Horror Recovery: I Destroyed The Restricted Area Ahead Of Time During The Live Broadcast

No. 131 The Global Mutation Is Coming! (Kneeling To Subscribe)

Mr. Pei

The man who claims to be at the top of the global food chain.

Once again in his wilderness survival show, he showed off his wilderness survival skills.

"When taking an adventure in the jungle, the most important thing is physical fitness, you can't waste your physical energy wantonly, and you must maintain your protein intake.

"Secondly, we have to beware of dangers in the jungle. At night, try to spend the night in trees, but we also have to guard against snakes that can climb trees."

Facing the shaking camera, Master Bei panted.

after a while,

He noticed something ahead, a beetle the size of a pair of palms of an adult, slowly crawling on a small tree.

"Oh my god, this rhinoceros beetle is as big as two palms!"

"Although I am very hungry, this guy has high protein content and smells fishy, ​​but the point is, I may not be able to do it."

"A rhinoceros beetle can lift up to 850 times its weight, and its resistance is about the same multiple. This guy looks like it weighs at least 1kg, so jackals have to stand aside with this strength. I don't want to take risks."

After Master Pei was shocked, he continued to move forward hungry.

Not four or five hundred meters away,

Suddenly, he stopped, and under the camera, his expression became extremely exciting.

Fifty meters away, a giant 11-shaped mountain hare stood at least four meters high, with a fat body thicker than three people, and was eating a forest leopard!

"Quick, quick, shoot!"

Master Bei's face changed wildly, and he yelled loudly, not caring about immediately exposing the team around him.

The scene in front of me is absolutely crazy!

same day

All over the world of Blue Star, various mysterious incidents broke out frequently, each of which shocked the world's attention.

In just one hour, the world's major mysterious forces were extremely busy.

Psionic Bureau

Dongfang Haoran had a bad nose at the bottom of Panlong Lake, and on the way back, he suddenly received a super ssss message from the headquarters!

"Our members in batches all over the country couldn't control the situation in the first place?"

"The East China Sea, the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, Tibet, Luobo, Shike Tongue...  

Inside the headquarters, Dongfang Haoran's face became more and more serious.

Blue Star is about to recover its spiritual energy, and several mysterious forces know more or less about it.

Their Psychic Bureau knew about it early on, and even secretly practiced it many times.

However, the first outbreak of spiritual recovery was far beyond their control.


In recent years, Eagle Nation has gradually mixed many members of S.H.I.E.L.D. into various military bases around the world, and immediately learned of abnormal changes in many places around the world.

"Send all the sentinel troops to various bases around the world!"

"For the superpowers and technology giants in the country, all the top-level secret orders will be sent to deal with the abnormal events in the country as soon as possible."

"Also, send a piece of news to Warner, Walter, Viacom and other media. I, Nick, want to hold a live broadcast of a press conference at the Emperor's Building."

Director Nick looked solemn.

At the same time, the major mysterious forces also began various preparations.

As for Ye Yun's live broadcast room

Xia Guo fans still have more than 20 million people online.

An hour ago, although Ye Yun ended the live broadcast, he turned on the audio literature room function.

And before going offline, he said to over 100 million viewers:

Blue Star has officially entered the era of spiritual recovery.

At that moment, the live broadcast room was full of excitement!

The entire network of Xia Kingdom was shocked!

[Oh my God, just now, on my balcony, one of my potted plants grew rapidly, and in a few minutes it was more than two meters high, and a fruit was returned. 】

[Potted plants grow into trees and bear fruit? This is not unusual. Damn, all the lychee gardens in my house have re-bloomed and bear fruit, but they are longan. What the hell, can authentic lychee trees bear longan fruit?]

[Hiss~ I live by the river, just now, I saw a ten-meter-long tilapia when I went out, what kind of concept is this, it has soared a hundred times. 】

[Don’t worry about these extraneous things, do you feel that your physical fitness is also changing? I just tried it, and I hoisted a 60-jin bag of rice with one hand, and made a hundred and fifty pounds in one breath. Ten squats. 】

[Damn, you tried it upstairs too? I was even more ruthless. I thought that after my strength increased several times, I would be able to beat up the idiot who demolished my house. In the end, that guy was still You are better than me, let alone, now on the way to get rabies vaccine. 】

【Hahaha, upstairs, you really are a ruthless person, my kitty has not changed, it is just as well-behaved. 】

There are different opinions on the voice interaction in the live broadcast room, but it can also be subtitled, so all kinds of strange things are shared crazily.

in reality

More and more people have personally come into contact with various abnormal scientific events. Similarly, many people have discovered abnormal changes in their bodies.

for a while

There has been a big change in the Xia Kingdom, and some unfaithful elements are eager to try, wanting to take the opportunity to make a big mess.

As a result, they were shocked to find that many of the people facing them were stronger than them, and they could easily counter-kill them.

Some powerful mutants, relying on their extraordinary strength, defeated hundreds of mutants and shouted that they would have a big fight.

Unexpectedly, in less than ten minutes of domineering, a more powerful young man routinely raised his Psionic Bureau certificate in his hand, and killed him on the spot with two blows.

this day,

Events such as this were staged crazily and completely overturned the original world trajectory.

At the same time,

Everyone in the Psionic Bureau also began to feel the strength in their bodies soar, which greatly increased their confidence.

Southwest Branch

390 Mu Yunlong tore off all the bandages on him in a very coquettish manner, and his laughter shook the entire branch base.

"Hahaha, so strong, such a powerful force zone!"

"Come, come, Liao Tianming, labor and management want to fight you hand to hand, labor and management have long disliked you!"

Forgetful of everything, Mu Yunlong directly dialed the communication of Liao Tianming, who was still dealing with the aftermath in Changbai Mountain, wantonly and insolently.

"you sure?"

The corner of Liao Tianming's mouth rose, and then easily snapped off the claws of a three-kilometer-long giant centipede.

"my father

Mu Yunlong was dumbfounded on the spot.

Didi Didi

At this time, Dongfang Haoran sent a message.

"Oh, Mu Yunlong, you really recovered."

"It just so happens that the hinterland in the northwest is too big for Gemus to do it alone, so you go and help.

"Don't talk nonsense, Ye Yun has wiped out one of the three fierce places in the southwest of you, the Cangshan fierce place, and the old monsters of your Mu family are in charge, and the nine branches are the most relaxed for you right now.

"It's not that difficult, just keep an eye on the exit of Kunlun Wonderland for me, and you know what to do about the rest."

Dongfang Haoran looked anxious and gave orders one after another.

"Kunlun Wonderland, the Twelve Forbidden Lands were born?"

Mu Yunlong stopped talking nonsense, and his eyes were shining brightly.

[The next wave, direct Dawei Tianlong restricted area? Or add another restricted area?].

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