The next moment…


Thor let out a cry of misery, pain, and fear.

The flesh and blood on this face had not yet fallen off, and the scarecrow could faintly see the shadow of his father.

Actually took a sharp bite and nibbled a piece of flesh from Thor’s body!

A chill that penetrated deep into the bone marrow made Thor almost mad!

He was pushed to the ground and allowed to be devoured by the scarecrow.

In the process of crazy struggle, I could faintly see the faces of scarecrows staring.

The eerie smile at the corner of his mouth was incomparably glaring!

The breath of death is getting stronger and stronger!

Thor had a vague hunch that he might really be dying here today.

“I’m sorry Father… I shouldn’t have entered the Forbidden Land. I’m sorry…”

Thor repented in his heart, leaving tears in his eyes.

But when he was about to nibble clean, a sudden force struck and took him out.

Thor looked at the flowers and found that the Scarecrows were all gone.

He was again in the beautiful Asgard.

Lying on the ground, Thor’s first sight was two faces.

One face was that of his father, Odin, king of the gods.

The other face is the Frost Giant King Raufei.

But after seeing Odin, Thor couldn’t help but think of what had just happened.

He slammed a wit and shouted:

“Fake, all fake, Hugh wants to lie to me again!”

As he spoke, Thor jumped up as if by reflex and punched the fake Odin in his eye.


After sensing the evil spirit of the Scarecrow, Thor rushed back as fast as he could, and his heart was extremely anxious.

Not only because he was worried that Chen Mo would wake up and run away.

It was also because he felt that the breath of his son Thor seemed to be entangled with the evil god!

After the wind and fire rushed back, Odin saw Thor going crazy in the forbidden land.

A man with his eyes closed fell to the ground, crying and screaming, looking funny and strange.

If only he had seen this scene alone.

The point is, the Frost Giant King Laufei also followed!

That’s a shame!

Although the two old enemies are not fighting much now, the comparison has never stopped.

Especially in recent years, the focus of the comparison has gradually shifted to the sons of both sides.

Overall, Thor, is better.

For this reason, Odin did not brag and show in front of Laufei.

But who knows, he boasted about the son of the show, but at this time it is like this!

Even if you know that the evil god is weird, it is very humiliating!

Especially seeing that Lao Fei on the side was holding back a smile, Odin’s face was black!

As soon as he threw his hand, a force pulled Thor out of the forbidden land, freed from the invasion of the evil god force.

In fact, Chen Mo never targeted Thor from the beginning to the end.

It’s just that he wants to get Su Jing and Liu Ningxue to the Marvel world, so he wakes up a little.

The little power that Chen Mo leaked out after he woke up interfered with Thor.

So there was what had just happened.

After being pulled out of the forbidden land by Odin, Thor quickly returned to normal.

Seeing this, Odin, with a black face, opened his mouth, wanting to say something reprimandful.

But who knew he hadn’t said a word, and Thor suddenly turned over and stood up.

However, with the speed of covering his ears and thundering, he slammed a punch into Odin’s face!

Odin is much stronger than Thor.

But the two were close, and Odin was defenseless.

He couldn’t imagine that Thor’s first reaction after being rescued was to punch his old father!


Thor’s punch hit Odin’s face so hard.

At this moment, the air froze!


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