[Big event, big event! The Holy Land of Mount Putuo has projected from a different space, and a large number of giant beasts have attacked the Holy Land of Mount Putuo, attacking Hangzhou Bay!】

[My God, my coordinates are in the lakeside square in Putuo Mountain. It looks like a mirage, but it is not a mirage. It is a folding projection of a different space. There are really sea beasts landing in the Putuo Mountain Scenic Area opposite!]

【Crack! I was at the Beacon Tower of Zongtai Mountain in Ningbo City. I also saw that the battle on Putuo Mountain was fierce. 】

[In addition to the nickname, the eastern branch of the Psychic Bureau was also dispatched. The southern end of the Donghai Bridge in Hangzhou Bay has entered a special period of wartime. An order was issued for the personnel of Ningbo City to retreat 50 kilometers as soon as possible. 】

One after another, the messages exploded on the Internet.

Because of Mount Putuo, one of the four major Buddhist holy places, and the economic status of Ningbo City, there are still millions of people active in Zhou City and Ningbo City.

Therefore, the video and news of the Green Snake leading the sea beast to Mount Putuo were immediately posted on the Internet.

【My god, could it be that the green snake in Hangzhou Bay is going crazy these two days? That big guy is rumored to be in the realm of the peerless Great Demon Emperor. In the world, it is almost the top batch of 11 times. 】

【Green Snake, let me ask you weakly, could this Green Snake be Xiao Qing in the legend of White Snake? In the legend, her whereabouts are unknown, and there is no story about her. 】

【Cut, upstairs, you think this is a myth. Wake up, now that the aura is revived, a bamboo Ye Qing can evolve into a prehistoric monster, or even a dragon. Is there such a coincidence?】

[Yes, yes, in the Legend of the White Snake, Xiaoqing shouldn't have smashed the Leifeng Pagoda and Jinshan Temple, right? Why did he go to Mount Putuo and make a fuss? It's unscientific. 】

[Hahaha, haven’t you heard the slogan of the four great holy places of Buddhism? Emei monsters don’t travel eastward, Putuo monsters don’t travel westward, Wutai monsters don’t go southward, and Jiuhua shakes Kyushu? There is Mount Putuo, sea beasts or something else Beast, if you want to land, you have to cross Mount Putuo. 】

There are more and more upsurge discussions on the Internet.

Psionic Bureau Headquarters

Dongfang Haoran looked at the video shooting by drones and satellites, coupled with the reporting work of the Eastern Branch, his whole face was like sinking water.

In the video, most of the small island in Putuo Mountain was submerged by sea water, and there are even traces of giant beasts landing in Putuo Mountain Scenic Area.

However, through follow-up surveys, there are no traces of sea beasts in the East China Sea and the southeast sea.

In other words, the monster that really attacked Mount Putuo came from the underground world and blocked the space!

What's more, at this time, the interior of Mount Putuo was smashed into pieces, and only ruins remained on the original site of Putuo Temple.

The legendary great monk, Bodhisattva Xu Wen shed the last drop of golden blood, and his whole body is like a golden Buddha sitting in meditation, forever frozen in the long river of history.

More than half of the old monsters with deep background were killed or injured, and countless disciples of the Golden Core Realm and Foundation Establishment Realm were killed or injured.

With all these signs, the entire Mount Putuo, a Buddhist holy place, is almost gone!

"Damn it, how is this possible? Mount Putuo, the holy place of Buddhism, has been trampled down? How many eminent monks and disciples are there?!"

"Order to search and rescue the Putuoshan disciples who fell into the sea with all their strength, and at the same time activate the nuclear weapons, unlock the first key, and carry out nuclear deterrence strikes at any time!"

"Let the personnel of Modu, Ningbo, and Nanyong City retreat 150 kilometers, and the rest of the eastern defense line retreat 50 kilometers!"

"The Battle of Putuo Mountain, don't announce it to ordinary people for the time being, and try to block the news!"

The shocking news one after another made Dongfang Haoran incomparably astonished, and successively issued orders at all levels.

just, this time

The news that Mount Putuo was almost destroyed by giant beasts spread like a hurricane up and down the Buddhist gate.

The countless temple forces of Buddhism were shaken by thunder.

The other three major Buddhist holy places all sent three bodhisattvas who had transformed themselves into gods to investigate the truth on Mount Putuo.

Even the many sects of Taoism have sensed an unusual crisis, and they are all ready to fight.

at this time

On the contrary, Ye Yun didn't know it. He wandered around with his two daughters and never touched the Internet at all.

Chu Chu Yingying and Yingying became more and more bold. After posing for photos, they began to step into the sea, saying that they wanted to have a 360-degree panoramic sea view.

In this regard, Ye Yun had no choice but to follow.

However, he gave the two witches a big slap each on their curvaceous buttocks, which made the two girls laugh even more charmingly, and their laughter was as sweet as silver bells.


Ye Yun was teased and was thinking about how to punish the action tonight.


Chu Chu exclaimed in surprise: "Yun big brother, there is a situation."

Immediately, the little girl Yingying also exclaimed loudly: "Ah, female corpse, there is a floating corpse!"

Ye Yun was stunned. As a majestic Gold Core Realm female fox demon, would she still be afraid of a female corpse?

Then he stepped forward to check.

Only then did I realize that it was a woman with a female body and a snake tail. She fainted and floated on the sea. The blue snake tail was three meters long.

At this time, the opponent lost a lot of blood, and his face was as pale as white paper.

Bloodstains can still be seen on the cyan ancient clothing, the long snake tail also has large areas of scales falling off, and there are traces of wounds 267 that have healed.

"She, she can't be the big green snake demon emperor?"

Chu Chu's first thought came to her.

"Well, is she the legendary Great Demon Emperor?" Yingying's eyes lit up.

Ye Yun also nodded, with a strange expression on his face.

I didn't expect that I would run into each other in this situation.

Right now, although the green snake's face is as white as paper, its fairy-like beauty is still not covered.

Yingying was careless and nervous, walked over, and was about to squat down to help her.


However, the green snake's eyes suddenly opened, its expression became ferocious, and it instinctively struck out, rushing straight at it.


Yingying was terrified.


Ye Yun didn't care about the green snake, and flicked her fingers, a stream of light blasted on her body, knocking it into the air.


Just at this coincident attack, a golden bead flew out from the green snake's back.


Seeing this, Ye Yun took a big hand and grabbed the golden bead back into the palm of his hand.

It was suddenly discovered that it was a Buddhist bead.


In the next second, Ye Yun's eyes were fixed, and he saw the strangeness of the Buddha beads. .

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