Chen Mo came to Earth this time for several purposes.

One is that there is no activity for too long, and it is time for the activity to be active.

The second is to see what the Marvel Universe is all about.

The third is to take in some believers by the way, and prepare for the fear of large-scale harvesting in the future.


The second point is particularly important!

The universe of the Marvel universe is very complex and has many different versions.

Some of these versions have a terrible power cap!

If it was the Marvel Universe, Chen Mo would have to be careful.

Conversely, if the power level of this Marvel universe is not good.

Then Chen Mo quickly swept through the entire Marvel Universe, fiercely Karma a wave of leeks.

After destroying this universe, you can run.

As a result, not long after arriving on Earth, he encountered Wolverine and Saber-toothed Tiger.

The appearance of these two characters means that this Marvel Universe may be more complex than Chen Mo imagined!


As these thoughts flashed through his mind, Chen Mo came into contact with the illusion of the saber-toothed tiger.

The saber-toothed tiger, who was still running wild on the road, found that things had changed drastically in front of him.

Looking back again, I actually looked at the strange man in black at close range!

This scene frightened the saber-toothed tiger back one after another, until it stopped in the corner, and both legs were weak!

“How… How can it be! I know… I’ve already fled!” ”

The saber-toothed tiger roared incredibly low, and his eyes were filled with fear.

After the hallucinations were lifted, his first reaction was shock and horror.

The second reaction was to look for an opportunity to attack the man in black.

But when Saber-Toothed Tiger’s afterglow saw Wolverine lying there, he gave up the idea and fell into even greater fear!

Wolverine is such a person, as an older brother, he knows it all too well.

Even Wolverine has this look, indicating that this man in black is their invincible existence!

Thinking of this, the saber-toothed tiger’s throat rolled a little, and asked in a trembling voice:

“Don’t… Don’t kill me, I can promise you any of your conditions! ”

With that, the saber-toothed tiger glanced at Wolverine and added:

“If you can… Please let him go. ”

Judging by the standards of ordinary people, the saber-toothed tiger is a proper scumbag.

The only thing he cared about was Wolverine’s brother who loved and killed each other.


Hearing this, Chen Mo’s face showed a sinister smile.

“You two, you can only live one, choose.”

“Only… Can only live one? ”

The saber-toothed tiger looked stunned and repeated in a daze.

Chen Mo did not answer him, but waved his hand lightly.

Suddenly, the surrounding scenery changed into a shape.

Wolverine and Saber-Toothed Tiger brothers come to a ghostly graveyard!

This strange method stunned both of them!

They also couldn’t tell if it was a real cemetery or if it was hallucinating.


After leaving the two men in the cemetery, Chen Mo’s voice came from all directions.

“As long as one person sleeps forever in this cemetery, the other can get out alive.

If there is no result in ten minutes, both people will have to sleep here. ”

After Chen Mo’s eerie voice ended, the huge night crow descended from the sky.


The night crow made a vicious hissing sound.

A pair of blood-red eyes stared at them deadly.

Wolverine and Saber-Toothed Tiger had a feeling that they couldn’t even beat the Night Crow!

But now, they don’t have time to think about these questions.

They are faced with a life-and-death decision!

Although they fight back and forth on weekdays, both of them have super self-healing ability, so they will attack without scruples.

At this time, it was really necessary to separate life and death, and Wolverine and Saber-toothed Tiger were stunned.

At the end of the day, they’re brothers too!

And they are brothers who have been on the battlefield together and experienced hardships together!


Time passes by minute by minute.

For three minutes, Wolverine and Saber-Toothed Tiger both stood still and didn’t say a word.

Finally, the saber-toothed tiger broke the dead silence.


He took a long sigh of relief and smiled frankly:

“Come on, kill me, isn’t that what you’ve always wanted to do?”


Wolverine looked at him in disbelief, as if he didn’t know him.

In his impression, the saber-toothed tiger was not such a person who was willing to sacrifice himself.

As if seeing the disbelief in Wolverine’s heart, the saber-toothed tiger laughed bitterly.

He said:

“That’s right, I’m tm a scumbag!”

But…… I am tired.

In this world, there is no one I love, and there is no one who loves me.

I…… Tired.

You are different, you still have someone you love, and you love you too.

To tell you the truth, your wife Silver Fox is not dead, she is controlled by the Lighthouse Nation. ”

“What? Carla…… Carla is not dead? ”

Wolverine’s eyes widened in disbelief.

Originally, it was because his wife, the mutant Silver Fox Kara, was killed by the saber-toothed tiger.

That’s why the two brothers got into such a fight.

But who knows, the saber-toothed tiger said that Carla was not dead.

How does this not shock Wolverine?

The saber-toothed tiger said helplessly:

“My brother, you are really full of muscles, and you have been played around.

Carla never died, it was just a hoax.

Never mind…… There’s not much more to say.

Kill me, go after the truth, go after true love. ”

With that, the saber-toothed tiger walked forward with open arms, a look of lovelessness.


In fact, the saber-toothed tiger is indeed a little tired.

Survive for hundreds of years, and there is nothing but killing!

Saber-toothed tigers also crave affection and love.

But none of this seemed to have anything to do with him.

The only younger brother also became a mortal enemy.

Think about it, what is he really looking for in this life?

Usually, saber-toothed tigers don’t have time to think about this.

It was only at this time, when faced with such a fear, such a life-and-death decision, that he suddenly woke up.

My own life, as if it were a joke!

Better yet, let Wolverine live for him!


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