Horror Recovery: I Destroyed The Restricted Area Ahead Of Time During The Live Broadcast

Chapter 134: The Mission Destroys The Holy Land Of Absolute Beginning (Subscribe)

【Damn it, this rebellious boy! He is obviously from the Psionic Bureau, and he is still from our Blue Star, yet he has an arrogant face and doesn't want to stop his companions. 】

【I'm so fucking on the horse, the other side really dares to shoot casually, the existence in the forbidden area is abominable!】

The live broadcast of satellite and high-definition pinhole drones, seeing that the other party is superior and kills people at the slightest disagreement, immediately made countless people angry.


However, there was another beam of light penetrating from the side, defeating the opponent's slashing light.

Everyone was amazed, and they all followed the camera to find out the people of the people.

"Hehe, if you don't agree with each other, you will be killed. You people in the Twelve Forbidden Areas are really as arrogant as ever."

Mu Yunlong was also angry, and walked out from behind a boulder in the valley.

"It's you, crazy old man Mu Yun~Long!"

Luo Sheng narrowed his eyes, and the fear in his eyes flashed - fleeting.

Back then, he was just a reserve captain of the Eastern Branch of the Psychic Bureau, and in front of the nine directors, he was no different from a small soldier.

However, the six years in Kunlun Wonderland allowed him to see what it means to be able to reach the sky, and what it means to be a real cultivator.

Especially the crazy breakthrough just now, he is confident that even if the ancestor of the Psionic Bureau comes in person, he can defeat it with ten strokes.

"Luo Sheng? I remember you. You were an orphan from a mountain village in Hui Province. All your relatives were killed by monsters. You grew up eating a lot of food. You officially joined the Eastern Branch eight years ago, and you were ready to become the official captain in just two years."

"In the battle of geniuses six years ago, you were the thirteenth-ranked genius in our Xia Kingdom. Your talent was astonishing. Later, you entered the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning."

"So, you are all from the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning?"

Mu Yunlong came one by one.

Luo Sheng's face was covered with frost.

The last thing he wants to mention is his origin.

Especially in Kunlun Wonderland, where there are many sects and powerful rulers, people are extremely particular about their background.

A genius of flowing water, a family of playing.

Hearing that Luo Sheng came from a humble background.

The eyes of the other five people in the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning changed slightly.

"Mu Yunlong, today is different from the past, do you still think that your Psionic Bureau is still high above you, the director of the Psionic Bureau, is still an insurmountable mountain?"

Luo Sheng was a little hideous.

"Based on talent, you are nothing, but you have lived a hundred years longer. At the same time, my achievements are not necessarily lower than yours, let alone, now I don't need it."

"Believe it or not, any one of us can crush you to death like an ant?"

Mu Yunlong's face was also cold.

Is this Luo Sheng's true face, or is Kunlun Wonderland a big dye vat, where the cruel world of cultivating immortals has lost one's heart?

Watching the live broadcast, audience B also looked ugly.

【What the hell... If the people in the Kunlun forbidden area were so arrogant, I would have nothing to say, but this scumbag is a native of Xia, so he dared to speak so brazenly. 】

【Damn it, what is he? He even said "Your Psychic Bureau". We have all seen how many heroes of the Psychic Bureau fought desperately against monsters for us, and now he dares to slander our heroes?】

【White-eyed wolf, this guy is definitely a white-eyed wolf. In six years, it is impossible to be ungrateful like this, because we have never wronged him, but he said that, what else can it be if it is not a white-eyed wolf?】

[Slaughter this dog day, there is a rebellious bone in the back of his head, kill this white-eyed wolf. 】

However, the anger of the audience was unknown to those present.

"Hehe, wait a minute, so you, old man, are you the chief of that Psionic Bureau?"

"Tsk tsk, no wonder you can block my casual blow."

Wei Mingxuan, a chubby man, licked his lips, as if he was staring at some prey.

"The so-called director-level powerhouse? Junior brother Luo Sheng, they were the ones who blocked the disciples from the outer sect back then. Your bureau chief blocked junior brother Liu Yizhen?"

Nalan Rongruo covered his mouth and laughed, full of sarcasm.

Outer disciples need to be dealt with at the director level?

Their juniors already have to use the director level to compete?

Not only the countless spectators were silent, but also the thousands of members of the Psionic Bureau felt heavy.

Mu Yunlong's eyes were narrowed into lines, and the other party deliberately murdered, he couldn't understand.

"That's right, after I take down all of you brats who don't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth, you will know what it means to have people beyond people and others beyond heaven.

Mu Yunlong grinned, and the breath in his whole body began to circulate.

"Hahahaha, dead old man, you don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, and there are people beyond the sky, are you natives like Blue Star?"

"Just relying on your director-level trash, I can wipe out all of your nine directors by myself."

Wei Mingxuan laughed wildly, slowly raised the scimitar in his hand, as if he was about to chop it off with disdain.


In an instant, Mu Yunlong took the lead, as fast as lightning.

At a distance of more than one hundred meters, he appeared and disappeared almost at the same time. A three-sided army thorn was directly inserted into the opponent's throat, and then disappeared on the spot at the same time!


This scene happened in an instant.

Pfft - blah blah blah

The hot plasma sprayed out a three-meter-high column of blood.

The fat man instinctively covered his bloody throat with both hands, his whole body was already in convulsions, and the divine light in his eyes changed from terrified to dim and dissipated, gradually losing their vitality.


The fat man fell to the ground dead on the spot, and finally woke up the others.

"He hides his strength, so be careful!"

Chang Hao drank sharply, his scalp numb.

He couldn't react to the speed of the blow just now. If the opponent attacked himself, he might be the one who is utterly dead now.

The other four people also looked terrified and extremely vigilant.


But Mu Yunlong has already retreated a hundred feet away, and he is also a little stunned by his strength at this moment.

"It turned out to be a vulnerable little guy. Since this is the case, I will arrest you all."

call out!

A flash of lightning flashed, and Mu Yunlong's speed increased to the extreme, frighteningly fast.

"Damn it, we're in a group together!"

Luo Sheng yelled.

As strong as his Golden Core Realm Great Perfection, he can only see vague flickering afterimages, but the other party is only the breath of the peak of the Golden Core Realm.

ask for flowers......

bang bang bang bang!

However, due to Mu Yunlong's strength, he could easily break through their defenses, and sent the four of them flying in a row, but Luo Sheng narrowly escaped the blow.

"Ze Xin, Rong Ruo, go and attack those three armored vehicles, leaving at least five lives, and we will use it to threaten him.

"Chang Hao, Ning Xin, the three of us join forces and resist together."

Luo Sheng was terrified, and wanted to force the opponent temporarily, and then took the opportunity to escape back.

bang bang——

Liu Zexin and Nalan Rongruo have rich combat experience, and they also thought of the key point.

"You are courting death!"

Mu Yunlong yelled, and pulled out a three-edged army thorn from his pocket again, and his figure rushed forward.


Seeing the blood sealing his throat, Mu Yunlong cut Liu Zexin's throat with a military stab, and sprayed out a large amount of plasma, causing him to collapse on the spot.

On the other side, Nalan Rongruo was so frightened that he panicked and wanted to run towards the mouth of the two realms.



However, a triangular army pierced through the long dragon and chased after it from behind.

It pierced through Nalan Rongruo's hook in an instant, and a blood hole was bigger than a human's fist.

The fighting didn't stop there.

Mu Yunlong showed great power and still had the upper hand with one against three.

"No, no, I'm from the Ning family. My big brother is Ning Wei, a core disciple. My great-grandfather is the law enforcement elder of the Holy Land. You can't kill me."

Ning Xin was terrified.

As a result, when Mu Yunlong slapped Luo Sheng with his palm, Luo Sheng pulled Ning Xin to his eyes to resist.

In the end, Mu Yunlong's blow just hit the opponent's heart, shaking his heart into powder, and the latter died beyond death.

"How is it possible that you and I are in the same realm, and the gap is so huge?"

"Blue Star, what happened to Blue Star's spiritual recovery?!"

Chang Hao was startled and angry,

But because of this distraction, Mu Yunlong slapped the dantian with his palm. A huge force like a prehistoric impact came, smashing his golden core, losing all his cultivation, and was blocked

"Mu, Director Mu, I, I, I was wrong, I was blinded, I knew I was wrong, please forgive me.

"Please forgive me, please forgive me."

Luo Sheng was so scared that his face turned pale, and he knelt down on the spot without any bottom line, bowed down and confessed his guilt.

Mu Yunlong is not a young boy who has just debuted.

The cunning in Luo Sheng's eyes, as well as the shameless means just now, made him deeply disgusted.

"It's too late, and what's the use of keeping you.

Mu Yunlong had just finished speaking.

Luo Sheng's eyes flashed sternly, and a magic sword shot out from his bun, directly hitting the opponent's throat.

sand sculpture

Mu Yunlong seemed to be looking at an idiot, as soon as he pricked his two fingers, he pinched it easily.

"No, it's impossible!"

Luo Sheng was horrified.

However, before he could run away desperately, he suddenly suffered a penetrating blow between his eyebrows.

His little sword had already pierced through his head, completely freezing memory thinking.

A group of six people, five dead and one seriously injured!.

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