Horror Recovery: I Destroyed The Restricted Area Ahead Of Time During The Live Broadcast

Chapter 192 Wutian Buddha Realm, Black Rakshasa! (Seeking Subscription)


The pulling sound of the road chains became louder and more frequent, and at the same time, the sealed door also began to hum and tremble.

Outside the live broadcast room, countless viewers were startled and looked over in unison.

I saw that the sealed door was flickering from light to dark, and the inscription runes sealed on it spontaneously ignited like white phosphorus, and the burning speed and area of ​​diffusion spread very quickly.

The sealed dao symbol on the avenue chain also receded at a speed visible to the naked eye because of the struggle inside.


Finally, the sealed gate opened a crack in the dark abyss. In terms of proportion, it was very small, but in real distance, it was fully hundreds of thousands of feet wide.

"Two seven three" grunt!

In the next moment, a frighteningly huge blood-red vertical pupil was seen from the crack in the abyss, like a giant beast outside the universe, peeping into this world.

Terrifying, shocking, shocking, terrifying!

Just looking at each other curiously, the first reaction of countless viewers was like falling into an ice cellar, an unprecedented extreme cold covering the whole body, whipping the source of the soul.


Ye Yun uttered the divine voice, cutting off the great terror inside and frightening the soul behind the live broadcast room.

"Drink---huh, huh huh~"

At this time, most of the online viewers, who had soared to 2.1 billion, were gasping for breath in fear and greed, and still had lingering fears.

【My, my god, just now, what level of monster was that just now? Holy Master, just now the two great Demon Lords called the existence inside it Holy Master?】

【Phew, I escaped life and death. To be honest, this old man is a strong Nascent Soul Realm, but at that moment just now, I couldn't control myself. It seemed that there was an irresistible spiritual force that captured my soul. 】

[Upstairs, you are not alone, Ma De, it is too scary, is that the legendary mental power attack? I almost lost my mind through Brother Yun's live broadcast. 】

In the live broadcast room, the active people were all terrified.

--"It's you?!"

Behind the sealed gate, the huge blood-colored vertical pupil looked at Ye Yun and shrank slightly.

Not long ago, he slaughtered the pawns he had left in the world several times, and forced himself to back down with the five-fang ghost emperor death curse.

Now, he actually appeared in front of his eyes majestically?

"Hahahaha, interesting and interesting, after 30 million years, Blue Star has completely changed, with your outfit, I can leave you a whole body."


After finishing speaking, the terrifying aura burst out suddenly, and the incomparable darkness was like a bottomless abyss.

Even with the barrier of the sealing gate, wisps of dark divine light still shot out, trying to imprison the void and kill Ye Yun.


However, there were two figures who blocked the front first and shot together.

Taoist Wuhuang materialized in an instant, and struck out with a palm, calming down the restless and fragmented space, but the palm was kept shaking.

On the other side, Yuan Yi also made a strong move, displaying the eight-armed arhat supernatural power, blasting out countless palms, and defeating the dark divine light one after another.

so strong!

At this moment, Taoist and Yuan Yi looked different.

The other party is... a reincarnation!

In an instant, both of them thought of this possibility, and the turbulent waves in their hearts became even more intense.

"Oh, you are also reincarnated? No, there are those two little guys?"

"Hahahaha, I really didn't expect that just when I was about to be born, I met four reincarnations?"

Suddenly, the dark giant inside laughed with a strange and difficult language.

This time, Taoist Wu Huang, Yuan Yi, had an ashen-colored face, and Ye Yun was also moved by it.

As for the blood vine demon and ginseng essence, Yu Wenwen was so frightened that he was in a daze.

The eyes that looked at each other asked each other: What is a reincarnation? Are they reincarnation?

This strange language is the unique Dao voice of the reincarnation, and it is also one of the means for them to deceive the sky when they are weak..

In other words, the reincarnated person who had to use a strange voice to talk about the topic of the reincarnated person is a dark giant after being judged by God.

They are still in the weak stage!

"Oh, so you haven't recovered to your peak yet, so where did you get your confidence?"

"Surrender to me, or I will break your limbs and send you off."

Ye Yun responded with sharp tongue and sharp tongue.

Inside, fell into silence.

Taoist Wuhuang was all moved.

After getting along for so long, they naturally know that their master is so calm and has something to rely on.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was ignorant of the previous deceitful words, but only some dark giants at the forbidden zone level understood, and their eyes shone slightly.

The last two sentences, Ye Yun uttered in normal words, more or less ignited a small climax.

Many viewers simply made a noise, yelling that the anchor would blow up the other party's words.

"Hahahaha, okay, Zizizi!"

"Sakyamuni deceived me back then. Buddhism and Taoism joined forces to seal me here. Today, you, a brat, dare to speak nonsense here. It's ridiculous, hahahaha 2.7."

The dark beings laughed.


The sealing gate trembled violently, and the irreversible sealing runes burned out at an increasing speed.

In an instant, the sealed door opened several million feet wide, and the ultimate monster inside finally revealed half of its face.

He has blue-black skin, four fangs on top and bottom, and fluffy and messy hair, but he is horrified to see that every hair is covered with various skulls.

"Shakyamuni lied to you? Hehe, you really put gold on your face. Oh, that's right. At that time, Shakyamuni hadn't yet attained Nirvana and became the Great Sun Tathagata."

"Is that right, Black Rakshasa, or Lord Rakshasa?"

Ye Yun said lightly, seeing through at a glance that it was not a human being. .

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