Horror Recovery: I Destroyed The Restricted Area Ahead Of Time During The Live Broadcast

Chapter 179 The Kun Is So Big That It Can't Be Stewed In A Pot (Kneeling To Subscribe)

Yuan Er slaughtered a group of monsters playing sneak attacks with one hand. Over there, Ye Yun who knew about it was not surprised. On the contrary, the appearance of Anbai Jinxiong made him suddenly enlightened.

More than a thousand years ago, during the most prosperous period of Yinyangliao in the Red Sun Kingdom, Anbai Qingming, a peerless evildoer, came out of the Anbai family.

Therefore, what is unreasonable in it becomes logical.

Rumble rumble...

Not long after, Ye Yun and his gang finally passed through the passage of the abyss and entered the fourth floor of the monster land.

However, I saw a different magnificent scene.

This place is different from the previous three floors. The first three floors are almost like a starry sky of nothingness, only boundless.

On the fourth floor, the line of sight is clear, and what you see are huge islands in the sky.

The "Nine Six Sevens" of the islands are as big as hundreds of miles, and some islands are even so big that they can't even be reached by spiritual thoughts, let alone hundreds of thousands of miles.

There are huge islands floating in nothingness, with jagged rocks and deep ravines. On the top, there are giant peaks rising from the ground, counting in units of ten thousand feet, there are big rivers and lakes.

On some islands, there are birds and cranes singing, rivers, lakes and seas with fish and shrimps frolicking, and after the misty rain, there are rainbows spanning tens of hundreds of miles.

At the same time, in this world of islands in the sky, there are many broken boulders and small island fragments around, lingering and floating.

As if, it is a scene of fierce battles, leaving behind a broken picture.

【I'm going, this is a world of immortals and demons? Apart from the ruins after the Great War, how is it different from the real world?】

[High mountains and rivers, planted trees and ancient trees, there is a hidden cave inside the demonic place, 6666, the empty island is suspended in the sky, filled with fairy light, at first glance, it looks like a fairyland in the legend. 】

【6666, there are also birds and beasts. The fourth floor of this demonic place is really a world with inner walls, right?】

The audience stared straight.

Ye Yun was also a little stunned, never imagined that there is a small world here.

Huh? Seems...something wrong!

Immediately, Ye Yun's face changed in shock, and he used 100 million experience points to upgrade the scanning system, extending the scanning range to a size of tens of millions of kilometers.

As a result, he saw a scene that shocked him deeply.

"Phew... here is a hot melon, can you take it?"

Ye Yun took a deep breath and interacted with the live broadcast room.

The audience naturally got excited and left messages wanting to eat melons.

"This is a part of the area map I scanned, and it has been reduced by 100 billion times. Let's take a look at this small world. Does it look like a brain cell slice?"

Brain cells, sliced?!


The live broadcast room exploded again, and countless viewers reacted one after another, shocked by the clear "scanned picture" in the system data area.

【My God, is this inner world really a brain? What we can see is just a small area of ​​a brain slice?】

[Mom, it really looks alike, let me go, this melon is too crazy. Some scholars once believed that our universe may be the brain of a certain kind of creature, saying that the celestial system in our universe is very similar to the brain system. 】

【A zoom of 100 billion times, then what we see on our mobile phone is 10 million kilometers. Fuck, tens of millions of kilometers are only equivalent to a small slice?】

[My darling, Brother Yun, you said before that different spaces are all space worlds opened up by the strong, or they will form a space after they die, so how powerful it is to create this perfect small world that can be called real. ? And we, now just entered his head?】

In the live broadcast room, countless viewers still couldn't believe it.

"This big melon and pearls are not that real. But fortunately, the death of this small world is not irreversible. In other words, the strong man in this world has already died."

"If you guessed right, the monsters inside wanted to escape, but they were all beheaded here by the incarnation of the great monk Fa Hai. That's why there are traces of the war left here. Over time, this area has become an army of those monsters. of nightmares.”

"Well, since we can't see the person asking for directions, let's go to the continent ahead first."

While Ye Yun was explaining, the other side shrank into an inch, and walked towards a mainland island with a radius of about 300,000 kilometers in front of him.

During the period, in the camera, a group of blood vine monsters wandered around, shuttled and swept through countless island fragments.

From time to time, some trophies will be carried or carried back.

There is an immortal holy bone of a giant beast, some local spirits that have become weather, and some broken and abandoned sacred weapons.

【Brother Yun, such a huge prehistoric beast [What kind of terrifying creature is Tong Yu?]

[Yes, yes, although it is said that this is the head of a strong man, but in terms of size, the heads of ants are not comparable to that of us humans. 】

Seeing these trophies, some viewers continued to ask questions.

Ye Yun smiled, and then expressed the guess in his heart.

"According to calculations, this small world is transformed by a mythical Kunpeng."

"There is an old saying: there is a fish in the north, and its name is Kun. Kun is so big that it can't be stewed in a pot... It turns into a bird, and its name is Peng. Peng is so big that it needs two barbecue grills; And fly, its wings away from the clouds of the sky.

Following Ye Yun's spoof version of Reading Happy Tour, many people in the live broadcast room laughed out loud.

The Kun is so big that it cannot be stewed in one pot, and the Peng is so big that two grills are needed?

【Hahahaha, the kun is so big that it can’t be stewed in one pot? Brother Yun, I’m completely convinced by YOU, awesome!】

[2.1 Fuck, Fuck! Brother Yun is a fluff, no, oh my god, I almost forgot! In Siberia, Big Bear Country, there is a giant Kun King, and it is rumored that he is the legendary Kunpeng beast. 】

[6666, brother Yun, is this a challenge to the giant kun king? Tsk tsk tsk, there is a gossip that the people in Kebo Pavilion have to obediently hold their tails in front of the giant kun king.

Shout out to the Giant Kun King from the air. 】

The audience booed while taking advantage of the excitement.

As everyone knows,

Ye Yun's remarks were even more resonant among many top powerhouses and giants in the restricted area, and all of them had fixed and weird expressions.

Siberia, north of the Eye of the North Sea.

King Zun-level Jukun King, face Ruozhong directly!

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