However, just when Chen Mo was about to let go of Tony.

He suddenly felt a somewhat familiar breath approaching him.

Chen Mo didn’t think about it and immediately struck!

Behind him, two vicious ghost claws stretched out, piercing into the space around him, as if he wanted to catch someone hiding in the dimensional space.

Under the pressure of Chen Mo, a figure flew out in a hurry, which was very embarrassing.

This figure is the supreme mage who guards the earth, Gu Yi!

Gu Yi looked at Chen Mo, and his eyes were shocked to the extreme!

She trembled and said:

“Actually… It’s really you!

Aren’t you still asleep in the palace of Asgard?

How can it be…… How could it have come to Earth! ”


It turned out that when Gu Yi was cultivating in the dimensional dimension, he suddenly noticed that the incomparably powerful and incomparably evil aura was hovering on the earth.

The breath made her shudder, and she faintly smelled a familiar smell.

It seems to be the incomparably terrifying scarecrow evil god!

In order to verify his own ideas, Gu Yi lurked in the dimensional dimension and quietly approached Chen Mo.

But he was still discovered and forced to come to the real world.


After seeing Gu Yi, before Chen Mo could speak, Su Jing frowned first.

She said to Chen Mo:

“Lord Demon God, this is the woman who is always looking for trouble for our Twilight Sect.”

It seems that many believers have been driven away by her.

But this woman, still quite recognizable, never really hurt a believer. ”

This scene made Gu Yi’s mouth open slightly, and for a while he didn’t know what to say.

She never thought that Su Jing, who was by Chen Mo’s side, would directly sue!

Su Jing also knew, one of the high-ranking members of the Dusk Sect.

Mixed in the lighthouse country, transformed into a well-known beautiful cartoonist, social status and wealth are very high.

Gu Yi had never been in trouble with her, but he sued her.

It feels… Fuck it.


However, Gu Yi had no time to complain.

Because after she found out that Su Jing had filed a complaint, Chen Mo’s expression did not change.

But a strange and cold breath rose up on his body!

This kind of breath is not perceived by ordinary people.

But what is the strength of Koichi?

If she didn’t notice this, she wouldn’t accompany her as the supreme mage who guarded the earth!

After discovering Chen Mo’s changes, Gu Yi hurriedly said:

“Dear Lord Demon God, I have no intention of offending.

As a matter of fact…… Actually…”

Gu Yi hesitated, then gritted his teeth and said directly:

“Actually, I’m here to trust you!”

Originally, Gu Yi also wanted to bargain.

However, seeing that Chen Mo seemed to be mad at any time at this time, he could only hurry to surrender, and the province had provoked this terrible evil god!


Hearing these two words, Chen Mo was stunned.

In his impression, Gu Yi was a supreme mage of integrity, courage and high moral character.

How could he have run over to this evil god like him?

Somewhat strange.

But none of this Chen Mo cared.

He asked lightly:

“What else can you bring to me besides faith?”


Before coming, Koichi was ready to sacrifice something.

Hearing this, she said respectfully:

“After I join the Twilight Sect, mages from all over the earth will be driven by you!”

“Oh? There shouldn’t be so many mages who want to join a cult like the Twilight Sect.”

Chen Mo glanced at Gu Yi and said indifferently.

In the face of Chen Mo’s questioning, Gu Yi was prepared early in the morning and continued to respectfully say:

“Yes, but even if they don’t join the Twilight Sect, it won’t affect you.”

Hearing this, Chen Mo shook his head and spat out two words:

“Not enough.”

The mages of the whole earth seem to be a big force.

But Chen Mo knew that first of all, the mages of the earth generally did not enter the world, and the worldly power was very small.

Secondly, the mage was poorly organized, and not everyone listened to this supreme mage.


Hearing the words “not enough”, Gu Yi’s face turned pale slightly.

But she still has hole cards!

Only to see Gu Yi grit his teeth and said in a deep voice:

“I can also, tell you some information about the evil gods of the dark dimension.”

This information is so secret that no one knows about the horror except me! ”

“The evil god of the dark dimension?”

Hearing this, Chen Mo became interested.

He knew that the world might not be that simple.

At this time, it was finally verified from Gu Yi’s mouth.

“What evil gods are there in the Dark Dimension, and what is their strength?”

Chen Mo asked Gu Yi indifferently.

But this indifferent word, listening to Gu Yi’s ears, is like a natural sound!

Because this sentence means that this great and terrifying evil god has finally accepted her!

Thinking of this, Gu Yi respectfully replied:

“The Dark Dimension is vast, extremely empty, and terrifying!

Ordinary people can’t reach it, otherwise there is only one dead end!

The dark dimension that surrounds the Earth is controlled by an evil god named Dormammu.

Other than that…… I have its residual dark power in me.

Please also ask the Demon God Lord to help me, I will always believe in the great Demon God of Fear! ”

As he spoke, Gu Yi fell to his knees, looking extremely religious.

“That’s the way it is.”

Hearing this, the corners of Chen Mo’s mouth drew a strange smile.

He finally knew why Gu Yi had turned to him.

Only because, in order to prolong his lifespan, Gu Yi absorbed some of the power of the dark dimension.

As a result, he was entangled with the evil god Dormammu!

Dormammu has always wanted to turn the earth into a lifeless dead darkness, with sinister intentions!

Chen Mo, who was also an evil god, had not yet expressed his tendency to destroy the earth.

The lesser of two powers.

In desperation, Gu Yi chose to turn to the fear demon god – Chen Mo!


Update sent on, good night everyone

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