Chen Mo understood that Gu Yi did not really want to turn to himself.

She just wanted to seek a refuge.

But he didn’t lack Gu Yi as a believer.

Instead, it needs the relevant information of the evil gods of the dark dimension.


“There is no need to join the Twilight Sect, you cannot become a devout believer in Me.

Say everything you know, and I will protect you from the dark dimension. ”

Chen Mo stared at Gu Yi and said indifferently.

Hearing this, Gu Yi also breathed a sigh of relief.

She is a supreme mage who has lived for hundreds of years and obeys the rules of magic.

Suddenly, Gu Yi was asked to believe in an evil god, and she estimated that she could not do it.

Thinking of this, Gu Yi said respectfully:

“Yes, dear Fear Demon, I will speak out of all that I know without reservation!

Dormammu was a powerful wizard of great talent in ancient times.

Later, he was tempted by the power of the dark dimension and threw himself into it, transforming into a terrible evil god!

He has always wanted to sacrifice the entire earth to the Dark Dimension in exchange for greater power!

I can only rely on Earth’s powerful web of magical energy to barely resist his invasion.

In recent years, Dormammu has become more and more powerful.

I maybe… Almost irresistible! ”

Hearing this, Chen Mo asked:

“What exactly is His power? Tell me more about it. ”

“Yes, I may use magic to recreate the state he was in when he fought.”

As he spoke, Gu Yiyi waved his hand, and a light screen appeared in front of everyone.

In the light screen, a black hole expands rapidly.

Endless darkness is pouring into the earth!

Immediately afterward, a huge and ugly evil god appeared!

This is the evil god Dormammu!


Subsequently, the light screen shows Dormammu’s various methods.

There are powerful abilities for elemental control, distortion of reality, manipulation of time and more!

I have to say that Dormammu’s strength is very terrible!

But his power rests on the dark dimension.

So when you invade the earth, it will be greatly reduced.

In addition, with the help of the magical defense network created by countless mages on the earth, Gu Yi could still temporarily resist him.

However, it is estimated that it will not last for many years.


“Lord Demon God, look at this…”

After playing the footage of Dormammu’s battle, Gu Yi looked at Chen Mo with some concern.

If Chen Mo didn’t care about Dormammu, or even join forces with him, the earth would be really dangerous!

But Gu Yi had no other choice but to gamble.

What she didn’t know was that when she saw Dormammu, Chen Mo’s mood became excited.

Although this Dormammu was inferior to him in terms of both the power level and the life level.

Even relying on the dimensional space of the Dark Dimension can only maintain its strength.

But Chen Mo still smelled a trace of the same kind of breath from his body.

There is no doubt that Dormammu is an evil god who masters the law

Although it is a little weak, his fear should be delicious, right?

Thinking of this, Chen Mo’s face revealed a sinister smile and casually said to Gu Yi:

“When this Dormammu invades the next time, notify me.”


Hearing this, Gu Yi burst into ecstasy.

At the same time, with a long sigh of relief, the burden in my heart was finally lifted!


After getting this done, Gu Yi left here.

At this time, Chen Mo thought that Tony was still in the black fog.

Consciousness extended into the black fog, and Chen Mo found that Tony had been tortured with only one breath left, and his spirit was on the verge of collapse.

At this time, Chen Mo did not want the playboy who had just become Iron Man to die.

Otherwise the world might be a lot less interesting.

So he opened a portal and sent Tony directly to his large villa in New York.


New York, in Tony’s big villa.

His personal secretary, Little Pepper, was anxiously awaiting news in the villa.

The Lighthouse Nation sends a number of forces to find Tony.

Until now, however, there has been no news.

Just when the little pepper was anxious, a black hole suddenly appeared above the villa.

Immediately after, a “bang” was heard.

A wretched figure fell heavily in the living room.

Little Pepper was startled.

Tony’s villa security system is very powerful, how could it be invaded without any movement?

But when the little pepper saw the figure that fell in the living room, he couldn’t help but exclaim.

This man was the Tony she had in mind!

Little Pepper rushed up quickly, took the weak and tired Tony in his arms, and called out to him softly.

“Hey! Tony, wake up? Wake up! ”

At the call of the little pepper, Tony opened his eyes in confusion.

After seeing the little pepper, he barely showed a smile and said hardly:

“I didn’t expect to see your hallucinations before I died.” Such a way of dying… Not bad. ”

With that, Tony closed his eyes and prepared for death.

But he didn’t want to, and was gently slapped by the little pepper.

“What nonsense is dead or undead?” Don’t be afraid, the private doctor is already on his way. ”

After being slapped lightly, Tony opened his eyes in surprise and asked in doubt:

“Huh? Can hallucinations still hit people? ”

Hearing this, the little pepper was very speechless, but still patiently explained:

“What hallucinations?” Take a good look at it now in New York, in your own home! ”


Hearing this, Tony almost jumped up.

He was really weak, and finally he obediently lay in the arms of the little pepper.


After some confirmation, Tony is finally convinced that all this is true!

“I’m back, I’m finally back… Woohoo…”

Tony, who has always been good-looking, actually shed tears in front of the people he liked at this moment.

Crying like a child!

It can be imagined what terrible things Tony has experienced in the black fog arranged by Chen Mo!


Thank you all for your monthly passes and reminders

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