Horror Recovery: I Destroyed The Restricted Area Ahead Of Time During The Live Broadcast

Chapter 130: Changbai Mountain Forbidden Zone, Clear The Customs! (Seeking Subscription)

kill you while you are sick

Ye Yun will not be an Internet saint.

After blasting the Ice Demon Dragon into Changbai Mountain with a single stick, he approached in the air with small steps, as if he was fighting a social person.


The ice demon dragon was furious, and the sound of the dragon's chant shook the real world, and could be heard clearly within a hundred miles~.


He broke through the ground and flew up.

However, at this moment, he was not only greatly shriveled, he was injured again and again, blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth.

"you you you!"

The ice demon dragon was so angry that the three corpses jumped violently, but they were helpless, and there was a faint trace of deep panic in their eyes.

After being slapped out by the palm of the female corpse, his cultivation and strength plummeted, and he was in the early stage of the God Transformation Realm when he died.

The current him is no better than the human brat in front of him!

"Old Hanlong, just now, you played very happily, right? This means, I am not happy."

Ye Yun rolled up his sleeves with a harmless smile.


The ice demon dragon's mentality collapsed, and he turned around to run away.


Ye Yun shot directly, swung the baseball bat fiercely, and the divine light slashed horizontally, blowing the dragon man away again.

bang bang

On the other side, the original sharp gun was also dancing in his hand, and the materialized black sharp gun was drawn on the monster dragon's body over and over again, while he was venting his anger, while frantically collecting experience points.

"Ding, looting a ray of original power is worth one million experience points.

"Ding, plunder a ray of original power..."

The current scene is completely one-sided beating.


【Hahahaha, Brother Yun is doing this to vent his anger. He was beaten by the demon dragon just now, and now he wants to beat him up. 】

【Tsk tsk tsk, it is necessary to kill you while you are sick, but my seventh sense always feels that brother Yun has other benefits to reap. If you don’t believe me, take a look at "Wei is laughing so hard.】

[Hey, the demon dragon has returned to its human body, it’s too bad, it’s no good, it’s definitely not going to survive this beating, guess, is there any possibility that the demon dragon will fight back desperately. 】


The ice demon dragon was so angry that his seven orifices were almost filled with smoke, and with this furious roar, he was ready to risk his life.

The blood of the whole body began to brew, showing signs of boiling and tyranny.

The opponent's indiscriminate bombardment, his original strength is weakening a little bit, he is not stupid.

If he continues to do this, his realm will fall even if he does not die.

Boiled frogs?

Then I might as well fight to the death with you!

"Old Hanlong! Hand over one-tenth of your origin, otherwise, I will continue to attack!"

But Ye Yun stopped his hand and shouted first.

During this beating, he frantically racked up 150 million experience points.

Then, behind him, a dark crack opened out of thin air.

Inside, the terrifying aura of the future body was faintly revealed.

In the blink of an eye, the dark crack healed and disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

The Ice Nightmare Demon Dragon's eyes popped out, and it shrank again in fright.

What shocked him was not the breath in the dark crack.

It is the means to open the dark crack!

Master the time and space door?

Fuck, is this human brat also a reincarnation?

The Ice Demon Dragon was quite frightened, but he also had some doubts. Is the breath of the reincarnation so weak?

Weak period?

However, Ye Yun's move made him dare not gamble.

"A tenth of the source..."

The demon dragon's face was gloomy and ugly.

"You only have three seconds to think about it."

Ye Yun didn't know the theory of time and space, and thought that his future body had bluffed the other party.

One-tenth of the origin of the opponent, he calculated it, so that the opponent would not fall below the state of transforming gods, and he would not risk his life for it.

"Okay, I'll give it to you."

The Ice Nightmare Demon Dragon was silent for three seconds, but still did not dare to turn its back.

Reincarnators do have periods of weakness, and some even kill them in advance.

However, the Ice Demon Dragon did not dare to gamble, nor was he willing to gamble.

The aura of Changbai Mountain has recovered, and Blue Star's big opportunity is coming, he might as well hide his strength and bide his time, and compete for the big opportunity in the future.


In the end, an ice dragon roared out of the man in white, contracted into an ice ball in mid-air, and landed in Ye Yun's hand.

Since then, the Ice Demon Dragon's aura has weakened a lot, so he had no choice but to leave depressed, and plunged into the Tianchi.

Ye Yun, on the other hand, was so happy that she wanted to scream.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully passing through the restricted area of ​​Changbai Mountain and getting the following rewards."

ask for flowers...

"One, reward three times the experience value obtained in the restricted area, experience value + 670 million points."

"Second, the live broadcast system is upgraded to level 5, maintaining difficulty-level restricted area live broadcasts; the scanning system is upgraded to level 3, which can scan millions of meters of space; the restricted area encyclopedia opens the fourth floor.

"Three, reward the third sign-in badge, and the system will draw independently, Ding, three restricted area-level powerhouses will be drawn, each worth 500 million experience points."

Afterwards, the system's broadcast made Ye Yun happy.

At this moment, his total experience points have reached a terrifying 900 million points.

In addition, the three forbidden-level powerhouses with 500 million experience points are stronger than him.

As for the future body, it is a bug among bugs.


All in all, Ye Yun passed the check-in in the restricted area of ​​Changbai Mountain perfectly!

"Everyone, it's unscientific to approach. The live broadcast of the adventure in the restricted area of ​​Changbai Mountain has come to a successful conclusion."

Ye Yun took off the third-level helmet, revealing a stinky forty-five-degree angle of view, officially announcing the perfect clearance of the restricted area of ​​Changbai Mountain.

In the live broadcast room, there was a lot of noise and boiling.

I don't know

All over the world, in just a few minutes, mysterious events like miracles began to appear one after another.

In Shennongjia of the Xia Kingdom, a nine-color rainbow appeared, spanning tens of miles of primeval forests, and under the rainbow was the celestial light glazed glass.

In Guangnan of the Xia Kingdom, a cave suddenly shone with golden light, and the people who were farming nearby saw a golden Buddha shadow at the same time.

In the Qinling Mountains of the Xia Kingdom, in the depths of the vast mountains, huge cranes soared away, scattering countless fairy light powders.

In the endless Pacific Ocean, a huge freighter several hundreds of meters suddenly found an island that had never been marked. As a result, the freighter disappeared after approaching.

In the European Alps, a golden djinn appeared, which was witnessed and photographed by thousands of people.

In the Amazon River in South America, a towering ancient tree grew rapidly, with a thickness of 30 meters and a height of 500 meters, which frightened many logging companies.

In the Eagle Country of North America, the famous Great Lakes scenic spot, underground springs gushing out, someone photographed the shadow of a 100-meter-long behemoth parading under the water of the lake.

Blue Star, officially entered the era of spiritual recovery 4!.

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