Horror Recovery: I Destroyed The Restricted Area Ahead Of Time During The Live Broadcast

The 1.8 Millionth Demon Country, The Three Great Demon Lords! (Kneeling To Subscribe)

Hundreds of millions of miles away from Ye Yun, the entrances and exits of the fourth and fifth floors.

Unlike the hidden entrances of other floors, this last floor passage obviously has a huge and towering sealed door.

Canggu, Immortal, and Eternal Sealing Runes covered the entire gate, and even the black chains outside the gate were thick and scary, with six chains on each side.

At this time, the avenue chain seems to connect the two sides of the gate, but actually penetrates the gate, running through the time and space inside and outside the gate, as if to seal some unknown inside.

In this huge standing sealed gate, there are three huge suspended continents in the Triangle, each of which is millions of miles in size.

However, many majestic mountains were flattened, allowing the three huge continents to look at each other.

Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom, Three Great Dynasties!

For more than one million years, tens of thousands of strong monsters, after enduring thousands of years of thunder and fire, began to take root in the fourth floor of the demonic land and multiply.

Although there was thunder and fire calamity in the past, and the army of monsters continued to attack, but in more than one million years, Blue Star's army of monsters has also multiplied for hundreds of generations. From time to time, the number of monsters has reached more than 400,000.

With the three major demon lords as the mainstay, the three major dynasties were established to form the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom together.

The White Snake Demon Venerable is exactly Bai Suzhen thousands of years ago, the mountain guardian beast of Zhang Daoling, the founding ancestor of Taoism. He once protected countless monster clans, so he has a very high prestige among the monster clans. So far, the White Snake Dynasty has the largest number of monsters, with 200,000.

The White Fox Demon Venerable, the living ancestor of the Tushan White Fox Clan, Bai Feifan. Back then, many demon emperors and demon kings of the white fox clan joined the battle. Now, the white fox clan has become the royal family of the white fox dynasty.

The third dynasty of the monster race was founded by King Dapeng, who led the big monsters in the northeast and the north to attack the fierce monsters. In the northeast and the north, they had great prestige

In recent years, the three great demon masters have felt that the monsters have changed fiercely. In order to resist the demon army of the two major demon masters, they led the whole army to stand ready.

It's just that, half a month ago, the vicious demons' actions became even bigger, and various signs hinted that the two great demons had made breakthroughs!

After a long battle, the three great demon masters gathered in the White Snake Dynasty and stood in front of the sealed gate.

"In the past two days, the opponent's attack has become more fierce, and their recovery speed has been faster, and the number of Demon Emperor Realms has even increased significantly.

"White Snake Empress, should we simply take a gamble, and the whole army will approach the demon cave and fight them to the death."

On the throne, the White Fox Demon Venerable said in a deep voice, he has white hair and a childlike face, and he does not look like he is old.

Under the seat, thousands of demon emperors and great demon emperors, as well as eight half-step kings, all looked terrified, and their fighting spirit was high.

However, Bai Suzhen remained silent, and the taciturn Dapeng Wang Zun did not intend to speak.

"Royal Dapeng, over the past one million years, all the advantages accumulated by our Myriad Monster Nation have almost disappeared in just over twenty years.

"This phenomenon, Fa Hai World Honored One also said in the past, the seal of the evil spirits will be loosened after a million years, and the phenomenon in the demon cave now undoubtedly confirms Fa Hai World Honored One's prophecy.

"Royal King Dapeng, we can't wait any longer, otherwise, the Demon Cave will attack aggressively, and we will be completely passive at that time."

A marshal of the demon country who has reached the half-step king status, said generously.

For more than one million years, he has fought countless bloody battles, and the descendants and children of his family died in thousands of battles.

Among the Eight Great Marshals of the Demon Kingdom, he is a half-step King Eagle Emperor, and he has a lot of prestige in the army.

On the throne, King Dapeng still didn't speak.

Many other marshals and generals also volunteered.

"White Snake Empress, we really can't wait any longer. The wrathful incarnation of Fa Hai, the World Honored One, can't cultivate himself. Once he sits and passes away, the third level falls, and we can hardly take care of our hands."

"Besides, World Honored Fa Hai may not be able to come back in time, and if the two big demons break through, we may not be able to resist it.

Bai Feifei said solemnly.

Bai Suzhen's eyes flickered, as usual, she looked at the thousands of demon kingdom peak powerhouses present.

In the first ten thousand years, the terrifying thunder and fire calamity severely damaged the vitality of their monster army, and three out of ten died.

At that time, their Yaozu hated Fa Hai and Longhushan so much that they wanted to eat their flesh alive.

After the thunder and fire calamity, they suddenly realized that the thunder and fire disaster made the strength of all the monsters who survived them greatly increased, and all the monsters who died under the thunder and fire disaster were revived strangely!

The secret work of the demon army!

From then on, they only realized later that there were too many spies in the monster army. Fa Hai finally sealed the Leifeng Pagoda in advance to avoid missing any spies.

Just, is it over?

Bai Suzhen was silent in her heart, still remembering the helpless look in Fa Hai's eyes and the determination and sternness when she left the fourth floor.

ask for flowers...

Obviously, among the monster clan, Fa Hai doesn't believe in any monster, including Bai Suzhen!

The army of the demon clan, and the backs of the two great demon venerables!

Therefore, Bai Suzhen was not willing to fight to the death unless it was the last moment.

"Bai Lao, what do you think is our chance of winning?"

Bai Suzhen's eyes were like still water, and she said again: "With more than one million years of accumulation, our strength is much stronger than before, and our lifespan in the fourth floor of the demonic place is equivalent to wishing."

"However, we have never been able to see through the monster army of the two great Demon Lords. What's more, in the past twenty years, they have turned from defense to offense. I always feel that they are trying to lure them into battle."

Bai Feifan sighed: "It's hard, it's hard, it's hard... The two great Demon Lords were already in the king state back then, and they may not be worse than us now."

He who has lived the longest can't see these ways.

He even guessed that there were spies on the side of their demon clan.

However, in the past twenty years, the seal of the evil spirit land has become more and more unstable.

Not to mention the great terror on the fifth floor, the army of the demon cave is also showing signs of getting stronger and stronger.

Continue to be boiled frogs by the opponent?

Or take a risk?

"Old man Bai, Empress White Snake, I think this battle is imperative.

"Fa Hai let us stay here, although there are other factors, but this also shows that our chances of winning are not high.

"Instead of waiting for the demon cave to become stronger and finally destroy us, it's better to have a fierce battle now, regardless of life or death."

Dapeng Wang Zun finally spoke, his gaze was firmer than ever before.

In the many high-level meetings of the demon country, the number of times that Dapeng Wang Zun spoke can be counted on the fingers.

This time, he expressed his opinion and agreed to a full-scale war.

Immediately, a needle could be heard in the demon kingdom's meeting hall.

Finally, Bai Suzhen agreed, and began to formulate various strategies for using troops.

half an hour passed,

Suddenly, the drum tower bell tower of the White Snake Dynasty resounded through the sky, making the entire White Snake Continent clearly audible.

—— "Report!"

"White Snake King, at the entrance and exit at the other end of our fourth floor, General Drilling found the scene of the big battle. Countless powerful people in the monster cave are rushing over!"

The many top powerhouses of the Yaozu army suddenly shook their heads. .

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