Horror Recovery: I Destroyed The Restricted Area Ahead Of Time During The Live Broadcast

Chapter 188 Taoist Wuhuang Reappears! (Kneeling To Subscribe)

"Damn it, where did this idiot come from? It's a sand sculpture, even the Great Demon King Ye dares to masturbate?"

Seeing a fool, the blood vine demon thought to himself, he believed 10,000% that Ye Yun had more cards in his hole.

Not far away, the ginseng spirit twisted off the heads of the two big demon emperors, nodded in sympathy, and cast a sympathetic look.

In addition, the toad monster, the Yuanyin spirit snake, and the twelve tomb-suppressing mixed-race beasts have similar expressions.

That pair of eyes seems to be saying: Strong man, don't be so anxious to find death, right?


Chishui Demon Lord's triumphant laughter stopped abruptly. He thought that his sneak attack would panic the opponent's camp, and the man of the human race would be scared to death.

In the end, he saw this touching picture of "seeing a fool".

Matt, something is wrong!


Chishui Demon Lord instinctively stopped, turned quickly and retreated crazily, Tian Cheng!

On the other side, Yanmo Yaozun was dumbfounded, and his veins popped out of anger.

Labor and capital are desperately trying to block the two innate killers, your second child, give me a drift?

However, he hadn't waited for him to growl and scold.


The impact sound and explosion resounded through the void, and the void in front of the Chishui Demon Lord was shattered inch by inch, and even the long black river of time and space was lifted to reveal avenues of black light.

Impressively, it was a black-purple sky-reaching arm that penetrated the void and collapsed the void!

"Oh, escaped?"

In the Shattered Void, there was a voice that was neither salty nor dull.

Joking, playfulness, and a strong sense of sarcasm over the top!


In this scene, those who were fighting and fighting on the scene were so shocked that their hearts blocked their throats.

In the live broadcast room, countless viewers opened their o-shaped mouths and their eyes protruded.

mercury mine

Liantian Crocodile's whole body exploded, its eyes were wide open, and it was filled with the expression of a fierce ghost day.

The rest of the giants in the restricted area, the most legendary and peerless powerhouses of the human race, all stood in shock.

Even in the two holy places of Kunlun Wonderland, all the elders' heads were blank.

What the hell!

In Ye Yun's hand, there is a more fierce thug?!


The void was torn apart like a thin layer of rice paper, and the dark passage inside was suddenly filled with purple and gold light.

The sky-reaching black-purple arm shrank rapidly, and finally, a giant with a black-purple complexion and red-haired exploding head stood between the sky and the earth.

"Old slave Wuhuang, pay homage to the master~]."

Taoist Wuhuang knelt in the air facing Ye Yun on one knee, his head bowed reverently, and his eyes were closed.


This sound of the master completely confirmed Ye Yun's backhand. Countless strong men on and off the field, except for the blood vine demon who shrank his neck, all of them petrified collectively, and their minds were stuck.

"Well, Wu Huang, go help Yuan Yi and clean up as soon as possible."

Ye Yun said indifferently.

"Yes, master."

Taoist Wuhuang grinned, and the charming young man turned his head sideways, full of domineering disdain for the world.

He tilted his head and looked at the Four-tusk White Elephant Demon, with a strong sense of ridicule, which made the latter's hair stand on end in fright.


He stepped forward, leaping at the speed of light.

A big slap was slapped, and the Chishui Demon Lord, who had already retreated repeatedly, had no choice but to bite the bullet and resist by roaring.


Not surprisingly, the majestic Generation Unrivaled Demon Venerable was shot flying out, spurting blood, and the space was blown up.

This scene is extremely visually subversive, and countless people's scalps are numb!

In fact, Taoist Wuhuang had already woken up two days ago, because the blood vine demon and ginseng spirit's divine blood was extremely strong, so Taoist Wuhuang broke through the half-step King Zun Realm one after another, and directly recovered to the middle stage of Mahayana Realm!

In addition to the ten evil Buddha relics tonic just now, it is difficult for Ye Yun to guess at what stage Wuhuang Taoist's realm has reached.

But it is very clear that it is too easy to hang and beat the two big demons.


Over there, Taoist Wuhuang is purely like a cat playing with a mouse. No matter how fast Chishui Demon Venerable fled, or wherever he fled, he would catch up with him in one step, and then slapped him with a big flat a. The elephant demon suspects the demon life.

On this side, many of the battlefields of the two armies were dumbfounded, especially the demons in the demon cave began to tremble.

In their eyes, the unrivaled demon is like an immature kid, being hung up and beaten by the opponent in various tricks?

The Flame Demon Lord swallowed heavily, and he was terrified.

In the eyes, there was no strategizing and controlling everything half a quarter of an hour ago, the shock and horror continued to grow, and there was a deep fear of the extremely mysterious Ye Yun.

"..How dare you lose your mind in front of me?"

Yuan Yi sneered.

Picking up the baseball bat, swinging a big windmill, blasting the hundreds of feet long golden giant lion of Yanmo Yaozun out.


The giant golden lion coughed up blood, panicked and lost all confidence, and wanted to run away, not wanting to fight any more.

"Escape, can you escape?"

Yuan Yi said indifferently, and immediately shrunk to an inch, chasing after him fiercely.

So far, the tide of battle has been completely reversed!

The two great Demon Lords, under the pursuit of the two giants in the restricted area, can only fight and retreat for their lives.

As for the Wan Yao Kingdom side, their aura was soaring, and everyone was as excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood, with a combat power of 200%, suppressing the army of the Demon Cave.

"Damn it, I knew it, the big idiot must have woken up!"

The blood vine demon cursed badly, seeing Taoist Wu Huang (Nuo Qian Zhao) forcefully, and released the latter's ten tubes of blood, it's so embarrassing.

The ginseng essence, the toad monster, etc. saw the extremely domineering Taoist Wuhuang for the first time, and they were so shocked that they swallowed it.

As for the live broadcast room, simply 6666, it's awesome, hang up and go to refresh the screen.

[I'll go, no wonder Brother Yun is so aggressive, with such an awesome gold medal fighter, it's like walking sideways. 】

【Taoist Wuhuang? Hey, look at Xiao Tengzi's reaction, it seems that he has known Taoist Wuhuang for a long time, but why didn't we watch Taoist Wuhuang in the previous live broadcast?】

[Hey, the real details upstairs are really true, how did Taoist Wuhuang get the melons, hahaha, look, our little vine monster's face is green. 】

【Hahahaha, seek the truth, seek the truth, seek the truth! Brother Yun, is it okay if you don’t explain it?】

In the audience comment area, it's time to watch a big show. .

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