Red Sun Country

The largest center of power in Yinyangliao, the Anbei family.

The spiritual energy revived, and many old monsters in Yinyangliao also woke up.

What's more, there are two big Yinyang families who have lived for hundreds of years, and they are both the ancestors of the Anbei family.

Anbei Qingming's fifth-generation grandson, Anbei Qingming's husband; and Anbei Qingming's eighth-generation grandson, Anbei Third Liu.

At this time, the two legends learned about the changes in the past few hundred years after listening to the background information of Yinyangliao and the report of the old monsters.

"The old ghosts of the Tokugawa family and the Iga family are still alive."

"The current Iga family brat suddenly rejected our marriage?"

"Ke Boge plotted against us, Xia Guo has also raised a young legend!"

"More than a hundred years ago, the Blood Vine Demon Venerable who made a big fuss in the Red Sun Kingdom became the demon pet of that young legend!"

Listening to the news one by one, the two legends of the An family frowned.

Especially regarding Ye Yun, the video of the battle in the restricted area of ​​Changbai Mountain shocked them unceasingly.

Even they, in front of the ice dragon, can only tremble.

"Let's not go to the water of Xia Country, those stupid decisions of Kebo Pavilion, let them hit the wall by themselves.

Kazuo Anbei made a final decision.

It's just that the faces of all the old monsters in Yinyangliao, as well as the head of the Anbai family, Anbai Toro, fell down.


Anbei Sanliu frowned.

"Say, there are 840 other things?"

Anbei Fujiro's tongue was dry, and he hesitated at last: "We have already started the plan in Xia Kingdom, but it seems that Tushan's white fox lineage has a lot to do with Ye Yun."

I'm so...!

Anbei Kazuo and Anbei Sanliu's eyes were wide open, and they were even trembling with anger.

Shortly after

The news that Anbai Congyun's second shikigami was killed in Tushan spread, and the whole Yinyang Liao could hear the news.

at this moment

Tushan Fox Clan Base Camp.

"Patriarch White Fox, since the black hand of the Anbei family has reached out, do you choose to remain silent, or stand up and fight?"

Ye Yun's words spread in the West Wing Pavilion, and all the demon kings looked at each other with slight expressions.

They are all "goblins" who have lived for decades, or even a hundred years, and they can't hear the overtones.

Instead, Bai Yihang and Bai Shengfei fell silent.

After the catastrophe thousands of years ago, the Tushan white fox lineage declined. Even after the spiritual energy recovered, there was only one ancestor in the clan who was at the peak of the heavenly king.

As for the Anbai family, the background is much stronger...

"Patriarch of the white fox, old patriarch, my old yak has always been on good terms with you, no matter how you choose, my yak clan will support you (bbfh), the Anbei family who deceived teachers and exterminated their ancestors, we have long since lost sight of them, right? .”

The Yak Demon King was the first to pat his chest, vowing to be on the same front.

With this vote, the eyes of the other demon kings lit up, only to realize that this old cow is not too stupid.

"Yes, I, an old monkey head, can't look down on them, even my own mother and the whole family are suppressed and killed, so I deserve to die.

"The shamelessness of the Red Sun Kingdom is indeed passed down from history. They do whatever they can to achieve their ends. Are they worthy of being called human beings?"

"Secondly, my Dragon Clan also supports you, Patriarch White Fox."



A group of demon kings naturally beat snakes and sticks, and they all voted to express their opinions.

For this kind of icing on the cake, Ye Yun doesn't care.

Whoever has big fists has reason, and he understands this reason.

As for the Anbei family, he doesn't care, as long as his two women like it, it doesn't matter if he dies.

"Ye Daxian, and everyone else, it's just that our white fox lineage has already..."

Bai Yihang showed bitterness.

Ye Yun felt the tension in the tender hands of the two sisters Yingying, Chuchu,

Then he smiled and said: "Patriarch White Fox, there is no need to worry about this matter. If you don't mind, I will let one of my subordinates live in Tushan, how about it?"

As soon as the words fell, a figure in black robe walked out from behind him, with an Xeon aura that was several times more terrifying than Anbei's family shikigami, making all the demon kings gasp for breath.

Demon Emperor Level God Realm!

Like a clear sky, thunderstorms explode!

In the southwestern region, the demon clan has weakened too much, and the strongest foundation now is only the demon king level Dzogchen.

As a result, when Ye Yun made a move, he became a demon emperor who transformed into a god?


The Tushan White Fox Clan must rise!

The demon kings of the Seventeenth Road were all shocked, and finally met Ye Yun's love house and how strong Wu Zhixin is.

If they didn't agree with each other, they took out a subordinate who was bigger than them to be the backer of the white fox clan!

Is it so inhumane?

"Patriarch White Fox, the power of the demon clan in our southwest region is weak, and now that the aura is recovering, I'm afraid that opportunities and dangers coexist. Why don't we take advantage of Ye Daxian's presence and form a southwest demon alliance from now on?"

"As for the master of the demon alliance, you, the patriarch of the white fox, will win?"

The Banshee Queen of the Monster Bird Clan laughed.

As a visual observation, she knows that Ye Yun intends to support the white fox family, so why not go with the flow and hug this thick thigh for her demon bird family?

The eyes of the other demon kings brightened.

"I'm a stinky cow with a bad temper, but what the demon spirit said sounds good. We Southwest demon clan can take this opportunity to unite and advance and retreat together. This Southwest demon alliance, I am the second to agree.

The yak demon is not stupid, so he quickly agrees. The yak demon is the name of the demon king of the demon bird clan.

"Hahaha, that's right, there are old monks from Mount Emei, so the monsters can't go east. In fact, this not only blocked the monsters in the northwest and west, but also our southwest monsters. This time , let's just set up the Southwest Demon League to win for ourselves."

The monkey demon king also rubbed his fists.

"Secondly, the leader of the White Fox clan is qualified to be the leader of our Southwest Demon League, and our Porcupine clan strongly supports it.

"Hahaha, I, the Tianniu tribe, have long wanted to hug your thighs, and I definitely support it."



A group of demon kings hastily expressed their opinions, and they had the intention of holding their thighs when they came this trip.

Now, Ye Yunhao is inhumanely supporting the white fox family, and they are even more happy.

"This this......"

Bai Yihang and Bai Shengfei were overwhelmed with astonishment, but they refused for some reason.

I am satisfied with Ye Yun, this awesome son-in-law-to-be.

"Ha ha ha ha"

Seeing the distressed Bai Yihang and his son, the Seventeenth Road Demon King smiled happily.

It doesn't matter to Ye Yun, as long as his two women are happy, and when he is not in Tu Shan, Yuan San can protect Tu Shan's white fox lineage.

Yuansan is one of the three restricted area giants rewarded after clearing the Changbai Mountain restricted area. According to the overall combat power, it is no less than the Ice Demon Dragon in Changbai Mountain that day!

"Yun big brother, why don't I spend the night outside with my sister tonight? There are so many monsters here..."

Yingying's words are crispy and soft.

"I want to go for a drive too.

On the other side, Chu Chu was not so bold, but she also made a hint by drawing circles with jade hands.

This teasing movement made Ye Yun move his index finger. .

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