Horror Recovery: I Destroyed The Restricted Area Ahead Of Time During The Live Broadcast

Chapter 145 The Conspiracy Of The Abe Family (Please Subscribe)

"You, haven't you revealed your true body yet?"

Ye Yun looked at Bai Fan in the practice field below, his eyes slightly closed, with a murderous intent.


On the side, Chu Chu and Yingying screamed, turned their heads suddenly, and looked at Bai Fan.

The demon kings from all walks of life, Bai Yihang and Bai Shengfei were also alarmed on the spot, staring at the handsome man on the training ground.

Ye Yun's strength has penetrated into the demon's heart, so they all believe that the former will not talk nonsense.

Sure enough, Bai Fan's expression changed, his face gradually became ferocious and distorted, where was the gentleness and elegance just now.

"With Bai Fan's talent alone, it is impossible to fill in the missing inheritance. The only explanation is that you already have a complete inheritance.

"Second point, you acted too hastily. When I saw you for the first time, I felt that something was wrong with you. Then I deliberately took out this small dagger as a reward. You were exposed. I didn't hesitate to expose some cards. Take this dagger."

Ye Yun smiled coldly and evilly.

"Damn it, Ye Yun, you're trying to spoil my good deed again!"

"Believe it or not, I will kill you right now!"

"Bai Fan" kept gloomy eyes, spit out strange voices, bursts of thunder came from his body, and an aura far more powerful than the demon king rushed out.


As soon as this statement came out, it was completely hammered.

But, "he" said he was going to kill Ye Yun?

All the demon kings showed weird expressions.

"You said, I ruined your good deed again? With your means, so, are you a member of the Anbei family of the Red Sun Kingdom?"

Ye Yun raised his eyebrows.

Too lazy to continue talking nonsense, I took a big hand with Qi Gang.


The incomparable vast aura suddenly descended, and the crushing of the general trend alone crushed the practice field to pieces.

"No, it's impossible—"

"Bai Fan" yelled in horror.

Just a second ago, he was shouting with all his might, but now he was kneeling on the ground. The gap between cloud and mud instantly destroyed his self-confidence.


Without the ability to resist at all, he was photographed lying down, a big mouthful of blood spurted out, and the white clothes were stained red with blood.


The Seventeenth Road Demon King and the elders of the Demon Clan all swallowed their mouths and gasped for breath.

Even a powerhouse approaching the demon emperor level can't resist the power of Ye Yun's palm?!

Bai Yihang and Bai Shengfei's faces were pale, and the hope of the race that had just been born turned into an abyss in a blink of an eye.

"It's okay, the real Bai Fan is still alive, the other party is only using tricks to temporarily manipulate his spirit and soul, because the other party still needs to use Bai Fan's demon body to continue his cultivation.

Ye Yun saw through it at a glance.

Bai Yihang, Bai Shengfei and Yingying Chuchu felt a little relieved.

Ye Yun hooked his fingers, and the severely injured "Bai Fan" was lifted up into the sky, and all the demons saw it. At this time, "Bai Fan"'s eyes were as black as ink, neither human nor demon.

"Are you the arrogance of the Red Sun Guoan Bei family, An Bai Congyun? Or to be precise, which shikigami are you An Bai Congyun?"

Ye Yun seemed to be talking about unimportant things.

Strictly speaking, he has no hatred with the Anbei family, Anbei Congyun.

On that day, Iga Muxue was sold by Keboge, and the shikigami in the former was just a protector.

Now about Tu Shan, it is no longer a short-term matter for Anbai Congyun to control Bai Fan.

Adding the two together, it still has nothing to do with Ye Yun.

However, the Anbei family and the eight characters of Anbei Congyun changed the expressions of all the demon kings and demons.

The Anbei family is a family of onmyojis in the Red Sun Kingdom. It is rumored that more than half of the demon world in the Red Sun Kingdom is a vassal of the Anbei Family.

As for Anbei Congyun, he has the title of Tianjiao of the Anbei family once in a thousand years.

He did not participate in the talent selection competition six years ago, but was recognized by the Red Sun Country as the number one genius in the Red Sun Country.

"Heh, heh, so what?"

"Bai Fan" grinned grimly.

"Anbei family!"

Bai Yihang and Bai Shengfei's expressions were dark and cold, and many elders of the white fox clan also showed hatred in their eyes.

Seeing that the other party was still talking hard, Ye Yun exchanged for a high-grade purification talisman from the system space, flicked his fingers, the talisman burned out of thin air, and a stream of light shot into Bai Fan's body.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah~"

"You, what did you do to me, ah ah ah ah!"

"Bai Fan" couldn't stop screaming, being hung in the air, he screamed in pain, but he couldn't resist the burning of the Purification Talisman.

"You can stay inside and serve your master with death, but I have a hundred ways to make you, a shikigami, worse than death."

"Oh, by the way, my method is only effective for you, a little shikigami."

Ye Yun exchanged for another soul arresting talisman, and injected it into the opponent's body in the same way.

"Ah ah ah ah ah----"

Like maggots attached to the bone, and like the fire of the soul, the burning of the two talisman seals made the shikigami in Bai Fan's body extremely painful, but they didn't feel like killing them.

The shikigami wanted to resist, and as the guardian shikigami of Anbai Congyun's twelve natal lives, he was the latter's most loyal subordinate.

However, this kind of unprecedented means and severe pain are like tearing up its spirit body countless times every second, and every second is the torment of purgatory.

call out!

After resisting for more than ten seconds, it was completely torn apart, turning into a red flame and rushing out of Bai Fan's body, fleeing far away and disappearing.

".. Ye Yun, for this account, after Master Cong Yun leaves the customs, we will all come to Xia——!"


However, before it could finish its cruel words, a huge vine penetrated its soul body and fixed it in midair.

"You, you are the Blood Vine Demon Lord?!"

Shikigami was terrified.

"Sand sculpture."

The blood vine demon sitting on the top of Tushan Mountain was a little bigger than a writing brush, and he poked his nostrils in disdain all the way.


The blood vine swallowed four or five mouthfuls, and directly swallowed up the Shikigami of the Nascent Soul Realm Dzogchen.

"Boss, the task is completed, there are no other shikigami from the An family except Shan."

The blood vine demon shouted loudly, and all the demon kings recovered from the shock.

Bai Yihang and Bai Shengfei's pupils shrank, but they were relieved to know that there were no other shikigami from the Anbei family, and let the other monsters take away Bai Fan who had passed out.

The demon king present knew some secrets, but kept silent.

(Zhao Mo's) "Patriarch Baihu, since the black hand of the Anbei family has reached out, do you choose to remain silent, or stand up and fight?"

Went to the headquarters of the Psychic Bureau, and Ye Qu obtained a lot of unrecorded super SSSS top secrets.

The Anbei family of the Red Sun Kingdom, Anbei Qingming, the most powerful great onmyoji in the ancestors, and his mother is the great demon emperor of the white fox clan.

And the white fox lineage of the great demon emperor, and the white fox lineage of Tu Shan, both come from the nine-tailed sky fox in ancient times!

In other words, the main line of the Anbei family of Onmyoji today can be regarded as a "human monster" with the blood of the white fox clan, which is equivalent to the distant relatives of the Tushan white fox clan.

However, a thousand years ago, Anbei Qingming not only sealed his mother, the Great White Fox Demon Emperor, but also sealed or killed all the white foxes in the Red Sun Kingdom.

About that matter, Tu Shan's white fox lineage, which was still in its heyday, almost got into a fight with the Amber family.

(ps: According to legend, Anbei Qingming, the most powerful onmyoji, is the son of the white fox).

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