In the face of this scene, Wolverine struggles immensely!

On the one hand, after hearing the news that his wife was still alive, he burst out a strong desire to survive.

Wolverine wants to live, find his wife Silver Fox, and live with her again.

Wolverine, on the other hand, doesn’t want to kill the saber-toothed tiger.

The biggest crack in the relationship between the two before was because the saber-toothed tiger killed his wife.

But now, none of this has happened.

How did Wolverine get his hands dirty and kill his own brother?


A little time passed.

Seeing Wolverine hesitate, the saber-toothed tiger gritted his teeth and thought of a way.

Only to see the saber-toothed tiger suddenly burst out and swing its claws towards Wolverine!

It all happened so fast.

Wolverine simply did not have time to think, subconsciously and swinging his claws towards the saber-toothed tiger.

After knowing that the two collided together, the saber-toothed tiger actually withdrew its claws and crashed straight into Wolverine’s claws!

At this point, Wolverine wanted to take it again, it was too late!

“Not !!!”

Wolverine let out a loud roar, but could only watch as his claws pierced into the heart of the saber-toothed tiger!

The self-healing ability of the two brothers is indeed very strong, but there is also a limit.

Like this case of heart being pierced, it is basically unsaved.

“You… Why are you doing this?! ”

Wolverine held up the saber-toothed tiger with trembling hands, tears flashing in his eyes.

Hearing this, the saber-toothed tiger smiled weakly, and the corners of his mouth spilled blood:

“I… I am tired. The world… For me… It’s pointless.

You…… You have to live well and live for me! ”

After speaking, the seriously injured saber-toothed tiger’s head was tilted, and his breath was cut off.

In order to die quickly, he even deliberately suppressed his self-healing ability.

Otherwise, maybe you can still rescue it, at least you can live a little longer.

But in that case, the ten-minute time limit will be exceeded.

And the tall man in the black trench coat was the most terrifying existence that the saber-toothed tiger had ever seen!

The saber-toothed tiger did not dare to break his rules.


After the saber-toothed tiger died, things around Wolverine twisted for a while.

He was back in the alley he had been before.

In his arms, holding the body of the saber-toothed tiger.

Facing the tall man in the black trench coat again, Wolverine trembled!

On the one hand is fear, on the other hand is anger!

But Wolverine did not dare to express it, and could only suppress it deadly!

He knew that he was now no match for this man at all.

Expressing one’s true emotions has no effect other than the possibility of being killed.

What happened next, however, once again exceeded Wolverine’s expectations.


Chen Mo’s face shrouded in darkness, and a look of satisfaction appeared.

The power of fear provided by Wolverine and Saber-Toothed Tiger tastes good.

For Chen Mo, it is a delicious snack.

In a happy mood, Chen Mo moved his fingers.

Subsequently, the time around the saber-toothed tiger’s body was actually reversed!

Although he did not grasp the law of time, Chen Mo had a flower on the other side that could briefly reverse time.

It is still easy to use to resurrect a mutant.

“This… How is this possible! ”

Looking at the saber-toothed tiger in his arms, blood flowing inwards, time reversed, Wolverine was dumbfounded!

In just a few seconds, the saber-toothed tiger was back to its original state.

Then, open your eyes!

Wolverine and Saber-toothed Tiger looked at each other, their eyes filled with confusion and shock.

“I… Am I not dead? What happened? ”

Saber-toothed tiger asked stupidly.

“You… You are resurrected.

Everything around you is reversing, and then… It is resurrected! ”

Wolverine was equally shocked to the point of sluggishness!

He had seen countless mutants, countless strange abilities.

Among them, there are many related to the resurrection.

But the resurrection of the saber-toothed tiger was indeed accomplished by reversing time!

This is so perverted!


After being stunned for a long time, it was the saber-toothed tiger that reacted first.

He “poofed” and fell to his knees in front of Chen Mo, lowered his head, and trembled and said:

“It was you who raised me, and this life of mine is yours.”

From this day forward, I am your most loyal servant! ”

The saber-toothed tiger never mentioned how he died, but expressed his surrender to Chen Mo.

The saber-toothed tiger didn’t know who the man in black really was.

But he knew that this man in black was a being so powerful that he could imagine wirelessly!

is a being who can play with Wolverine in the applause!

Faced with such a terrible existence.

Surrender is their only way!

After expressing loyalty, the saber-toothed tiger also pulled Wolverine’s pant leg hard.

Wolverine knew what he meant.

If it was in the past, he really didn’t necessarily give in, and the big deal was death!

But now, knowing that his wife is not yet dead, Wolverine has concerns, and he can’t be as desireless as before.

After insisting for a while, Wolverine still knelt down in front of Chen Mo and expressed his surrender.


Seeing the situation, Chen Mo nodded slightly.

So, Su Jing behind him said in a cold and arrogant tone:

“This one in front of you is the great god of fear!”

Joining the Twilight Sect and believing in Him is your only way to live. ”

Hearing this, Wolverine and Saber-Toothed Tiger looked at each other, looking extremely shocked,

While in World War II, the two of them had heard legends about the Twilight Sect and about the terrifying Scarecrows.

They always thought it was nothing more than a false old legend.

Unexpectedly, today I actually saw the ancient legendary horror evil god!

“We will always believe in the great god of terror! Fear lives on! ”

After knowing Chen Mo’s true identity, the two had no other thoughts and completely threw themselves into the arms of the evil god.

In this way, Chen Mo accepted the two mutant believers.


This is just the beginning.

In the following period, Chen Mo wandered around the cities of the Lighthouse Country and subdued many mutants.

Among them, there are some powerful mutants whose strength is comparable to that of A-level warriors and spirit masters.

However, in front of Chen Mo, there was still no slightest resistance in the slightest.

These surrendering mutants were sent by Chen Mo to all corners of the world to wait for the right moment to play their role as tool people.


The mass disappearance of mutants has caused a great earthquake in the mutant world!

Countless mutants are caught up in a look panic!

It even attracted the attention of two powerful leaders of the mutant world.

These two people, Professor X, and Magneto!


Thanks to “Night_ Night” and “18034..” Tips! Love you guys!

A new book has been opened, entitled “My Runaway Organs, Incarnated as the Evil God of the Forbidden Land!” Interested readers can go to see, can give some support is better!

This book will still be updated steadily, and it will be affected by the new book, so rest assured!

ps: Again, recently the system crazy delete comments, no matter what I do!

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