The whole world is at a high-energy moment, but Ye Yun left Tushan with his two daughters.

First, I played in the sparsely populated Tibetan plateau for two days, and then went to the northwest for two days to experience the unique light and color of the mountains and forests.

Now, a man and two women are walking in the bustling magic city.


Because of showing his face, he was surrounded by tens of thousands of crazy fans many times and frantically took pictures. The hospitality was frightening, so Ye Yun had to use magic to change his appearance ~ a bit.

The sisters Bai Chuchu and Bai Yingying laughed so hard that their branches trembled, and they also changed their appearances, but their beauty was even more seductive.

"Cloud big brother, the Bund is nothing special, high-rise buildings, but rather noisy and uncomfortable.

Yingying propped her cheeks, she was not impressed by the beautiful scenery in front of her.

"You girl, you used to say that you envied life in a big city, but now you know that your home is alright?"

Chu Chu scolded with a smile.

The reason why I was born and experienced before was because my younger sister was bewitched by her hype.

"Hee hee hee, it's something new, I just saw it now, the pace of life is too fast, I don't like it.

Yingying stuck out her little tongue.

"Besides, I am satisfied with the presence of Yun Big Brother, and I am happy wherever Yun Big Brother wants to take me."

While talking, he did not forget to hold Ye Yun's hand to wipe his oil.

Another three sentences that are inseparable from the old profession of acting like a baby

Bai Chuchu is speechless to her sister, is it appropriate to show her affection in the street?

little girl!

Ye Yun was also speechless, and scratched the opponent's nose with the back of her finger, deliberately aggressive.

At this time, he finally realized what it means that the king will not go to court early.

After visiting the Bund, Ye Yun took his two daughters to Nanhui Guanhai Park.

Because of the revival of the spiritual energy, in order to prevent the sea beasts from landing, Xia Guo dispatched a large number of warships to defend the offshore area, and also moved a large number of people from the coastline to within 20 kilometers of the coast.

Therefore, the originally bustling Sea Viewing Park is now scattered with scattered people, most of them are adventurers who want to find the dead sea animals washed ashore near the beach.

Facing the endless sea, the two daughters, Chu Chu Yingying, were excited for a while, posing for pictures and watching.

Ye Yun overlooks the mouth of Hangzhou Bay to the south.

The Blue Star World is different from the Earth. The existence of the Psionic Bureau has extended the East China Sea Bridge in the magic city to Zhoushi, which is hundreds of kilometers away, as early as a few years ago.

Now, at the critical moment when sea beasts are rampant, the Donghai Bridge has become the first line of defense for the Qiantang River and even the eastern Xia Kingdom.

That's not the point.

The point is, not long ago, a gigantic green snake appeared in Hangzhou Bay!

Even just yesterday, that huge green snake reappeared in the field of vision of many people. Its incarnation was nearly 10,000 feet in size, and easily killed a sea beast at the level of a big demon emperor, and ruled the army of sea beasts of the sea beast emperor.

What, there was no movement at all...

Ye Yun was speechless, and thought he could come here to try his luck.

Unexpectedly, the excitement could not be seen.

In fact, he didn't know,

The interior of Mount Putuo, which is more than 130 kilometers away, is in full swing.

The thousand-year-old green snake demon led an army of transformed sea beasts to the third realm of Mount Putuo!

"Xu Wen big bald donkey, I'm going to land today, it depends on whether you dare to stop me!"

Incarnate as a woman in ancient Tsing Yi, pointing domineeringly at Mount Putuo.

In front of her, there are thousands of giant sea beasts attacking wildly, and there are five heads in the realm of the demon emperor!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sounds of fighting kept ringing in my ears, and the sky was full of flames, and the surrounding area was riddled with holes.

At this time, the interior of Mount Putuo had long lost its original appearance of a paradise, and many sea beasts landed and crushed, forcing an Arhat Bodhisattva to show up to fight.

However, the background of Mount Putuo was so strong that it firmly blocked the tide of giant beasts.

However, the desperate fighting of giant beasts gives people a sense of catastrophe and catastrophe.

"Amitabha, Green Snake Benefactor, you were able to escape into the East China Sea when I acted as a middleman back then."

"Also, my Putuo Mountain has always had a Buddhist and Taoist decree that it is strange not to go westward, so I naturally risked my life to stand in the front."

"When is the time for retribution, Green Snake Benefactor, you should go back."

The interior of Mount Putuo is exactly the same as the scenic spot of Mount Putuo outside, but the forests in the hinterland are many times larger.

ask for flowers

This suspended sound transmission, from nowhere, gives people a sense of ethereal mystery.

The Great Monk Xu Wen is one of the two legends of Mount Putuo, a living fossil that has lived for 1,300 years.

The woman in Tsing Yi is naturally the peerless Great Demon Emperor Green Snake in Hangzhou Bay, and Xiaoqing in the legend of the White Snake.

"Xu Wen, big bald donkey, don't think I don't know what you're thinking. You must have known about today's situation and blocked the bald donkey at Jinshan Temple for me for saving your life back then."

"You just want to make me feel bad by taking advantage of what happened in the past. Once I enter the East China Sea, if I want to go up to Leifeng Pagoda again, I have to pass through your Putuo Mountain. You are playing the emotional card!"

"However, my sister has been imprisoned under the Leifeng Pagoda, suffering from thunder and fire day and night. Who would have thought about this matter for my sister? To replace my sister in guarding the evil demon land?"

The green snake scolded angrily.

Back then, she was seriously injured, and under the acquiescence and escort of Mount Putuo, she sneaked into the East China Sea to recuperate.

I thought revenge was hopeless.

Until more than ten days ago, Lan Xing's heaven and earth spiritual energy recovered strangely. After two spiritual energy irrigations, not only did she recover as before, but her cultivation base even increased significantly!

Two days ago, she killed a big demon emperor sea beast that wanted to land, and after controlling the opponent's sea beast army, she was blocked at the mouth of Hangzhou Bay by a group of monks from Mount Putuo.


In the void inside Putuo Mountain, there was another call to the Buddha, and then there was no sound.

"Then charge and kill me, so that Putuo Mountain bows its head!"

Green Snake's eyebrows were raised angrily, and she opened her arms, allowing the behemoth legion under her to continue to attack.



At the same time, other sea beast armies also joined the battlefield.

Two undersea behemoths at the level of the Great Demon Emperor led their sea beast army to attack Mount Putuo together.

"Old bald donkey, you Putuo Mountain, you can't stop us!"

The green snake transformed into a giant green snake over 9,000 feet long, with a pair of leaning horns on its head, like a dragon.


An even more crazily intense battle broke out from then on. .

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