“Fake, all fake, Hugh wants to lie to me again!”

Thor, who was rescued, became the Great Filial Piety.

Without saying a word, he jumped up and punched his old father, Odin, in the face.

After being hit by a punch, Odin did not move.

But his face darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

That already gloomy face, now gloomy is about to drip water!

After the punch failed, Thor was stunned.

He suddenly found that his body seemed to have returned to its original state, and all his strength had returned!

Don’t…… Has he left the Forbidden Land?

If you leave the forbidden land, then the Odin in front of you…

Thinking of this, Thor couldn’t help but shiver.

Looking at Odin, whose face was extremely gloomy, Thor stiffly squeezed out a smile and tentatively asked:

“I… Was I rescued? ”

Seeing his son stupid like this, Odin was already angry and speechless.

He waved his scepter and scolded angrily:

“You fool, do you want to piss me off?!”

How many times have I told me? Whatever happens, don’t go into the Forbidden Land!

If you don’t listen, you will still be so messed up, and you will go crazy when you are rescued!

Go to the back mountain yourself and be grounded for three months. ”


Seeing Odin being like this, and thinking about his performance, Thor also felt that he was indeed humiliated and humiliated.

After agreeing, he shrugged his head and walked weakly toward the back hill of the palace.


After Thor left, Odin gradually regained his composure and stared into the forbidden land.

Lao Fei also narrowed his smile and looked at the forbidden land with a serious face.

Through the crack in the door, you can see that it is pitch black inside.

Only the Scarecrow Evil God was still suspended in the center, and he couldn’t see anything unusual.

“This force … It seems to be the power of space.

I didn’t know what this evil god was doing, but it actually caused such a strong fluctuation of spatial power. ”

Odin frowned, a little worried.

Raufimo brushed his chin and thought:

“He shouldn’t have deliberately targeted Thor, or Thor wouldn’t have waited for you to come back to the rescue.”

Not only that, but he almost killed Thor.

This evil god is getting more and more terrifying! ”


“Evil God?”

Loki, who was hiding in the shadows, heard this keyword and couldn’t help but tremble in his heart.

He felt that today he had discovered the big secret!

Perhaps it was because of this big secret that the battle between Asgard and the Frost Giant would suddenly end.

It also flipped one hundred and eighty degrees and made an alliance!


On the other side, Odin and Laufei were still talking.

“If it goes on like this, it’s not a thing.”

We can only play the role of guards, and there is nothing we can do about this evil god.

He even had to make offerings, for fear that he would be awakened. ”

Lau said helplessly.

He was a big boss, and it was very painful for him to let him do the service of others!

But this thing has to be done.

Otherwise, it may cause the disaster of extinction!

Hearing this, Odin said solemnly:

“Have you heard of the Five Creator Gods?”

“You mean… The five legendary creator gods who created this universe? ”

Lau Fei asked uncertainly.

“That’s them! If you can find these five creation gods, you may be able to solve this big trouble. ”

Odin nodded and said.

“But… Aren’t the Five Creator Gods legendary? No one has ever seen them!

Can this be counted on? ”

Lao Fei asked incomprehensibly.

Odin took a deep look at him and said seriously:

“Even this kind of cross-universe evil god exists, why aren’t there five great creation gods?”

Look for it, we have no other way. ”


Speaking of this, both of them looked a little helpless.

They were originally the top powerful people in this universe, but at this time, they were so messed up by an alien evil god.

It’s a bit uncomfortable!


On the other side, Loki, hiding in the shadows, saw the two of them end the conversation, and his eyes rolled to think of Thor, who was being imprisoned.

Through the conversation between Odin and Raufi, Loki learns that an evil god is enshrined in the Forbidden Land.

Moreover, it was an evil god so powerful that even Odin, the king of the gods, and Raufei, the king of the frost giants, were jealous!

This made Loki take a huge interest in it.

Come to think of it, Thor, who had just entered the forbidden land, should have some clues.

So Loki left the place and quietly came to the place where Thor was imprisoned.


At this moment, Thor sat on the ground, with a look of regret on his face.

Thinking back to what had just happened, he was terrified!

Those experienced in the forbidden land are really too weird and too terrible!

True and false, false and true, let Thor make a mess.

In the end, even the spirit and will were frightened and collapsed!

Fortunately, Odin’s strength is strong enough, and it is okay to punch him.

If that punch had hit someone else at that time, the consequences would have been unimaginable!

Just when Thor was terrified, a strange sound of yin and yang suddenly came from the side.

“Woohoo… I’m so scared!

Woohoo… People are crying!

Woohoo… The fist of filial piety is dedicated to beating Lao Tzu! ”

Thor turned his head to see Loki with a funny expression, imitating the way he had just been frightened.


In an instant, Thor’s face turned red.

Shame and anger, he almost ran away.

In this world, Thor and Loki are not brothers though.

However, due to the close relationship between Asgard and the Frost Giants, and both of them are the sons of the chief, they are very familiar.

Seeing Loki tease him with what he had just done, Thor almost hammered him over!

But Loki is a chicken thief.

He stopped his ridicule before Thor ran away and said solemnly:

“No kidding, can you tell me what happened to you in that forbidden place?”

Thor, who was about to erupt, was interrupted by a hard start, and could only stare at him fiercely and said angrily: ”

“Stop kidding me about that!”

Otherwise! The hammer in my hand will squash your head! ”

“Now that you know it, let’s talk about what you encountered in the Forbidden Land?”

Is there a very terrible evil god in there? ”

Loki nodded casually, then asked with a curious face.


The first is more to send, the second more is on the way to come!

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