Horror Recovery: I Destroyed The Restricted Area Ahead Of Time During The Live Broadcast

Chapter 168 A Monk Sitting In The Air? (Kneeling To Subscribe)

[Three thousand Yue Jia can swallow Wu, this sentence is extremely domineering. As a history brother, I have also studied the history of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States. 】

[Tsk tsk tsk, in history, the prosperity of the Yue Kingdom was only a flash in the pan, and it declined sharply after Goujian. It turned out that three thousand Yuejia guarded here, three thousand heroic souls, salute. 】

[It turns out that not only our fighters are resisting the burial sites of the forbidden areas, but in the long history, there are still generations of strong men and generations of sages who have blocked the danger for us. 1

【Yun big brother, baby Leer is sad, can you let these ghost army and three thousand Yuejia heroic souls go? They have been guarding this demon land for millions of years, right?】

Following Baobao Le'er's remarks, many viewers also began to leave messages, asking the host to show their hands high and not to kill three thousand Yuejia heroic souls.

"Indeed, after sacrificing himself and guarding the second floor of the fierce monsters, he should be the heroic soul of the Xia Clan."

"They only have instincts left, as long as they appear on the second floor and alarm them, they will launch an attack.

Ye Yun nodded.

Knowing that this yin soldier force is three thousand Yuejia to kill and prove evil, he no longer has the idea of ​​​​continuing to kill.

Not even the 830 idea of ​​reining.

Three thousand Yuejia strongmen sacrificed their souls and became Yin soldiers. They will only guard here forever until they die.

Once they leave the evil land, they will be wiped out.

Of course, there are two exceptions:

First, King Goujian of Yue reappeared and led three thousand Yuejia to be born!

Second, spend one billion experience points to go through the back door of the system...

"Xuanming can be understood, the law follows all directions, suppress orders, and act like laws in emergencies!"

So, Ye Yun took out the sealing talisman just now, and found the sealing spell through the encyclopedia of the restricted area.


Then I saw the huge sealing talisman unfolded in the air, and the shining golden light burst out from the sealing talisman, like a huge wave swallowing the sky, overturning all directions.

As the golden light passed, all the skeletons of ghosts and ghosts were frozen in midair.

In an instant, three thousand Yue Jiayin soldiers were also temporarily fixed in midair under the effect of the suppressing talisman.

However, because each of the three thousand Yuejia broke through to the state of transforming gods, the talisman seals were operating at a high intensity, causing the suppressing talisman to tremble continuously.

"Use the sealing talisman to fix them, it will take about a stick of incense. Now, I have to find the entrance and exit of the third floor."

Ye Yun said something to the audience, and then continued to use the system to cheat and scan.

After a while, he found the entrance to the third floor.

Like the entrance to the second-floor passage just now, there is also a huge town seal here.

Lifting the sealing talisman, Ye Yun rushed into the third floor without packing again.

"Phew...you're scared to death."

The top-level combat power of the major forces, and the giants in the burial places of the major restricted areas, all of them wiped off their cold sweat and breathed a sigh of relief.

They didn't dare to imagine that if Ye Yun took this Yin soldier army as a thug again, wouldn't the entire Blue Star be able to walk sideways.

Kunlun Mountain, Daoyi Holy Land Camp

"Goujian, king of Yue? Brother Jia Jia, do you think he is... the sword emperor Goujian from more than 24 million years ago?"

An elder with real power in Tianji Building suddenly felt his tongue was dry and he couldn't speak fluently.

"Sword Emperor... Goujian!"

Jia Ronghao swallowed his saliva wildly, and was also shocked.

As a matter of fact, the elders of Tianjilou and Daoyi Holy Land all looked at each other with frightened and green faces.

Both of their two holy places are newly promoted holy places. The Tianji Building is only more than one million years old, and the history of Daoyi Holy Land is only a few million years old.

However, they have a lot of knowledge about the history of Kunlun Wonderland.

Twenty-seven million years ago, a kendo genius, Gou Jian, was born out of nowhere. So far, no one has confirmed where he came from and where he rose from.

Goujian proved the Tao two hundred years ago and became the supreme sword emperor. (bbdi) cut off the sword of the world with a Zhanlu, and created the incomparable holy land Yuetian Jianzong.

However, one million years later, Sword Emperor Goujian left Kunlun Wonderland, and two million years later, Black Emperor Yingzheng came to the Twelve Forbidden Lands domineeringly.


In the end, a white-clothed general under the command of the Heidi personally slaughtered the entire Yuetian Sword Sect and wiped out a great holy place.

Therefore, there are fewer and fewer legends about the sword emperor Goujian, but it has changed the color of the nine holy places that are still being talked about.

Now, there is evidence that Blue Star's Yue King Gou Jian is most likely the Sword Emperor Gou Jian who dominated Kunlun back then?

"Peng Zhang, can you tell us about your Yue King Gou Jian, and whether he has a sword called Zhan Lu?"

Jia Ronghao looked sideways at Peng Zhang, and swallowed.

A group of other elders also looked over.

Peng Zhang didn't know why, so he said, "Goujian, the king of Yue more than 2,400 years ago? I'm familiar with this. I'll try my best. In the end, the three thousand Yuejia swallowed Fucha, the king of Wu, who was enough to dominate the world, and became the last overlord in the Spring and Autumn Period. "

"Zhanlu sword? I'm not sure about this, but in the Spring and Autumn Period, there was indeed a Zhanlu face worn by many generations of Yue kings."

"Hey, Brother Jia, why are you pale, aren't you feeling well?"

"Hey, everyone, why are you all pale? I'll go. Is there something heavy in the food?"

As Peng Zhang talked, he panicked.

But they didn't know that Jia Ronghao and other elders were frightened by the title of King Goujian of Yue.

Sword Emperor Goujian, what the hell is he from Blue Star?

On the other side, Ye Yun walked through the long passage, and after half a stick of incense, he finally crossed the distance and came to the third floor of the demon area.

Here, similar to the first floor, there is almost endless nothingness in the vast void.

At this time, Ye Yun was not in a hurry to "pass the level", so he took a group of monster pets and thirty experts from all realms to wander around in this empty space.

In the live broadcast room, countless viewers also watched it lonely.

I thought that there would be amazing big melons to eat on the third floor, but it turned out to be nothing.

After half an hour, Ye Yun couldn't take it anymore, so he simply started the system scan again and found the entrance to the fourth floor.


Ye Yun's expression changed in astonishment, revealing an expression of surprise.

The blood vine demon, ginseng essence, etc. were also on the spot.

The expressions of hundreds of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room gradually changed from stunned to wonderful.

I saw that at the entrance and exit of the fourth floor, there was a monk meditating in meditation, floating in the air, motionless including his clothes.

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