[Hahahaha, it's so satisfying, kill, kill well, begging for mercy and dare to play a sneak attack, death is more than justified. 】

[Calling that we are natives, that we are ants that can be crushed to death, and that we kill people if we disagree? Look, the result is that we were hanged and killed by our side, which is really bragging. 】

【Hahaha, I was really startled just now, and said that the director of our Psionic Bureau is only worthy of fighting with their juniors, and the slap, slap, and slap in the face was so cool. 】

[Shh, have you guys forgotten about Brother Yun? With Brother Yun here, we are afraid of being an egg. I suddenly have a feeling that the Twelve Forbidden Lands are the unlucky ones. 】

[That's right, we still have Brother Yun, the two major evils have been bulldozed by Brother Yun, we are afraid of a hammer. However, I can't fall down, I also want to become stronger, and I also want to be popular. 】

Through the whole live broadcast, Xia Guo went up and down, most of the people were shouting for support, and their spirits were refreshed, sweeping away the previous haze of confusion and fear.

Dongfang Haoran breathed a sigh of relief.

The reason why he announced the 99-year confidentiality agreement for all mankind with great fanfare, and broadcast the record and the conflict live nationwide.

The purpose is to let the people of the whole country clearly see the true face of the Twelve Forbidden Lands, and from the very first moment, stimulate the people's upsurge of resistance, and...hope!

[This time, everyone can see clearly. People from the Twelve Forbidden Lands, many people regard us Blue Star people as ants from the bottom of their hearts, and they are weak people who can be killed at will. 】

[However, this victory is only the beginning. 】

[As our blue star's aura continues to recover, more powerful people or monsters will be sent to the Twelve Forbidden Areas. We can't put our lives or the lives of our loved ones on their kindness and compassion. We need to become stronger, become stronger to arm ourselves, until the Twelve Forbidden Lands no longer dare to regard us as weak or ants!]

【Now, I officially declare that we have entered the era of spiritual recovery, an era of waves that allows us to face difficulties and eventually lead to glory!】

【From now on, our lives will change a lot. However, our Psychic Bureau will continue to report and follow up the relevant rules and regulations. We also hope that everyone can join our Psychic Bureau to fight against the enemies who invaded our home. We believe even more that we will still be a humanistic society ruled by law. 】

Dongfang Haoran made a passionate statement.

At the same time, the locations of various parts and departments of the Psychic Bureau were announced to the public, and half of the members of the Psychic Bureau began to publicize and conduct new recruit assessments.

Most of the remaining members continued to eliminate hidden dangers, and some heavily guarded the forbidden area and several fierce areas to prevent the evil people from having other plans.

On the Internet, there was an uproar over it.

【Hahaha, my blood boils when I hear it, I want to become stronger and destroy those nasty guys. 】

[Spiritual energy revives, this is a new era, my mother said since I was a child that I have a simple mind and well-developed limbs, and I am not suitable for reading. This time, I will prove with my fist that I am born with a talent that will be useful. 】

[It’s not just the Kunlun Wonderland, our lovely and respectful warriors have kept us from the wind and rain for decades. In the future, our Blue Star will definitely become stronger. In the end, we don’t want to counterattack the restricted area burial ground!]

[Fucking fuckers, we don't have the responsibility to point and point our life and death, and it's not up to them to erode our blue star. 】

The passionate remarks above have gradually dominated the direction of the center.

In the end, Xia Guo Psychic Bureau's quick response and live broadcast effect greatly reduced the uncontrollable factors of spiritual energy recovery, which made many mysterious forces shine.

When Ye Ling morning,

The Eagle Nation SHIELD was also the second to adopt a press conference, the content of which was very similar to that of the Psychic Bureau, and it also began to invest heavily in the forbidden and fierce places in the Eagle Nation.

There was also a collective uproar in the Eagle Country. However, some of them were under the banner of freedom and independence, which hindered the actions of S.H.I.E.L.D. and had to resort to material suppression.

Then, mysterious forces such as the Evolutionary Guild, the Loose Cultivation Alliance, the Eastern European Temple, etc., also began to use various methods to stabilize people's hearts, and began to prepare for the first wave of attacks from forbidden areas such as the Twelve Forbidden Areas.


On this day, big news from Xia Kingdom came one after another.

All walks of life across the country have since reduced their tax burden by half, and grain growers [the state subsidizes their grain income twice as much in that year.

Those who have evolved their physique can get the same salary as the original local average income subsidized by the state without working hard.

Hunting and killing mutated monsters and monsters can be handed over to various Psychic Bureau departments to obtain corresponding values ​​or rewards.

Examples like this,

A series of detailed laws and regulations of the new era are constantly promulgated and sent to everyone's mobile phone text messages.

at the same time,

The two masters of Buddhism and Taoism also lifted their mysterious veil:

Wudang Mountain, Qiyun Mountain, Maoshan Mountain, Laoshan Mountain, and Huashan Mountain were all born together, claiming that they will organize ten free practice academies in the country under the coordination of the Xia Kingdom Branch of the Loose Cultivation Alliance. constraint.

The Buddhist Association, the four famous Buddhist places of Buddhism, Shaolin and Nanhua, the two ancient temples of the northern and southern ancestral courts, also said that they will greatly increase the number of disciples and Buddhists. Those who enter belong to the category of monks and are not exempt from most of the precepts

"..I, Longhu Mountain, a sacred place of Taoism, was officially born today, and I have widely accepted disciples. Those who pass the assessment can become my disciples of Longhu Mountain, and will be blessed by my Longhu Mountain for life# "."

"I, Qingcheng Mountain, the ancestral home of Taoism, was officially born today. I am recruiting talents and giving lessons to solve doubts. Those who pass the assessment can enter my Qingcheng Mountain and be protected by my Qingcheng Mountain."

"I, Great Mercy Temple..."

Since then, the era of spiritual energy recovery has come, and a storm brewing in the dark is subtly changing the original world. .

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