Horror Recovery: I Destroyed The Restricted Area Ahead Of Time During The Live Broadcast

Chapter 193 Mahayana Realm, King Zun Level! (Seeking Subscription)

Identity: Wutian Buddha Realm, Rakshasa Lord

Appearance: Green face, three-eyed bull-headed body

Race: Rakshasa, one of the highest ghost races

Status: One of the eight guardians of Wutian Buddha Realm

Gender:??? (Raksha body male and female can be changed)

Repair level: ??? (unknown after reincarnation)

Big event: More than 3,000 years ago, he failed to gamble with Sakyamuni, and later refused to admit it. He was jointly suppressed by Buddhism and Taoism, and exiled to the void.

The audience looked at the popular science content in the information area and savored the melon carefully, many of them enjoyed themselves.

【6666, Wutian Buddha World, Wutian Buddha, are these all true? Why do I feel that the anchor is talking nonsense in a serious manner?】

【Pfft, hahaha, I have the same feeling. Isn’t this a stalk of Journey to the West? And Black Rakshasa is another movie version, right? I went to the wrong set?】

【Tsk tsk tsk, the Valkyrie of the end of the next door, and the sixth day demon king Bo Xun have all made it. Isn't the domestic black Rakshasa not enough, although it is not qualified enough? 11】

【Hey hey hey, don't let you slander Yun big brother, Yun big brother will definitely not lie to us, and everyone has seen that the big monster inside is exactly as described. 】

[Hehehe, capture the honest girl upstairs alive, everyone, let's go. 】

Lord Rakshasa?!

Many giants in the restricted area don't know why, but the existence of Wutian Buddha Realm makes them like thunder.

Even Sky Alligator once boasted that he had slaughtered many Buddhas, but given him ten thousand courage, he would not dare to enter Wutian Buddha Realm to hunt.

Because the Buddha there is a real Buddha, comparable to a terrifying existence above a real fairy.

As for...one of the Eight Great Guardians?

Naturally, it is equal to the Buddha level of Wutian Buddha Realm.

The alligator, the ice demon dragon, the giant kun king, the golden armored corpse king, and many peerless powerhouses all held their breath.


However, the reincarnated people who have not yet recovered to their peak are also the supreme tonic for giants like them who have suffered injuries from the Great Dao.

on the battlefield

Hei Luosha paused again, half of his face was gloomy, and his face was frosty.

"Hahahaha, hahahaha, good, good!

Then, he burst out laughing.


Immediately, take the lead.

The big crack in the sealing door is enough for him to poke out his sky-reaching black arm.

A black claw hand with a thickness of two million feet and a length of more than twenty million feet penetrated the seal and disintegrated the light of immortals and Buddhas blocked by the sealed gate.

"Ghost strike!"

"Eight-armed Buddha!"

Taoist Wu Huang and Yuan Yi fought with high spirits, and also erupted with the strongest strength.


A huge phantom, also supporting the sky, stood behind Taoist Wuhuang, and punched it out. His dharma body looks like an ancient god revived from ancient times, and also like a ghost looking down on the world.

Yuan Yi's blood of the Nether Race is also mobilizing, and he is like a demon god descending, behind him is also a phantom figure, his eyes are round and his arms are wide open, making people hairy.

The violent explosion storm formed circles of shock waves visible to the naked eye, sweeping in all directions, shattering the void layer by layer.

At this moment, the two gold-medal thugs joined forces and finally resisted the black arm of the black Luosha.

"Red-haired purple ghost clan? Nether clan?"

Black Raksha was surprised.

The two supreme ghost races and demon races are on par with his Raksha clan, and they are all first-class transcendental races in the heavens and myriad worlds.

Now, actually following a human brat?

"Hehe, it's a great shame that the majestic supreme bloodline actually surrenders to the blood-eating human race."

"Since you don't want dignity, then I will completely destroy you.

Black Raksha coldly reprimanded, and continued to attack.

This time, he clenched his five fingers into a fist, and it was no longer a flat blow, but contained the profound meaning of the Mahayana realm.

"The world is black and evil!"


With one punch, the sun, the moon, and the stars all rotated and moved, surpassing the constraints of time and space, reaching the speed of light leap.

"Ghost Yuan Second Style, Suotian!"

Taoist Wu Huang's face became more serious, and he shouted.

"Eight-armed Buddha Profound Truth, Heavenly Tu!"

Yuan Yi also shot with all his strength, and he, who was relatively weak, forced his recovery.


This big collision finally separated the high and low.

Daoist Wuhuang, who was at the peak of the Mahayana realm, and Yuan Yi, who had recovered to the late stage of the Mahayana realm, still fell into a disadvantage.

The bodies of both of them were shaking violently, and the two retreated again and again, their fists tingling.

"Hey, can you still block my blow?"

It was rare for Black Rakshasa to show praise, but he grinned.

Immediately afterwards, even more torrential black air surged and turned into countless mighty hands, trying to break open the seal gate.

At the same time, ghostly skulls and skulls appeared one after another on his exposed black arm, and in an instant, a terrifying arm composed of ten twists and countless skulls emerged.

As soon as the bone knife is released, ghosts and gods weep in shock, as if ten thousand demons are howling, and it is also like ten thousand ghosts crying, which is easy to tear people's liver and gallbladder.

All the strong monsters of the Wan Yao Kingdom, all of them face like gold paper, felt the great terror of death.

The Blood Vine Demon and Ginseng Essence also trembled with their jaws trembling and their legs went limp in this terrifying aura that would destroy the world.

"This this

The two gold-medal fighters were shocked, their eyes brightened.

At the moment when countless people and monsters were almost desperate, Ye Yun picked up a baseball bat and took a close-up of his head with a cigarette in his mouth.

next second

The aura in his body soared wildly, and the vast and boundless arrogance formed a golden avenue of time and space, which was better than the domineering appearance that spanned the entire world.


In the end, Ye Yun's soaring aura broke through the shackles of the checkpoint and climbed crazily again.

Mahayana realm!

Early days of Mahayana~

Mahayana middle stage~

Until, staying in the late stage of the big crisis!.

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