Horror Recovery: I Destroyed The Restricted Area Ahead Of Time During The Live Broadcast

Chapter 167: Three Thousand Yue Jia Can Swallow Wu By Killing To Prove Evil!

"Majestic Heavenly Dragon, World Honored One Ksitigarbha, Prajna Pramakong, Flying Dragon is in the sky!"

"The flying dragon is in the sky!"

Ye Yun rolled up his sleeves, and directly used four more powerful Tianlong killing moves.


A row of thirty-six golden dragons roared in unison, flying out of his golden body again.

The huge winding dragon shadow shines brightly, and the overbearing Longwei snores like thunder!

The dragon is the most rigid and yang, and the Dawei Tianlong is a golden dragon with a qi gang transformed from the yang, which is extremely lethal to evil spirits.

In an instant, thirty-six golden dragons, comparable to the Great Perfection of the God Transformation Realm, rushed into the ghost army. It was purely a unilateral crush, and the scene was extremely shocking and hot.


Seeing Dawei Tianlong, blood vine demon, ginseng essence and so on for the first time, they were all shocked and screamed.

[I'll go, if there is only one majestic Tianlong, let alone a fierce one, facing the white ghost army, I'm afraid it will be submerged in an instant, and there will be no scum left. 】

【Hahahaha, that's right, Brother Yun is simply cheating. Dawei Tianlong at every turn, and thirty-six heads together, the most terrifying thing, Ye Yun's blood volume is full of bug1

[666 is so powerful that it explodes, these thirty-six mighty celestial dragons come out together, the half-step Wang Zun's old monsters have to kneel, Brother Yun has already stood at the top of the food chain, a proper humanoid tyrannosaurus in the scientific world. 】

In fact,

The powerhouses at the top of the pyramid of many forces felt their scalps tingling when they saw thirty-six mighty dragons.

Not to mention the peerless Great Emperor Realm, as strong as a half-step king, can he defeat eighteen golden dragons?

What's more, Ye Yun can cast thirty-six heads in one breath, and even this number is not necessarily the ultimate.


The golden dragon galloped through the sky, and wherever it passed, ghosts and ghosts transformed from bones were swallowed or torn apart.

At this time, the thirty-six heads went into battle together, simply pushing the entire ghost army.

"Well, the experience value is negligible?"

Ye Yun accidentally discovered that although these ghost armies are as strong as the Jindan realm, the income they create is very low.

The ghosts in the Jindan realm only have a few experience points, and the ghost kings in the Nascent Soul realm only have tens or a hundred points.

Although the huge number is enough to skyrocket a wave of experience points, however, the weird data caught Ye Yun's attention.


The scouring of the battle was far behind, and the sound of the rumbling gold and iron horses marching came again.

Ye Yun looked into the distance.

The audience is not lacking in curiosity, pushing the camera to focus, and seeing the rear of the ghost army.




There was the hissing sound of iron horses stepping, the heavy muffled sound of armor and armor, and the whistling sound of golden spears piercing the wind.

As if, it was another scene.

However, unlike the illusion just now, this time, the marching array of gold and iron horses is full of human corpses, and the pair of dark green eyes are no longer dull and dull, but seem to be flickering fiercely, and there is a mass of green on the body surface Black smoke enveloped.

Looking at the past, there are more than 3,000 Yin soldiers standing, with uniform bronze armor and helmets, obviously a well-trained army.


Suddenly, the Yin soldier general riding on the skeleton horse uttered a loud voice, shaking the sky.

buzz buzz!

At the same time, more than 3,000 Yin soldiers shouted as if they were alive, holding bronze and golden weapons, and their voices shook like the voice of the Nine Nether Demons from hell.

Similarly, the ghost army also became restless, transforming from the original scattered state into experienced battlefield fighters.


The marching is well-organized, and the countless ghost army, under the "control" of this marching ghost soldier, has become orderly, and the combat capability has skyrocketed in an instant.

For a while, it actually resisted the charge of thirty-six Dawei Tianlong.

Ye Yun was moved and gave a big thumbs up to the existence of this Yin soldier.

"I'll go, there are more than three thousand, all of them are in the ghost emperor's realm, and there are thirty more, the great ghost emperor's realm?"

The blood vine demon was astonished, among them, there were three tycoons of Yin soldiers, and Sen Luo's strong ghost aura was stronger than it!

It can't imagine that if this army of Yin soldiers comes to the surface world, it is afraid that many forbidden areas will be easily trampled down by them.

at this very moment,

The nine mysterious forces have become numb, and I don't know how to describe this extremely terrifying evil soldier.

Daoyi Holy Land and Tianji Tower, who came from the Holy Land, were also quite frightened.

If you add such an army of ghosts to the ghost army in front of you, once the Holy Land does not come out, the rest of the great religious forces will probably have to kneel.


【My mother, this is the real ghost army. What is the origin of that dark army that can summon the entire ghost army?】

[Hiss~ Yin soldiers also borrowed the ghost army, the big hand on this level, grandma's, is it a seal, or is it a monster army in a place of evil spirits? 】

[Hey, take a look. That yin soldier seems to be really a marching army. They have a skeleton ghost beating the war drum, and, look, that is their flag victory, what is written on it?]

【Well, is it Yuezi? Let me go, that is the big seal script of the pre-Qin period. Strictly speaking, it is the bird seal script of Wuyue and Yue!】

The audience was in an uproar, and they all watched strongly.

In fact, Ye Yun had already noticed everything about that Yin soldier, and through searching through history, he probably guessed the origin of the other party.

..That’s right, it’s the bird seal script of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. The writing on Qisheng is the ancient Yue characters. This is a marching force of the Yue Kingdom. "

While talking, Ye Yun pasted the historical materials he dug up into the data area:

"Three thousand Yuejia can swallow Wu"

The State of Yue was already subjugated, but with King Goujian of Yue and other monarchs bearing the burden of humiliation and thinking about the big picture, not only was the State of Yue preserved, but it was a decade of hard work and courage. In the end, they were ashamed and led 3,000 Yue troops to rebel against the State of Wu. After the event was completed, King Goujian of Yue crossed Huaibei with Yu Wei who had destroyed Wu, and formed an alliance with the princes of the Central Plains, and finally became the last overlord in the Spring and Autumn Period.

Looking at the above information, the live broadcast room began to discuss frantically again:

【My mother, Brother Yun, you said that this group of Yin soldiers are the three thousand Yuejia (Zhao Nuo Zhao?) of Yue King Goujian.】

【Is this crazy? Looking at the history and the current situation, these three thousand Yuejia were refined into Yin soldiers?】

Ye Yun nodded, and said the answer he guessed:

"In the Spring and Autumn Period, Xihang was the land of Wu and Yue. King Goujian of Yue finally moved his capital to today's Shaoqing City. It is only a hundred miles away from Leifeng Pagoda. Perhaps he has discovered the evil spirits here long ago."

"It is precisely because of this that he chose to let three thousand Yuejia rest here to suppress demons and evil spirits for generations. Similarly, in the history books, the prosperity of Yue Wang Goujian will be short-lived.

"Three thousand Yuejia are invincible and invincible. All of them prove evil by killing. King Goujian of Yue just wants to suppress the evil spirit of sister demon's fierce land with monstrous evil spirit."

Ye Yun didn't say that because the Yin soldiers and the ghost army were made of evil spirits, he gained very little experience points.


It's just that this assertion is enough to make countless viewers feel excited and leave comments. .

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