The competition conference is in full swing.

First of all, there are twenty-eight monsters from the Great Consummation of the Foundation Establishment Realm.

In the end, the genius of the yak demon tribe won all the battles and won the first place. The genius of the monkey demon tribe was accidentally defeated by a groundhog demon in the final battle and ranked third, and the genius of the porcupine demon ranked fourth.

The fifth to eighth places are respectively the White Fox Clan, the White Elephant Clan, the Tianniu Clan, and the Demon Bird Clan.

Ye Yun handed out all the prizes, and Bai Yihang also handed out the eighteen sixth-grade pills to the top eight, and the first place won four.

Next, the competition among the great demon-level disciples of the Golden Core Realm.

In the first match, the red fox monster on the hill next to Tu Shan fought against the genius of the porcupine tribe. The former won the odds by one trick and won three points.

In the second round, the monkey demon drew lots to the yak demon. The two super geniuses fought at the top level of geniuses. In the end, the monkey demon won by virtue of its speed advantage and accumulated three points.

In the third scene, the genius of the White Fox Clan is Chu Chu's cousin Bai Fan, who has mastered seductive skills and directly uses her charms to charm the opposite banshee.

In the fourth game, the players from the Black Snake Race and the players from the Dragon Race 11 fought inextricably, and finally fell to the ground almost at the same time, so it was classified as a tie and each scored one point.

As the battle continued, the low-level players were quickly eliminated, and in the end the twelve demons with the highest score remained.

In order to be relatively fair, the game was temporarily suspended for five hours.

The next day, with the sun rising in the east, the Twelve Demons competed on the point system again.

In the first match, it happened that the monkey demon faced the yak demon again, and they had the highest performance index, and they fought again. The yak demon changed from yesterday's head-to-head confrontation, and finally defeated the monkey monster with a defensive advantage, and regained a victory.

Then came the second, the third

Time passed by in a hurry, the six battles came to an end, and it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

Seventh match!

The yak demon fought against Bai Fan of the white fox clan. Not only could the handsome Bai Fan fail to break through the genius defense of the yak demon, but he was also forced into corners again and again. The whole process was almost a hasty dodge and a strong pursuit.


But Ye Yun saw the clue, the corners of his mouth raised even higher.

"Yun big brother, cousin Bai Fan, can he win?"

Yingying, who was sitting next door, asked nervously.

In the second round of the genius battle, the two sisters also came out to watch and join in the fun.

"He can win, and, with his true strength, he will win the first place."

Ye Yun laughed.

The voice was not loud, but all the demon kings heard it.


Not to mention the Seventeenth Road Demon King, Bai Yihang was stunned.

In this fight, Ye Yun emphasized that it must be fair and fair.

Furthermore, the Yaozu geniuses in the competition are almost all fans of Ye Yun, so they will not cheat for personal gain at all.

However, Ye Yun just said that Bai Fan will use his true strength to defeat the genius of the Yak Demon, and even win the first place in the Golden Core Realm?

"Ye Daxian, this is impossible. Bai Fan's previous battles were quite satisfactory. Moreover, he also lost two battles and drew three battles."

"The son of the old yak, no matter how you look at it, is one of the top few, not in the same echelon."

The monkey demon king was puzzled.

In his eyes, the yak demon and his monkey grandson are definitely the two strongest demons.

"Haha, maybe Ye Daxian is teasing our Yingying?"

Some other demon kings simply joked, causing Yingying to give him a blank look.

Ye Yun smiled and did not explain.


Suddenly, the battlefield changes come.

Suddenly, sand and stones flew in the barrier, and gusts of gray shadows blew fiercely from around Bai Fan, like pieces of gray knives cutting the space vertically and horizontally, making the vision even more blurred.

"Do not--"

Immediately afterwards, the yak demon screamed in horror and unwillingness.


The knife shadow storm dissipated, revealing the weird scenes inside.

The yak demon's whole body was cut with dozens of bloody mouths, and he fell to the ground, gasping for breath one after another.

But Bai Fan's qi and blood were only partially weakened, and his face became pale.


One move changed the situation of the battle, and Bai Fan suddenly won?

All the demon kings were shocked, and even more puzzled.

"Soul storm, it is the soul storm of my white fox clan!"

Bai Yihang sat up in shock, his face flushed with excitement.

This is a kind of fairy art supernatural power of the White Fox Clan. Since their decline thousands of years ago, their Tushan Fox Clan has no demons because of the lack of inheritance.

Now, among their white fox clan, there is actually a younger generation who has successfully cultivated?

Soul storm?

All the demon kings of the Seventeenth Road changed their expressions.

The Tushan white fox clan belongs to the nine-tailed celestial fox lineage, and was once prominent among all races in ancient times.

Even thousands of years ago, the white fox still had a great demon emperor and two demon emperors sitting in the town, and they were both the leading demon families in Xia country.

As for the soul storm,

Not only is it the fairy magic power of the white fox clan, but there are also rumors that those who can successfully cultivate have the picture of the great demon emperor!

The Tushan White Fox Clan not only has Ye Yun, the super boss among the big bosses, but also a genius who is the capital of the big demon emperor?


The seventeen monster clans were all in an uproar.

Because their Southwest Monster Race has been oppressed for too long, so at this moment, they are even more fortunate and proud.

Naturally, the ensuing battles began to become dull.

Except for the genius of the monkey monster, 287 who once again forced Bai Fan to use the soul storm, the other contestants all surrendered in advance.

In this round of genius battle, Bai Fan won the first place, the monkey monster was second, the yak monster and the white elephant monster tied for third and fourth place.

As for other rankings, they are no longer concerned.

Bai Fan, besides Ye Yun, became the most eye-catching focus of the audience.

Ye Yun sees all of this.

First, Bai Yihang sent the elixirs—rewards, and four tier-6 elixirs fell into Bai Fan's hands, and all the white foxes in Tushan were very excited.

The old patriarch Bai Shengfei laughed so hard that his teeth could not see his eyes. His grandson has the talent of a great demon emperor, and he will definitely alarm the entire demon world soon.

Finally, it was Ye Yun's turn to give out awards, and Ye Yun gave out other awards to the players behind.

For the remaining four treasures, he gave a dragon tooth to the white elephant demon, and a pair of horns from the wild bull demon to the yak demon.

However, he gave the second treasure, a bone with an inscription on it, and the small dagger with a dull color, to the genius monkey monster.

This scene changed the atmosphere of the scene suddenly, and the demon kings frowned.

Bai Fan's excited expression suddenly froze, and there was even a hint of vicious coldness.

"Oh, haven't you revealed your true body yet?"

Ye Yun grinned, the same, holy meaning!.

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