Horror Recovery: I Destroyed The Restricted Area Ahead Of Time During The Live Broadcast

Chapter 129 A Living Fairy Corpse (Please Subscribe, Please Order In Full)

blah blah blah

The road chain continued to pull, and the ice coffin still stopped at its original height.

At this time, there were bursts of abnormal noises from inside the ice coffin.

The dull ding dong ding dong sounded like a beating sound or a beating heart.

The guy inside is coming out?

Ye Yun and the Ice Demon Dragon suffered the most, their nerves were tense, especially the latter, and even had thoughts of despair.

bang bang!

Sure enough, the ice coffin exploded, raising a cloud of ice mist.

A slender and graceful figure stood in the air, appearing and disappearing in the ice mist.

Finally, the ice mist dispersed, revealing the appearance of the woman in the coffin.

She was wearing a pale yellow satin costume, with long silver hair that was simply draped behind her back and two strands hanging in front of her body.

However, her astonishing fairy face was colorless and pale, and her pair of eyes that should have been perfect had no luster at all.

There is no breath, no heartbeat, and even the whole body is still.

A female corpse, or the corpse of a fairy?

Ye Yun's eyelids twitched wildly, and he took a few breaths.

Liantian Crocodile, Wuhuang Taoist, thirty ten thousand strongmen, and ice demon dragon, they all belong to the "living 227 dead" state.

The state of the living dead shows that they are still holding their breath.

However, the female corpse in front of him didn't have any breath at all, it was absolutely cool that had been cold for tens of thousands of years.

However, she is not in the form of a zombie, which looks like a human but not a human, or a ghost but not a ghost.

"System, what does this belong to? Immortal corpse?"

Ye Yun made up his mind.

With an instinctive sense of crisis, he felt that this female corpse was not as ferocious as usual.

"Returning to the host, strictly speaking, this belongs to the reincarnation. In other words, she has died and successfully reincarnated. You can check the relevant detailed data from the encyclopedia of the restricted area. 27

Assisted by the system independently, it turned out the taboo chapter in the encyclopedia of the restricted area on the third floor, the description about the reincarnation.

Ye Yun took a few quick glances, but the shock in his heart didn't lessen.


The physical body has been sanctified and immortal, and the physical body is immortal, that is, immortal.

Every reincarnated person is a bigwig-level existence in the ten thousand realms, not a bigwig in a certain realm like the crocodile or ice nightmare dragon, but a real big shot in the heavens and ten thousand realms

However, for more detailed and detailed information, the encyclopedia of the restricted area on the third floor only wrote the word "slightly".


What does this mean, Ye Yun understands.

At least hell-level difficulty!

No wonder the Ice Demon Dragon didn't even have the slightest thought of doing anything, let alone that he couldn't handle this female corpse, even if he won the fight, the Ice Demon Dragon would definitely die if the reincarnation came back to settle accounts in the future.

"Wait, the system didn't re-evaluate restricted area sign-ins?"

Ye Yun suddenly remembered a key point, so he calmed down a lot.

"Immortal, my lord, this is your treasure."

The Ice Demon Dragon panicked, and quickly took out a large bronze mirror, with both hands in the gesture of offering it.

The female corpse's expression did not change, but a large bronze mirror was born out of thin air from her pale hand.

This mirror is very strange: it is as big as the surface of a bucket, but there are many interlaced cracks on it, and it has become dull.


The mirror in the ice demon dragon's hand immediately turned into a beam of light and entered the bronze mirror.

At this time, Ye Yun discovered that the mirror that the demon dragon held just now happened to be a broken piece of the weirdly cracked bronze mirror, and it was also the largest center piece.

Wait, there are still leftover pieces of Lun Guo...so familiar!

For a moment, Ye Yun felt bad.

The bronze mirror that I just collected along the way is also a fragment of this bronze mirror?

In the live broadcast room, the audience also saw it.

【Hahahahaha, look, Brother Yun's face is turning green!】

[I predict a wave, the mirror that the anchor just collected is the fragment of this strange mirror, I bet three bags of spicy strips. 】

[Hahaha, do you still need to guess? This is necessary. 】(bbfd)

There is a system space, and Ye Yun doesn't think the other party can sense it, but the next thing is not sure.

When Ye Yun was struggling,

Ding, the system is online:

"Feel the breath lock of the reincarnation, triggering a special choice."

"One, return the fragments of the bronze mirror, and reward a pennant, plus five hundred low-grade spirit stones."

"Second, secretly swallow the bronze mirror fragments, and reward a rankless time-space supernatural power: the future body.

Ye Yun looked at the two choices in the system properties panel, especially focusing on the introduction of the future body, his eyes sparkled brilliantly.

Hi, is this still an option?

Definitely steal it!


The female corpse looked over with lifeless eyes, but turned around again without stopping for half a second.

Then, her eyelids moved slightly, as if using the legendary divine sense to "this AT.

Ye Yun panicked inside, but still put on a full face.

In the end, the female body was still not found.

"You, the death penalty can be avoided, but the living penalty cannot be escaped."

The female corpse didn't speak, but a sound came from the void.

After speaking, she raised her bloodless arm and slapped the ice dragon.

With a simple and unpretentious palm, as if ignoring time and space, the Ice Demon Dragon in the form of a dragon man screamed and flew out.

What's more, blood mist erupted all over his body in an extremely exaggerated way, and he coughed up blood.

Then, the Ice Demon Dragon flew back, and the whole dragon-like shriveled seven or eight points.

"Thank you immortal for not killing me."

The ice demon dragon was still in a state of fear, but he was very lucky to have saved his life.

The female corpse didn't speak any more, and flew away directly. After a few seconds, she completely disappeared.

In the live broadcast room, over 100 million viewers watched in a daze.

The eyes of the Ice Demon Dragon are gradually regaining their vitality!

The female corpse's spontaneous recovery and departure meant that the aura of the Blue Star World had truly recovered.

And he will firmly occupy Changbai Mountain, a place of great opportunity, so that he can regain his peak, just around the corner!

Just when the Ice Demon Dragon had all sorts of obscenities and revealed ecstasy.


A spiral black shadow pierced through the void at high speed and hit the back of his head. The severe pain caused him to scream loudly, and he was blasted out again.

"Roar! Human brat!"

After seeing that it was Ye Yun who was attacking, the ice demon dragon became furious.


Another stick of materialized light and shadow descended from the sky, as if to crush him to the ground.


The demon dragon, whose strength is nonexistent, was once again smashed down Changbai Mountain by Ye Yun.


The huge impact directly shattered the Tianchi Lake, and the entire Changbai Mountain scenic spot seemed to be cut in half.

"Yaolong, the number between us has not been negotiated yet."

Ye Yun carried the original gun and baseball bat, and smiled evilly. .

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