
Witnessing the battle of Super King Zunjing with their own eyes, the audience was short of breath and their hearts were in their throats.

During this period, some masters of the God Transformation Realm bubbled up, saying that their spiritual power was sniped and their souls were almost annihilated. Fortunately, Ye Yun blocked the mental storm released by the opposite side.

[Brother Yun is amazing, in front of Brother Yun, my little brother from Cao County didn't dare to brag, he was so impressed. 】

【Holy shit, another three shots of the mighty dragons in a row, oh my god, there are at least two hundred of them, and each of them has the fighting power of a king?】

[6666, Brother Yun's melons are always available, always fresh and sweet enough, the main reason is the unlimited stamina hooking mode, anyone who encounters them will have a headache. 】

【Really 6, this Dawei Tianlong, Brother Yun is even more cool than the Fa Hai World Honored One, it’s really crazy, I shave my head now, is there still time?】

["Zero Four Three" come, shave your head and become a monk, don't be cowardly, brother! 】

After the shock, the audience began to swipe the screen to joke again.


A row of two hundred and sixteen golden dragons lined up with great momentum, and the unrivaled power of the dragon erupted shocked the audience.


Hei Luosha's expression froze, and after the shock, he finally revealed a dignified expression.

Just now, he was still breaking free from the shackles of the Dao chain, so the other party used the Wufang Ghost Emperor Rebirth Curse, forcing him to give up part of the puppets and Buddha bone relics.

However, he still didn't take it seriously, the evil Buddha puppet was just a bigger ant in his eyes.

But now that he was fighting head-on, he made several moves in succession, but was blocked by the opponent?

Unleashing more than two hundred king-level big moves in one go, what the hell, is there such an unrealistic supernatural power?


More than 200 golden dragons shone golden all over their bodies, and their scales and armor shone brightly, forming a piece of golden king yang.

Moments later, the golden dragons merged and reorganized, and they merged into an unrivaled golden dragon, which was extremely shocking.


Now, with the terrifying power of the dragon, Hei Luosha was no longer calm, and roared in fright.


The golden dragon roared out, carrying the invincible might of a real dragon, charged forward, and it was almost the same as the millions of feet long black arm reaching the sky.

"What about dragons? I haven't killed enough dragons, not to mention the mere arrogance golden dragon!"

"Profound Truth. Fist of True Solution!"

The black rakshasa roared, and the whole body erupted with ghost energy, and the black light swallowed the light and absorbed the void.

Even the sealing rune of the sealing gate was once again accelerated by the dark ghost energy while it was disintegrating and burning.


The violent collision caused the void to tremble and crumble.

The vast White Fox Continent was blasted into countless fragments by the shock wave of the explosion. On the Sky Island Continent, countless mountains collapsed and cracked, and rivers flooded.

The rest of the Monster Race army had long been far away from the center of the vortex of the battle, but they still witnessed the terrifying shock wave storm, and they were so frightened that they breathed heavily.

Bai Suzhen and Bai Feifan, the two great demon lords, their three views have long been subverted.

Is it invincible after breaking through Wang Zun?

However, in front of the eyes, the gap between Wang Zun also exists like the difference between bright moon and firefly, cloud and mud.

This strangely dressed human race man was terrified.

Rumble rumble~

After a while, the shock storm of the big bang finally dissipated.

The golden dragon has long since disappeared, annihilated in the world;

As for Tongtianhei's arm, it was also battered to blood, and its broken bones were severely distorted and deformed.

This move collides, and it seems to be evenly divided, but it is obvious that Ye Yun is better.

"Oh, can't this break your turtle's shell?"

Ye Yun pinched his chin, looking helpless.


Black Raksha's forehead was sweating from the pain, and hearing Ye Yun's complaints, his forehead and face turned black.

"Human, you have completely pissed me off!"

As a super boss who was reincarnated and rebuilt, how could he be laughed at like this.


He let out a dull thunderous shout, the roar of thunder and fire from hell, and the form of Demon Buddha reappeared.


His twisted and deformed ghost hand was blown into a blood mist by his ghost energy. There was a long sound of deep drinking, and a bang of bone cracking. His severed arm was reborn, only a little bit darker in black and blue.

At the same time, his severed arm exploded into a blood mist and merged into the body of an evil Shura Demon Buddha, which actually opened up the second level of mutation.

As if, they all turned into the posture of King Shura with three heads and six arms.

What's more, countless Shura kings began to merge, smelting into an evil Shura king who looked down on the world!

"Human ants, die!"

Black Raksha was furious, inside the sealed gate, the pulling of the road chain made a sound of grinding flesh and bones, even though Black Raksha suffered from the pain of the road chain, he still wanted to break free quickly and "crushed the ants in front of him to death.


Ye Yun pouted.

Immediately after imitating the practice, he clasped his hands together and made eleven obeisances, offering the four-color relic of Fa Hai's wrathful incarnation and reciting the six-character mantra at the same time.

"World Honored One Ksitigarbha, Om Mani Padme Hum, the Buddha's light shines everywhere, and the golden body is not broken!"

Om Om Om Om ~

Immediately, the sound of the Buddha lit up the sky, and the double shadows of the Buddha's light rose from the ground. A golden Buddha sitting on the lotus platform pierced through time and space, as if descending from the real Buddha world.

On the one hand, there is the evil Shura King who came from the ghosts of purgatory, and his demonic power is overwhelming.

On the one hand, it is the golden Buddha who spans the world of true Buddhas, and the Dharma is boundless.

Boom -- rumbling

The two sides collide with magic power and Buddhism, and the darkness and light confront each other.

However, at the moment when the heaven and the earth collided,

Surprise Appears!


In the camp of the monster clan army, a white fox demon king who had transformed into a god suddenly erupted with terrifying power of the same level.

"The technique locks the world, draws the ground as a prison, shrinks the ground into an inch,!"

The white fox demon emperor uttered Taoist terminology and uttered a strange spell.


All those below the king level were all immobilized in body and soul on the spot.

Those above Wang Zun were also oppressed by the mighty power of heaven and earth, and they were instantly burdened hundreds of millions of times, and their actions were greatly prohibited and restricted.

Even if it is as strong as Taoist Wu Huang and Yuan Yi, it is still limited by the sky.


Countless demons were shocked, and countless people hadn't reacted for a moment.

The white fox demon king, who erupted with a strange and terrifying power, had already appeared between the evil Shura king and the golden Buddha, revealing his long-awaited and crazy grin.

"These two forces are mine!"

The "White Fox Demon Emperor" laughed wantonly, and was about to make a move, trying to swallow up the profound power of the extreme demon and the extremely Buddha.

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