Horror Recovery: I Destroyed The Restricted Area Ahead Of Time During The Live Broadcast

Chapter 181 Killing Wang Zun In Half A Step Is Like Killing A Chicken (Kneeling To Subscribe)

an hour ago,

Ye Yun and his gang pushed all the way to the center, walking a lot at night, so they ran into a ghost.

When the blood vine monsters were sweeping around, they encountered a monster at the peak level of the demon emperor, and a conflict broke out between the two sides.

In the end, the blood vine demon asked the other party to move horses (move rescue soldiers) based on the coquettish operation of fishing for big fish with a long line, really wanting to have a big meal.

As a result, a mighty army of monsters came over, and the battle began to escalate.

In the end, with more and more killings, the demon cave shook and began to approach the battlefield in the form of a large army crushing it.

On the other side, the blood vine demon and ginseng spirit reappeared with the bug of the divine particle, and they firmly restrained the "resurrection" of the army of demons

Every time the opponent is swallowed, the strength of the opponent after resurrection is no different from that of a war scum.

This miraculous scene surprised Ye Yun and wondered whether these two people were really reincarnators.

At the same time, constantly collecting experience and fighting, the blood vine demon drank three more tubes of Wuhuang Taoist's blood essence, finally broke through the shackles, and successfully stepped into the half-step king realm, followed by ginseng essence, and was promoted to the great demon emperor realm.

As for other monster pets, their heels are restricted, even if they let their stomachs go, they are still stuck in the Nascent Soul Realm Dzogchen and Nascent Soul Realm peak stages.

Thirty ten thousand world powerhouses, each of them has a breath in the middle stage of transforming gods.

After this data interpretation, Ye Yun often showed off his muscles in the live broadcast room, causing countless audiences to howl and howl.

Ye Yun is refreshed.

After Yuan Yi smelted three relics of the evil Buddha, the terrifying aura broke through again, which made Ye Yun shudder.

In terms of experience points, after deducting the large exchange costs, there are still 2.9 billion points, which is very confident.

"There is another wave of people who are not afraid of death, kill, kill as many as you come."

Facing the menacing demon cave army, Ye Yun smiled unkindly.

"Okay, boss!"

The blood vine demon's strength has greatly increased, and just as it wanted to make a big splash, it was the first to kill it.

The sky-high blood vines are like a giant mainland island, and countless vines dance in the void, like rolling mountains.

The rest can also be killed upright, like an invincible master of tigers and wolves.

The tomb-suppressing hybrid beast, the toad monster and the Yuanyin spirit snake are weaker, but they are protected by the blood vine demon, so they can collect experience without back pain.

Thirty ten thousand strongmen, after recovering to the middle stage of the God Transformation Realm, leapfrogged their combat power to fight, even facing the peak Demon King in the late stage of the God Transformation Realm, they still suppressed them all the way.

In less than half a stick of incense, a full 20,000 demon army above the Nascent Soul was slaughtered.

The experience value contributed has increased by 2.8 billion!

Adding the original data, there are a total of 5.7 billion!


The people who ate melons even saved their lunch, and the comment area was full of bullet screens, and the voice followed one sentence after another.

【I'm going, how do I feel that the current live broadcast in the restricted area has become an anchor with a demon pet, wandering wantonly in his own back garden?】

【Oh my god, I was also struck by lightning. When I turned it on like this, I wiped out tens of thousands of monsters in an instant. What the hell, is it a river crab? Is it scientific?】

[Tsk tsk tsk, don’t even look at it, Brother Yun is a smug emperor, let’s take a look at Xiao Teng Teng’s identity? The majestic Blood Vine Demon Lord, in my opinion, Xiao Teng Teng is the pinnacle boss at the king level, Now it just needs to be recharged. 】

[Upstairs, that’s what they said, but the little vine monsters are too magical to level up all the way, don’t they even have levels, you can level up and become stronger all the way through eating, you think this is a novel, Feilu’s novels I dare not write like this, and I will be sprayed to death by readers every minute. 】

[Hehehe, I have a bold conjecture, not only the blood vine demon, ginseng essence, toad monster, Yuanyin spirit snake, and tomb-suppressing mixed-blood beast, they all followed Brother Yun before opening the bottomless pit hanging force mode , Could it be that Brother Yun's thigh has another secret?]

【Anchor, please hug your thigh, Brother Yun, I will hug your thigh!】

The audience in the live broadcast room had a wide variety of topics and had everything that one expects to find.

Having tasted the sweetness of giving away the human head, Ye Yun simply refused to leave, and stayed where he was, waiting for the fish to take the bait.

He didn't believe that if he continued to make trouble like this, the demon army would not know, and the two demon masters could hold back their anger.

as predicted,

half an hour later,

An army of monsters that was three times as large as just now crushed them.

As for those above the Demon Emperor Realm, there are five times as many, plus three half-step king-level monsters!

This group of troops rushed over with a murderous look, except for the 30 strong men from all realms who were expressionless, the rest of the monsters shrank their necks and swallowed a few mouthfuls...

Ye Yun grinned mischievously, without saying a word, he said that Dawei Tianlong, the Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts.

In a short time, the opponent on the opposite side was turned on their backs and defeated.

When he got excited about the fight, he simply went into battle shirtless, like a giant wild animal, broke into a chicken farm and slapped lightly on it.

"Fuck, is the boss still a human?"

The demon pets were once again dumbfounded when they saw Ye Yun's perverted and heroic appearance.

Originally breaking through half a step to Wang Zun, making the blood vine demon think that spring is coming, but now looking at it, what the hell.

Your uncle is still your uncle, and the Great Demon King Ye is still the Great Demon King Ye.

The three-headed and half-step king, each one is stronger than it but not weaker, but one slap kills one, and all three slaps kill it?

"Gulu Gulu~"

The blood vine demon was completely quiet, and Ye Yun's abnormality completely subverted its three views.

Under the camera, Ye Yun's aggressive posture left the audience stunned, and only the f***ing trough and 6666 swiped up the screen.

Wan Yao Kingdom

The White Snake and other strong monster clans all froze on the spot when they heard the jade slip sent by the scout General Zhankong.

A terrifyingly powerful force slaughtered nearly 30% of the demon cave's power in the entrance and exit areas of the fourth and third floors?!

It is very likely that there are many more monsters above the Demon Emperor Realm in the Demon Cave than previously detected? 4.1

The peak demon military commander of the half-step Wang Zunjing, the opponent kills one in seconds with one move, killing him like killing a chicken?

After the monster army was slaughtered, even if they were revived, their strength would never remain the same, and they were extremely weak.


No matter if it is the monster clan powerhouse in the God Transformation Realm, or the monster clan commander who is half-step king, even if it is as strong as White Snake White Fox and King Dapeng, they are all shocked beyond compare.

In the land of demons and monsters, a king-level peerless powerhouse appeared again?

No...go to watch!

The three demon masters looked at each other, and they all saw each other's shock and astonishment.

Finally, the White Snake made a decision.

She, White Fox Demon Venerable, and one-third of the top monsters of the demon clan passed through the void formation and went to the other side to watch the battle.

Dapeng Wang Zun, stay at the base camp. .

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