After listening to Han Junfei’s story, Liu Ningxue did not fully believe it.

She used her strange power to gain insight into Han Junfei’s thoughts.

Discover the truth of the matter exactly as he said.

So, Liu Ningxue nodded and said:

“If that’s the case, then I won’t transform him into a puppet.”

Having said that, that rotten horrible ghost hand took down Tony. The “single horn” on Stark’s head was installed back where it should be.

This scene made Han Junfei’s crotch cool, and his face couldn’t help but turn white.

Han Junfei was walking away from the warrior system, which was completely different from the Imperial Spirit Person.

Although his hard power is very strong.

But seeing such a strange means, I still can’t help but feel hairy in my heart!


However, there were still serious things to be done at the moment, and Han Junfei temporarily suppressed these random thoughts.

“Lord, this Tony. Stark, what are you going to arrange?

Let him bump into so many things today, I’m afraid it’s hard to seal it! ”

Speaking of this, Han Junfei was also a little worried.

Let him kill Tony. Stark, that’s a show of hands.

Even raise your finger.

But Tony. Stark also has a big role and can’t be killed.

So how do you shut him up?

If you tell Tony the whole truth. Stark, Han Junfei is afraid that this playboy will behave abnormally.

Then caught by the top brass of the lighthouse country.


After hearing Han Junfei’s concern, Liu Ningxue smiled.

“What’s so hard about that? Wouldn’t it be okay to erase his memory? ”

As she spoke, Liu Ningxue held out her jade-like fingers and pointed at Tony. Stark taps lightly.

A white light poured into his brain.

“Well, all the memories he had just had were erased by me.

If nothing happened, I went back. ”

Liu Ningxue said as he glanced at Han Junfei.

Being on top of the willow snow, Han Junfei felt the pressure of the mountain!

The means of the Spirit Guardian are too weird!

It is so easy to erase the memory of the target.

If you erase all your memories, aren’t you going to become an idiot?

Or erase the life experience, then you can be brainwashed and made into a tool person.

The more Han Junfei thought about it, the more panicked his heart became.

He hurriedly said:

“It’s all right, the subordinates call it retirement.” If the Sect Master has any problems, he can continue to subordinate at any time. ”

“Well, go for it.”

After receiving Liu Ningxue’s approval, Han Junfei turned into a black streamer and disappeared into the dark night sky in a panic.

After Han Junfei left, Liu Ningxue did not stay long.

With a wave of her hand, the roof of the building returned to its original state.

Elevators and stairs are all present.

Then her figure flashed and disappeared in place.


Half an hour later, a cool breeze blew from the rooftop.

Tony. Stark shivered and woke up confused.

“Huh? Odd? How did I get to the rooftop?

Didn’t I just drink and play at the banquet? ”

The escaped playboy patted himself on the head and found his memory somewhat confused.

He could only vaguely remember that he had drunk and played at the banquet, and seemed to have talked to two big beautiful women, but it ended in failure.

As for who these two big beauties are and what they look like, they are completely unimpressed.

The next memory is broken.

If you try to remember it again…

Tony. Stark suddenly shivered!

He seemed to recall a nightmare.

In the dream, he becomes an ugly unicorn and is cruelly castrate.

No more fun playing with a female unicorn.


“Heck, how could I have such a strange dream?”

It must be drinking too much, and I have to drink less in the future. ”

Tony. Stark muttered as he stepped down from the roof.

At this time, the big did not know that the “unicorn” would become a shadow and black history for him.

Because, a figure lurking in the shadows captured this scene.

After everyone had left, the figure was revealed.

“Hey, the earth is so interesting?” Have fun. Unicorns? Hey hey hey! ”

“But just now that woman’s means are so weird, and that man’s qi and blood are also very powerful.”

“Be careful, you can’t capsize in the gutter.”

Loki smiled and disappeared into the darkness again.


After learning of the power and horror of the evil god from Thor, Loki decides to look for his power.

The enshrined evil god itself is not counted on.

But Loki is very clever!

He thought that the so-called movement of the evil god was because of the mobilization of large-scale spatial forces!

At that time, neither Asgard nor the Giants’ territory had fluctuated by the power of space.

In this way, the probability is that it is the earth!

Who knew that when he first came to Earth, he saw something interesting.

And from the strange means of that oriental beauty, Loki vaguely associated with the evil god.

He planned to look at it again to see if he could find something related to that terrifying evil god from the earth.


These things that happened on the earth had nothing to do with Chen Mo.

After teleporting Su Jing and Liu Ningxue to Earth, Chen Mo’s consciousness awakened a little.

Thor’s encounters, he knew.

This scene awakened Chen Mo’s memories.

When you think about it, it seems that he hasn’t toyed with living beings and wandered the world for a long time.

Although this constantly enhanced feeling is very cool.

But over time, it was somewhat boring.

“Perhaps… It’s time to hang out.

This is the Marvel World, it should be very interesting, right? ”

Thinking of this, Chen Mo began to condense his body.

Soon, a tall, thin, cold, handsome man appeared out of thin air.

This is Chen Mo’s doppelganger!

This doppelganger is in a very strange state.

He can be human, he can be weird, and he can even transform into another living being.

Being able to condense this kind of body is enough to see how strong Chen Mo’s strength is now!

Void creation, the means of God!


After creating this body, Chen Mo teleported him to Earth.

The teleportation of this universe was very easy for him.

It doesn’t even cause fluctuations in strength.

After sending the doppelganger to Earth, Chen Mo’s body fell into a deep sleep again, continuing to smelt the power of space.

And the carrier of his consciousness appeared on the earth!

It needs to be explained that at the life level of Chen Mo, there is no longer any difference between the body and the body.

It can be said that every body is the body, and each body is a doppelganger.

In other words, where consciousness resides, it is the Being!

The reason why staying in Asgard is the essence is only because the body carries the vast majority of the power and is cultivating.

Anyway, Chen Mo came to Earth for the first time in the Marvel World.

The demon god descends to the mortal world and patrols the human world!


The second more to send.

Marvel World is so wonderful, how can the protagonist not turn around? Right?

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