Horror Recovery: I Destroyed The Restricted Area Ahead Of Time During The Live Broadcast

Chapter 187 Sneak Attack On Demon King Ye? 【Kneeling To Subscribe】

Boom, buzz, buzz!

Shocking the heavens and the earth, weeping ghosts and gods, the void began to blow violently, and made strange sounds, like howling ghosts and gods, and like all living beings praying.

At this time, as soon as the magic whip came out, accompanied by the opening of the fifth layer of origin, this terrifying magic weapon that could suppress the gods and Buddhas in the sky finally broke out with the invincible domineering power it should have.

Damn it, the third innate artifact!

The hearts of the four giants at the level of demon venerables trembled wildly, and their heads were stunned for an instant.

Then, the eyes of Chishui Mozun and Yanmo Yaozun were scorching hot, greedy to the extreme.

"Yuan Yi, hold them back."

Ye Yun threw the whip and it fell into Yuan Yi's hands.

Afterwards, he walked step by step to the Dapeng King Zun in the deep pit.


At this time, Yuan Yi showed great power, carrying two watermelon knives to bravely rush into Tianya's hob, which made the faces of the two demon kings solemn.

"Brother, let's suppress this guy first!"

Chishui Demon Venerable screamed, pulled out his three-foot-six snake spear, stomped on the rolling sky thunder and walked away.

"Okay, this puppet has been dealt with, the rest is nothing to worry about."

"The army of the demon cave, give me all your strength. Attack."

The Flame Demon Lord issued an order.

Originally, they didn't want to start a war at this juncture, so as not to cause another accident at the Sealed Gate.

But now, the arrow is on the string and has no choice but to use the advantage of numbers to crush the opponent.


Fierce fighting broke out again.

The collision of Wangzun level can tear the void with every gesture, forming a black hole in space, shock wave storm, and the demon king's realm all have a shocking feeling of being strangled on the spot.

"Fight, for our former partners, relatives, suppress them!"

Bai Suzhen ordered Wan Yao Kingdom to rush forward first.

"Kill kill kill, traitors, heaven and earth will be destroyed."

The Great Eagle Emperor, who was a half-step king, his eyes were bloodshot with hatred, and he wanted to sacrifice the heroic spirits by slaughtering them.

bang bang bang~~

As a result, the entire army of both sides pressed up and launched the most intense and life-and-death battle.

Here, the number of demon caves is greatly superior, and there is also a strange "resilience".

Over there, Wan Yao Kingdom had two more demon masters participating in the battle, each dragging ten undead demons who were half-step kings, which greatly eased the pressure on Wan Yao Kingdom.

"Hahaha, Master Fuji, I'm going to take off this time!"

"Damn it, it's a great supplement, I'll take it later!"

The blood vine demon and ginseng spirit were not idle, they immediately joined the battle and harvested frantically.

In this regard, Ye Yun has no intention of watching the game.

The devouring of the original sharp gun, the system reminded that the Dapeng King Zun also had a weak bloodline of divine particles.

However, unlike the blood vine demon and ginseng essence, which are themselves divine particles, this king-level big guy is already a bloodline after n generations.

No matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat.

Ye Yun stepped forward to check.

【Look, is this something people do? What time is it, Brother Yun actually didn't go to fight, but went to see the spoils of war. 】

【Hahaha, you want to watch the excitement upstairs, but Brother Yun is in a stance of destroying the group as soon as he makes a move, so you can't help but wow over there. 】

[Tsk tsk tsk, that's right, Brother Yun's shot is to destroy the group quickly, don't even think about it, Wanyao Kingdom has fought against the demon cave for millions of years in this space, and I can't wait to eat its flesh and drink its blood alive. They would definitely prefer to kill each other with their own hands, even if they died on the spot, they would be gratified. 】

Ye Yun smiled and said: "Come and see this roc eagle, do you want to add a barbecue grill.

As soon as this remark came out, there were boos in the live broadcast room, and they didn't buy it.

Ye Yun shrugged, and continued: "Actually, I counted with my fingers, and I got to an interesting point."

"Entering this fourth layer of space, didn't I say that this space is the head of an extremely powerful divine beast, Kunpeng. However, this roc eagle has its blood."

"I don't know whether it's good fortune to trick people, or whether the evil spirit is not ancient. Kunpeng, who tried his best to seal the big guy inside, and his descendants, surrendered to the big guy inside, trying to break the seal."

Is King Dapeng a descendant of Kun who incarnated this space?

Hearing this scene, countless viewers in the live broadcast room suddenly felt lost.

Is it mocking, or sad?

"However, it's not his turn to enjoy the lingering shadow of his ancestors. During the more than one million years of the demons' ferocious land, the number of powerful monsters who have died at his hands is probably countless.

"Moreover, the door of the seal can be opened much earlier, and his blood sacrifice is indispensable."

Ye Yun walked up to Dapeng Wang Zun's head [and put his hand on the origin gun.


In an instant, the original power of the original gun was activated, and the humming and trembling sounded like space collisions, and an invisible shock wave oscillated and spread layer by layer.


Dapeng Wang Zun only had endless despair and remorse in his eyes, but his begging for mercy was weak and weak.


With a flicker of the Yuanyuan sharp spear, the already extremely weak monster body of King Dapeng was instantly crushed into powder, and completely disappeared.

"Ding, a ray of divine power that devours the divine beast Kunpeng, experience +500 million points.

"Ding, beheading a roc eagle in the early stages of the Mahayana realm will reward you with +2 billion experience points."

The system goes online and rewards are broadcast.

After deducting the 3 billion experience points from upgrading the three treasures just now, I have now bought 1400 points!

Ye Yun killed Dapeng Wang Zun without much movement, but it shocked the hearts of both camps.


"Ah, third brother, you killed third brother?!"

"Hey—an ant of the human race, I will tear you apart!"

The two demon kings were extremely angry.

However, Yuan Yi, who had turned on the meat hob mode, was so fierce that he used two "watermelon knives" to chop the opposite side more and more frightened.

"Second brother, I'll drag him first, you go and kill the human race, without him, this puppet and the puppet at the level of the Great Demon Emperor will lose control."

The Flame Demon Lord hated the sound transmission.

"Okay!" Chishui Demon Venerable responded in a deep voice.


Then, a hundred-foot-tall golden lion with a green face exploded wildly, and the hundreds-foot-long golden monster body weighed as much as an ancient sacred mountain, deforming and distorting even the void.

"call out--"

The moment the Flame Demon Lord blocked Yuan Yi with the posture of a wild beast, the four-tusk white elephant exploded with arrogance all over its body, carrying a three-foot-six snake spear, and attacked Ye Yun instantly with the momentum of a thunder strike.

"not good!!"

"Immortal Ye!"

Bai Feifan and Bai Suzhen cried out in shock.

Unexpectedly, they were greatly slowed down by ten half-step Wang Zun's undead monsters.


Compared to the shock of the two great demon venerables, the blood vine demon and ginseng spirit were stunned on the spot.

It also has a surprised and weird expression of seeing a ghost.

The originally proud Chishui Demon Lord was stunned, his head was full of puzzles.

The two demon pets of the human race look at themselves, why do they look like they are looking at an idiot?

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