After returning to New York, Tony’s life did not calm down.

Under Chen Mo’s stirring, the entire lighthouse country was in chaos!

Become a clown of the Imperial Spirit, and after possessing great powers, start to do things like crazy!

Despite the suppression of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Tony, the Joker still spreads terror to every corner of New York!

During this time, Chen Mo’s harvest of fear value soared!

The clown takes the main credit.


But now, most of Chen Mo’s energy was focused on studying the dark dimension.

This is a secondary universe outside the main universe, filled with negative energy.

Chen Mo felt a lot of powerful aura inside!

When these breaths faced outsiders like Chen Mo, they would unite and prevent him from entering.

In order to prevent Chen Mo, an outsider, from dividing the power of the Dark Dimension.

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Mo did not plan to go to war with all the evil gods of the dark dimension for the time being.

These evil gods probably didn’t know that Chen Mo wasn’t interested in the power of the Dark Dimension.

Instead, he was very interested in these evil gods themselves!

If there is a chance, Chen Mo will taste how wonderful the fear of these evil gods is!


“Huh? Someone is moving my body? ”

Just when Chen Mo wanted to continue to return to the city, absorb believers, and harvest fear.

Suddenly, I felt that the body I had left in Asgard had been moved.

But the next second, Chen Mo understood what was going on.

Counting the time, it was also the turn of Odin, Gu Yi, and the next of the three members of Laufei to take care of his body.

This time, it will be up to Odin to hand over Chen Mo, a terrifying evil god, to Lao Fei’s management.

Originally, this is nothing, just be careful.

However, this time, the handover ceremony was targeted by Loki, who worshipped the power of the evil god!

Ever since learning about the power of the Scarecrow Evil God, Loki has been obsessed with this power.

In order to get the power of the evil god, he deliberately ran to the earth and searched for a long time.

Unfortunately nothing was found.

In desperation, he could only focus on the Scarecrow evil god in the forbidden land of Asgard.

However, after the last time he came out of Thor, Odin’s protection of the evil gods became tighter.

Even Loki couldn’t sneak in silently.

It made him extremely distressed!

And this handover ceremony gave Loki hope!

His mind wandered, and he quickly came up with an idea.

And this idea has to be used by Thor.

Thinking of this, Loki had an evil smile on his face and disappeared into the same place.


On some deserted planet in the universe.

Odin, the king of the gods, and Laufei, the king of the frost giants, are meeting in secret.

“There was no accident.”

Laufei asked Odin solemnly.

“Rest assured, everything is working fine.

After you take over, you must serve this evil god well, but you can’t let him be awakened! ”

Odin instructed.

Hearing this, Lao Fei nodded and said:

“I promise, there were absolutely no surprises this time!

After all, this is about the fate of our major races! ”

Although Lao Fei was rough and nervous, he still did not dare to be careless in the face of such a big thing.

After the two of them talked, Odin took out a 3m×3m×3m crystal cube from a space-time door.

Chen Mo’s body was in it, smelting the laws of space without hurrying.

Then, just as Odin and Laufei were handing over the evil gods, an accident occurred.


With a loud noise, a figure fell on this uninhabited planet.

This scene surprised Odin and Laufe!

Immediately afterward, the figure stood up shakily, and it was Thor!

At this time, Thor’s face was red, his eyes were confused, and he looked like he had drunk too much.

In fact. Thor was indeed drunk, and drunk!

Confused, he seemed to be back in the middle of the battlefield.

He actually picked up Thor’s hammer and waved it wildly.

“Kill! Kill with me! Kill!!! ”

Thor roared drunkenly as he stumbled over the crystal house where the Scarecrow Evil God was placed.

The whole crystal house shook!

This scene made Odin and Laufei both have a fusion of faces and a constant twitch in the corners of their eyes.

“Converse, this contrarian!”

Odin was anxious and angry, eager to shoot Thor to death.

How did he give birth to such a stupid and stupid son?

This looks like it has been pit by someone!

No matter how much Thor did, he wouldn’t be stupid enough to run into the evil god after just being locked up for a long time.

Most likely, he was pit by the boy of Loki, and then he found out about the scene in front of him.


In fact, Odin guessed correctly.

Loki tricks Thor into drinking the drunken wine and leads him here to create chaos.

And he, in the stunned efforts of Odin and Thor, sent a small worm carrying his consciousness into the crystal house.

The plan is perfect!

First, Thor, who had drunk the drunken wine, woke up unable to remember what had happened some time before the drink.

As a result, there is no evidence that Loki did all this.

Secondly, even if Odin and Laufei suspected that these were his handiwork, they did not dare to inspect the Crystal House.

I was afraid of colliding with the evil gods inside!

In this way, Loki’s seemingly flawed plan has reached a perfect balance!

After completing his goal, Loki quietly hid in the darkness.

Just wait quietly for the little worm that carries his consciousness to take effect.


On the other side, Odin had taken down the drunken Thor.

Then cast a spell to wake it up.

After waking up, Thor looked at everything in front of him, and only then did he realize that he had run into a catastrophe!

“Father… Father, I… I don’t want to do that.

But the wine… That wine…”

Thor stuttered and tried to explain, but couldn’t say why.

Odin didn’t want to listen to him, and scolded with a cold face:

“You’ve let me down so much!

I thought that after a period of confinement, you would grow something.

Now it seems that you are still far from mature!

Your mind can’t match your strength, can’t match Thor’s hammer! ”

With that, Odin waved his scepter.

The pieces of armor on Thor’s body shattered, and Thor’s hammer was recovered by Odin.

Then, a space door opens.

Thor, who had lost his strength and become the opposite, was thrown into it by Odin.

Also thrown in was Thor’s Hammer!

“Go to the mortal world and reflect on it!”

Wait until you really mature before you are eligible to return to Asgard! ”

“Not !!!”

Odin’s voice sounded in Thor’s ear, plunging him into utter despair!

But no matter how much Thor shouted, it was a foregone conclusion.

He who had offended the evil gods was relegated to the mortal world!

At the same time, Loki is officially exposed to the power of the evil gods!


Not a eunuch, just Kavenka’s too powerful…

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