In the blink of an eye, another two days passed.

Anyway, having nothing to do, Ye Yun, who eats, marrows and tastes, is naturally happy to lie drunk in the beauty's nest of Tushan.

In particular, after sisters Bai Chuchu and Bai Yingying's flower strength increased greatly, their charms were raised by two or three levels, and each time they were in the first half, they enjoyed flying like flying.

at the same time,

The 18th Road Monster Race spent three days and three nights drinking and eating in Tushan, and they also settled the matter of the Southwest Monster League perfectly.

As for the Psychic Bureau, the green light was opened all the way, and Di Qing from the Southwest Branch was simply asked to come over to testify, and after doing various filings and registrations, he sent a business license.

The Southwest Demon League is established!

In less than half a day, the 18 monster races in the southwest formed a monster alliance, and the Psychic Bureau acquiesced. This incident shocked Xia Guo!

Not long after that, another piece of news also came out intentionally or unintentionally: Ye Yun left a puppet of the Demon Emperor Realm in Tushan to sit in the headquarters of the Southwest Demon League!


This time, not only the Xia Kingdom was shaken, but all the forces in the world, large and small, all gathered sideways.

The puppet of the Demon Emperor Realm is a legendary existence of a great power.

What's more, since being abused by Ye Yun's thirty puppets, these big forces have all thought of one.

A consensus was reached:

Ye Yun's puppet, what a freak like Ye Yun!

The blowing of this gust of wind made some rogue cultivators or monster races in a certain domain want to follow suit, and they all received warning letters from the headquarters of the Psychic Bureau.

One is to be recruited as a temporary worker outside the establishment of the Psychic Bureau, one is to be disbanded on the spot, and one is to face the fire suppression of the Psychic Bureau.

As a result, some scattered monsters or monsters wanted to join the Southwest Demon League, but they were told that they not only had to accept the assessment of the Southwest Demon League, but also had to pass the approval of the Psychic Bureau.

However, even though the review is so strict, there are still many monsters who go for Ye Yun's title.

Even some awakened humans wanted to join the Southwest Demon League. In the end, the Southwest Demon League had to come forward to defend the dignity of the Psionic Bureau:

The Southwest Demon League only accepts monster races, and Ye Daxian does not belong to the Southwest Demon League.

However, the birth of the Southwest Demon League still drove some kind of dark tide.

talk at both ends,

When Ye Yun enjoys the cuddling of beautiful women.

The Twelve Forbidden Lands and other forbidden areas finally "suppressed" the transboundary.

After seven days passed, an unusual aura was finally smelled inside the Twelve Forbidden Grounds.

Kunlun Wonderland

Holy Land of the Beginning

This giant that once surpassed the Twelve Forbidden Grounds is still known as the number one Holy Land.

Unlike Tianji Tower, which comes and goes without a trace, and Daoyi Holy Land, which is inaction and low-key, the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning pays attention to domineering, domineering, and domineering.

The Taoist fairy gate occupies the entire Kunlun Wonderland of Zhongzhou, and its territory even reaches one-sixth of the tens of thousands of forces in the entire Kunlun Wonderland.

In the hinterland of Zhongzhou, where there is a plain, there are seven huge and incomparably sacred mountains, with a width of hundreds of thousands of miles and a height of tens of thousands of miles.

At first glance, it looks like seven Optimus Primes, supporting the sky of Kunlun Wonderland.

Here is the Taoist Immortal Gate of the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning, the Big Dipper Star Field, with a radius spanning tens of millions of miles. (In fact, Qin Shihuang blasted off the five pillars of Tongtian, and packed them into the shape of the Big Dipper.)

Inside, there are countless majestic and majestic palaces, shining resplendently, like countless treasures dotted on the earth.

The main hall and palace complex, the core area of ​​the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning, the area where the Supreme Elder and the Sovereign are located.

A group of twenty people, sitting in the council cabinet, with ten people on each side, is having an emergency meeting.

Everyone's aura is extremely terrifying, stronger than the Sky Refining Crocodile and Ice Demon Dragon before the spiritual energy revived.

"There is still no news from Blue Star, I'm afraid something happened."

A middle-aged man in Taoist robes dressed in jade-colored brocade said with a frosty face.

"Elder Gao Taishang, is it possible that Liu Yizhen's words are false? The Blue Star six years ago has really weakened to the rare level of Golden Core?"

He looked at an old man in a golden Taoist robe opposite him and asked.

"Deputy Sect Master Zhao, what Liu Yizhen said is true."

Gao Jiansong shook his head, affirming.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was silent, and their faces were a little dignified.

With the revival of spiritual energy, the people of Blue Star will definitely change. However, their strength has improved more than they predicted?

"For the time being, there is no need to alarm the Holy Master and the ancestors."

"He Jie, contact the Ghost Prison Gate. The next time we are born, our two holy lands will unite. At the same time, we will select twenty Nascent Soul Realm geniuses from the vassal sects and prepare to enter Blue Star.

Another old man dressed in brocade had his eyes closed, and there was a bit of chill in his eyes.

His name is Liu Zongxuan, another deputy sect master of the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning, a Kunlun giant who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years.

Sixty thousand years ago, he and most of the people present had experienced Zhang Sanfeng's age of despair, and deliberately had great hostility towards Blue Star.

ask for flowers......

"Yes, Vice Sect Master.

He Jie responded.

Almost the same moment.

Kunlun Fairyland

The Ghost Prison Gate, Dusheng Temple, Yixin Temple, Donghua Temple, Litian Holy Land, the five holy places, and many powerful sects all held high-level meetings on the Blue Star matter.

hawkish so,

Daoyi Holy Land and Tianji Tower of the Dove Faction had a strange feeling of frantic heartbeat, and Gu Changsheng and Li Wuxin were locked together again to conspire.

"Brother Li, Blue Star's actions are not small. Could it be that they have already prepared?"

Gu Changsheng's premonition is getting stronger and stronger.

He is really afraid,

On the Blue Star side, there are a lot of world-suppressing evildoers. Once they grow up, they will definitely be a nightmare for many holy places and even the twelve forbidden places.

"I can't see through it at all. The original poster gave me the bamboo brocade letter of the patriarch before retreating. There shouldn't be anything wrong with it."


Li Wuxin smiled bitterly.

"We are going to a holy place, should we also try to meet a relative?"

Although Gu Changsheng was joking, his expression was serious.

Six years ago, many forces in Kunlun Wonderland took over many geniuses from Blue Star, and made up for Blue Star's history.

Judging from various signs, their Daoyi Holy Land, like the Tianji Building, seems to have a rich relationship with Blue Star.

"Next time, let's reduce our disciples to two. It's important to understand Lanxing's current theory."

"In less than three days, the Heavenly Dao Stone may change again. At that time, the disciples of the Nascent Soul Realm will no longer be restricted."

Li Wuxin——Taolai.

Gu Changsheng nodded, this time, he also noticed the changes in the Heavenly Dao Stone.

the other side

The other eleven forbidden places.

In the Wudang Dragon Cave, there are ten dragon clans as the overlords, and the eight dragon clans are furious, ordering a thorough investigation of the Blue Star, and preparing for the second wave of landing.

The Devil's Nest of Babylon, the Four Great Devil's Gates.

All the demons who were born in the world had no news, which made them awe-inspiring to kill, and decided to send stronger disciples.

In the Yellowstone Swamp, the demon hall forces formed by monsters one after another were also furious.

After they stepped into the blue star, all the monster children under their command were hospitalized.

So far, many forces are surging under the tide.

However, two days later

The Heavenly Dao Stone, which blocked the entrance and exit of the Blue Star, has changed again, and the door of the colorful rainbow has five colors of light.

Blue Star's boundary wall suppressed and became weaker.

Until a great power in the early stage of transforming into a god, easily crossed the boundary wall and landed on Blue Star Eight!.

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