Beacon Country, New York.

When night falls, this bustling city begins to emerge with all kinds of dirtiness that is different from the bright and beautiful daytime!

In the shadows, there are countless evils lurking!


In an alley, two big men are fighting each other.

These two big men all have sharp claws extending from their palms, and their self-healing ability is super strong!

“Stop dreaming, saber-toothed tiger!” I’ll never go back to that special squad again. You make me sick! ”

Wolverine kicked his enemy and said coldly.

And this enemy is his brother, the saber-toothed tiger!

The two are brothers, both mutants, and their abilities and strength are highly similar.

For a while, there is no winner or loser.

But the saber-toothed tiger was not panicked at all.

He licked his lips and sneered:

“It’s up to you! I just have to hold you and wait for the support to come, do you think you can leave? When the time comes…”

Speaking of this, the saber-toothed tiger’s passing suddenly trembled.

His well-developed hearing allowed him to perceive in advance that there were two people approaching here!

Following the footsteps of these two people, the saber-toothed tiger could judge that they were two tall girls.

“Oh, it seems that an ignorant little sparrow has crashed in.” Then kill them all. ”

The saber-toothed tiger was so lethal that it had already sentenced the two women who approached them to death.

Wolverine also noticed this, and his face changed and he shouted to the mouth of the alley:

“Go fast! Get out of here! ”

However, his warning sounded useless.

Those two footsteps were still approaching.

Seeing this, the saber-toothed tiger’s eyes flashed a blood light!

But the next moment, he was stunned.

Because, into the alley, it is not two people.

Three people!

The three of them were led by a tall man with a thin body wearing a black trench coat and unable to see his face.

There is an indescribable horror in his body!

Behind this man were the two women that Saber-Toothed Tiger had heard.

These two women were about the same as the saber-toothed tiger had conceived.

Tall and tall, with a beautiful face.

It is a big beauty who has fallen into the country and the city!

However, at this time, he did not have the heart to appreciate.

After seeing the three people walking in, the saber-toothed tiger’s hair stood upright, turned away and fled into the distance.

His hearing is extremely strong and he never misses it.

But this time, such a big living person was missed.

And this tall thin man gave the saber-toothed tiger a feeling of extreme danger!

His subconscious was roaring madly, keeping him away from this dangerous man!


The strength of the two mutants, Saber-toothed Tiger and Wolverine, is probably about B level if converted into a martial arts system.

Wolverine may be slightly taller.

After sensing great danger, the saber-toothed tiger exploded with all its potential and frantically escaped through the city.

Wolverine, who was one step slower, gave up on escaping.

As an iron-blooded tough man, he actually showed a touch of fear on his face!

Because, after the saber-toothed tiger shouted “run away”, he actually stepped in the same place!

From time to time, I looked back as if I was really running away.

However, with his action of standing still, it was extremely strange, making Wolverine numb from his scalp!

“Hell yes! What is this man for? ”

Wolverine trembled slightly, standing motionless in place, clenching his teeth!

Only to see the man who seemed to merge with the darkness, with the two beautiful women, walking towards the saber-toothed tiger little by little.

At the same time, the distance between him and Wolverine is getting shorter and shorter.

15 meters…

10 meters…

5 meters…

This is the time!

When the man was only five meters away from Wolverine, Wolverine suppressed the negative emotions in his heart and suddenly exploded!

He was like a vicious wolf, and he threw himself at the man fiercely.

The claws of the fingertips are clearly rooted!

However, the next moment, Wolverine fell into a great fear!

His claws all stabbed at the strange man’s body.

But Wolverine did not have the slightest joy, but trembled!

His claws didn’t look like they were piercing into flesh.

On the contrary, it was like falling into an abyss, and the water did not rise at all.

And the strange man’s reaction also confirmed Wolverine’s thoughts.

After being stabbed, the man was not at all right.

Instead, he turned his head to look at Wolverine, revealing a strange fusion!

This time, Wolverine finally saw what the man looked like.

On his face, there was actually a hideous and terrifying scarecrow face!!!

This scene frightened Wolverine into retreating one after another, and his eyes were wide open.

But when he blinked again, he found that the man’s face had changed into a rather handsome and cold face.

A scarecrow face.

A cold man’s face.

The two faces were constantly intertwined, making Wolverine look at his eyes, not knowing whether he was awake or hallucinating.


This thin and tall man is naturally Chen Mo who came to the earth.

The two beautiful women behind him were Su Jing and Liu Ningxue.

See Wolverine actually dared to offend the great god of fear.

A cold glint flashed in Su Jing’s eyes, and she respectfully asked Chen Mo:

“Lord Demon God, do you want to kill this person?”

Hearing this, Chen Mo licked his lips and smiled evilly:

“No. What a cute toy, what a shame to kill. ”


The conversation between the two made Wolverine feel more and more frightened.

He vaguely remembered some of the horrific rumors he had heard during World War II!

Wolverine, a mutant, has super self-healing ability, has a life expectancy beyond ordinary people, and has now lived for hundreds of years.

The existence of the Twilight Sect has changed some of the original history of the Marvel world.

Wolverine has not lost his memory.

He remembered that during World War II, he had heard a legend about a terrible evil god!

It is rumored that this cult has a long history and a mysterious origin.

One of the believers believes in the god of fear!

This god of fear is the source of all fears and the embodiment of all fears!

Terror does not endure, and He will always be there!

The important thing is…

It is said that the image of the god of fear is a vicious and terrifying scarecrow!


After flashing these memories through his mind, Wolverine was a little dizzy.

He couldn’t believe that his luck could be so bad!

Come out to buy a wine to relieve the hunger, first by the saber-toothed tiger, and then bump into the evil god of the horror legend!

Was he being targeted by the goddess of doom?


The first more to send, thank you Xiaoming hello 10,000 points tips, thank you very much!

Modified 215 went, and today the second is a little later

ps: Mutants are also from the Marvel Universe and did not appear in the movie for copyright reasons, except for Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch

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