Horror Recovery: I Destroyed The Restricted Area Ahead Of Time During The Live Broadcast

Chapter 169 Holy Shit, Fa Hai World Honored Bodhisattva? ! (Kneeling To Subscribe)

There is an old monk, hanging in the air at the entrance and exit of the fourth floor, meditating cross-legged like a Buddha statue?

Ye Yun's complexion froze, and then his eyes were slightly closed, revealing their brilliance.

"No, something is wrong, this old man, something is very wrong."

"It's obvious that he's dying, and his vitality and blood are withered to the point of exhaustion, but he is very dangerous, very powerful and terrifying!

"Fuck, who is he? Is there such an immortal among the group of monks today?"

The blood vine demon swallowed heavily, different from the loud and shouted one just now, although he chattered as usual, his expression was unprecedentedly dignified.

"Okay, so strong! He hangs there, like a heavenly mountain, with a kind of oppression that I can't even overcome.

Ginseng essence is also shocking.

Stronger than them, the two peerless Great Demon Emperors, the peak Demon Emperors, both have a kind of great oppression.

The first-class tomb-suppressing mixed-blood beasts in the prison, the Yuanyin spirit snake and the toad monster are even more creepy.

Even the 30 strong men from the myriad realms, for the first time, showed a positive attitude.

Gein, the old monk who hangs in the air at a distance of only a hundred feet, is too scary!

However, the live broadcast of the camera, billions of viewers did not know the horror of the old monk.

Instead he said enthusiastically:

【How can there be an old monk here, shaped like a dead tree, 11, even the skin and flesh are shriveled and blackened, my God, how many years has he lived?】

【Hiss~ No, according to what Brother Yun just said, the Leifeng Pagoda was sealed by the World Honored One Fa Hai 1,100 years ago. Could it be that this eminent monk stayed here back then?】

[Are you kidding me, did you stay in the demonic place 1,100 years ago? He is a human, right? Humans don’t eat or drink, can they survive for more than 1,000 years? Thousands of years!]

【Huh~ Guess everyone, is there any possibility that he is Fa Hai World Honored One?】

【Upstairs, are you drunk? Do you want me to straighten the road for you? It’s been said that Fa Hai Shizun sealed the evil place with Leifeng Pagoda, you tell me he’s inside? And Fa Hai Shizun Later, he was still alive in the world, and more than a hundred years later, it was said that he had passed into Nirvana and became a Buddha. 】

【Hahahaha, yes, what you said just now upstairs is the same as what the Zhuan family said two years ago. The bones of the child in Cao Cao’s tomb are Cao Cao when he was a child. 】

Compared with the joyful eating of melons by many audiences.

There are many ancient temples and great temples in the Xia Kingdom, and those legendary monks who have lived at least 800 years old all have trembling eyes, and it is the first time that they have lost their composure.

South China Ancestral Court

A living Buddha and monk who lived for 1,200 years, his expression was frozen for a long time, and finally he clasped his hands together and murmured "Amitabha.

Great Hanging Temple

The old monk who practiced Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, who had always been calm, was finally completely moved, and the corners of his mouth were even trembling slightly.

Mount Emei Wannian Temple

In the original stone tomb space of the divine beast White Elephant, the legendary holy monk sitting on the highest seat opened his eyes. He didn't show much shock, but his eyes were as deep as the sea of ​​stars, and finally he clasped his hands together.

The rest of Mount Wutai and Mount Jiuhua are the two holy places of Buddhism.

Their legendary-level holy monk was also shocked, and finally said a Buddhist gatha in the direction of the West Lake Leifeng Pagoda.

at the same time

Taoism's Paradise

Zhong Nanshan, the legendary patriarch known as Wang Chongyang's junior disciple, had complicated eyes, with relief and regret.

Cang Xuanzi of Mount Qingcheng trembled with his body brimming with qi and blood, and there was a trace of deep shock and anger that he tried his best to conceal.

Longhushan, the legendary ancestor of Zhang Daoling, the sixth grandson of Tianshi, muttered, and finally turned into a long sigh.

Even Ye Yun's eyes tightened, showing a hint of admiration.

However, the fighting spirit is high!

"Those who step out of this place will be killed; those who step into the lower level will die!"

Suddenly, a hollow voice appeared out of thin air.

The voice was not loud, and it fell on everyone's ears, but it was extremely clear, as if their minds were being drawn.

next moment

In the eyes of everyone, the old monk opened his eyes. His clear pupils had a kind of divine light that could see through the truth, which captured people's mind.

At this moment, everyone in the audience trembled in their hearts, and they finally realized that the old monk who was like a shriveled tree was very powerful and terrifying.

[Hiss~ This old monk is definitely an extremely terrifying eminent monk, the old man is already in the Nascent Soul Realm. However, just looking at him from the corner of the eye, I felt like falling into an ice cellar, as if I was suffocated. 】

【Huh, huh~ me too, I also exchanged glances with him, Gulu, that feeling is like being stared at by a gigantic prehistoric behemoth. "It's really creepy.】

[Don’t make fun of me, motherfucker, I was so scared that I peed just now, okay, no, I’ll go and change the Nei first, it’s too, too scary. 】

【Hey, did the upstairs guy pee? Although I really wanted to laugh, but when I touched the crotch below, it was actually warm and wet. Damn it, I peed my pants too!】

In the live broadcast room, no matter whether it was in the Xia Guo area or the foreign area, many people were so stared that they peed.

However, their gazes were still fixed on the old monk.

Shocked, scared, startled... and a little respect?

Ye Yun also saw the clue, the corners of his mouth raised.

"In the comment area, many people are guessing the identity of this old monk, in fact, just now, some friends have confirmed his identity.

"One thousand and one hundred years ago, the one who sat on the third floor of the demonic place and suppressed the passages on both sides by himself, besides that legend, who else could it be?"


There was an uproar all over the country.

The old monk who looks like a dead tree in front of him is the World Honored One Fa Hai?!


At this moment, the heads of countless people were bombarded and buzzed, and they were stunned.

Because this is the name of a person and the shadow of a tree.

Among the many 713 powerful forces or factions, there are also legendary ancestors who have lived for hundreds or even thousands of years.

However, for nearly a thousand years, the two religions of Buddhism and Taoism can be recognized as the strongest cultivation talents of the two religions.

The Tao is no better than Zhang Sanfeng, and the Buddha is no better than Fa Hai!

Fa Hai World Honored One, known as the strongest person in Buddhism from ancient to modern times in the one thousand and one hundred years since the sixth patriarch Huineng Nirvana became a Buddha!

Now, this super fierce man is actually still alive, and still staying on the third floor of the monster land?

Wait, didn't it mean that the World Honored One Fa Hai joined hands with the strong men from Mount Longhu to seal the Leifeng Pagoda?

There are even materials and evidence from netizens digging up secrets. Fa Hai later traveled to many Buddhist temples and universalized Buddhism.

【Wait, the time is wrong, Brother Yun, are you making a mistake this time?】

[I risked my life to make a real statement: After the Leifeng Pagoda incident, Fa Hai, the World Honored One, once visited the four famous mountains of Buddhism. How could he still be in the evil place? 】

As a result, the discussion in the live broadcast room became louder.

Ye Yun smiled and snapped his fingers, ignoring the old monk whose face was getting dark and ugly.

Continue to throw a blockbuster in the live broadcast room:

"The answer is simple, he is not pure Zen master Fa Hai, strictly speaking, he is an incarnation of Zen master Fa Hai left in the evil place."

"Buddhist Buddha-level supreme supernatural power: wrath incarnation!".

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