Horror Recovery: I Destroyed The Restricted Area Ahead Of Time During The Live Broadcast

Chapter 196 How Dare A Little Virtual Ghost Dare To Be Presumptuous?

"Hahahaha, it's finally here, a pure demon Buddha fellow practitioner, two extreme powers!"

"It's been more than a million years, Baga, I'm going crazy, I finally waited, hahahaha!"

The "White Fox" demon emperor laughed excitedly, without any compulsion.

In fact, he was originally an extremely powerful existence, and he has been hiding until now, and has been trapped in this monster for more than one million years.

Now, Fa Hai's golden body is indestructible, and Black Raksha's evil Shura King mode is starting to pk with all his strength, he finally waited for the opportunity.

Time and space are imprisoned and rules are locked.

At this time, Ye Yun and Hei Luosha were the first to bear the brunt, they were both still in mid-air.

"not good!"

"The power of rules?"

Taoist Wu Huang and Yuan Yi suddenly changed their expressions.

The opponent's tyrannical aura already had the late stage of the Mahayana realm, and with the addition of the weird seal spell, even the peak of the Mahayana realm was imprisoned.

They want to save the field, however, the confinement of the void is higher than the Mahayana realm, and belongs to the level of "Holy Lord".

Only... sublimation!


Just as Yuan Yi was about to go all out to sublimate, Ye Yun's spiritual thought sound transmission came from their minds.


Daoist Wu Huang and Yuan Yi were stunned, and immediately showed strange looks, and even looked at the maniacally laughing figure, and expressed sympathy.

Black Rakshasa's eyes were fixed, looking at the guy who jumped out suddenly.

"The power of the Demon Buddha belongs to me, Vermilion Bird!"

The "White Fox Demon Emperor" burst out with red flames all over his body, was reborn from the ashes, and changed back to his original form in the blink of an eye.

With red hair, in his early thirties, he is full of confidence and arrogance.

Bai Feifan and Bai Suzhen's expressions suddenly changed!

What surprised Bai Feifan was that among his descendants of the white fox lineage, a terrifying King Zunjing was actually taken over.

Bai Suzhen's expression changed, but it was full of doubts and a hidden coolness.

That feeling is familiar!


Black Rakshasa is not used to the mysterious powerhouse who calls himself Vermilion Bird.

The evil Shura King's three heads and six arms moved in unison, and nine jet-black eyes shot out a strong black light.


A huge slap came cleanly!


Vermilion Bird's expression changed drastically, he who hastily resisted, naturally couldn't block the terrifying blow of the evil Shura King, and was slapped flying away.

"Cough cough cough~!!"

Vermilion Bird coughed up blood, his eyes were wide open, full of horror.


Not daring to think too much, he immediately exploded with all his strength, retreated wildly, and realized that the great terror was coming.

"Hmph! Little ghost, dare to be presumptuous?"

Black Rakshasa didn't intend to let the other party go.


The two huge palms struck out again, exploding the so-called confinement void, like an ancient sacred mountain hitting the past.


Vermilion Bird looked terrified.

Black Rakshasa, didn't the Cup Body Forbidden God Mantra stay in place?!

"Roar—the fire of purification!"

He hissed and roared, and the red and transparent flames all over his body were blazing, like a flaming bird born out of the world, carrying strong firepower.

It's just that, at the late stage of the Mahayana realm, he is a scum in front of the black Raksha.

The first palm extinguished the Flamingo and the blood-colored transparent flame; the second palm slapped firmly on the opponent's body, exploding a circle of blood mist, which almost exploded the opponent.


Ye Yun murmured and finally had to light a cigarette to watch the play.

Originally, he wanted to play cat and mouse, and slap the other party awake when he was most proud.

Unexpectedly, Hei Luosha's temper became even more violent, and he woke up the other party directly.

"No, it's impossible! You, you!"

Vermilion Bird was completely terrified, coughing up blood with broken internal organs, as if feeling burning.

He clearly used a taboo spell above the Mahayana realm, but it didn't work?

and many more,

The other party said just now that little ghosts dare to be presumptuous?

Vermilion Bird's mentality exploded.

"What are you, a hide-and-seek rat?"

Black Raksha spotted this soft persimmon, and called out the evil Shura King again, slap after slap, and slap again.

bang bang bang!

The screen is simply a one-sided beating, and the audience in the live broadcast room are collectively stunned.

[I'm going, where did this idiot come from? What was he clamoring for just now? He said that he had planned for more than one million years just to wait to absorb the power of the Buddha of the World Honored One Fa Hai and the power of the devil of the Black Rakshasa ?】

【Hahahaha, damn it, I saw him screaming so fiercely just now, I thought he was awesome, but it turned out that he was really awesome, and now he is being hammered by the black Luosha. 】

[I'll go, is the level nine Xia Wen upstairs? Xia Wen is really terrific in every word, profound and profound. This can be mentioned as awesome, awesome. 】

[However, why do I feel that there is some ulterior secret here, or is it a big melon? After all, there must be a problem after waiting for more than one million years. 】

【6666, I also think that judging by his posture, he is still well-prepared. Just now, Boss Wu Huang and Boss Yuan were greatly restricted in their actions. This guy definitely came with a big purpose. 】

[Brother Yun, I want to eat melons, I want to eat melons, seek the truth, seek the truth. 】

Seeing the booing in the live broadcast room, Ye Yun didn't bother to watch Hei Luosha's hanging and beating to warm up.

Explain the truth that I have figured out a long time ago: ".. shikigami, that thing is the shikigami of the Red Sun Kingdom, similar to the soul body of a monster. But it has a contract and the like attached.

"One thousand and one hundred years ago, Fa Hai invited Bai Suzhen to call on the demon clan to suppress the evil spirits, but to be honest, Fa Hai told me just now, and he also wondered when his appeal was so great."

"So, he guessed that before he invited Bai Suzhen, there was a black hand behind the scenes to guide the demon clan. And this, Green Snake told me two interesting things last night, both about Xu Xian."

"Xu Xian met Bai Suzhen by chance in Qingcheng Mountain, and invited Bai Suzhen to play in (Let's Zhao Hao) West Lake, and fell in love with the Broken Bridge of West Lake. The second thing, before Fa Hai Longhu Mountain and the monsters entered the evil place, Xu Xian went to the green snake and said , Leifeng Pagoda and his party were a scam, but afterwards Xu Xian said that he never came to look for Green Snake, and Green Snake was so angry that he made a big disturbance at Jinshan Temple and flooded Zhenjiang.

"These two things, together with Fa Hai's words, and everything I've seen since the live broadcast, I believe everyone understands it.

"Among the fierce calculations of demons and demons, there is another force hidden behind the scenes, that is the Anbei family of the Red Sun Kingdom. Back then, they used shikigami to control Xu Xian. Well, it is this Vermilion Bird. If you have to do it If there is a wave of hammering, everyone will look at this sub-camera again."

After the words fell, Ye Yun posted the video of Yuan Er destroying Anbei Jinxiong and a group of undead monsters, and posted a small split shot of the live broadcast room.


Now, the whole world is in an uproar, the Buddhist and Taoist sects of Xia Kingdom, and even the monster race are collectively furious!

It turns out that the Anbei family is a ghost!.

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